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Chemical Sampling Information
Methyl Isocyanate
 Field Definitions
 Analytical Methods
General Description

NAME: Methyl Isocyanate

SYNONYM(s): MIC; Isocyanatomethane

IMIS: 1773

CAS: 624-83-9

NIOSH: RTECS NQ9450000; 44212

DOT: UN2480 Poison, Flammable Liquid


Clear liquid.
MW: 57.05
BP: 59.6 C
VP: 348 mm
MP: <-80 C

INCOM: Water, rapid reaction in presence of acid, alkali, amine; iron, tin, copper, their salts, other catalystsp

Exposure Limits

OSHA GENERAL INDUSTRY PEL: 0.02 ppm, 0.05 mg/m3 (Skin)

OSHA CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY PEL: 0.02 ppm, 0.05 mg/m3 TWA (Skin)

ACGIH TLV: 0.02 ppm, 0.047 mg/m3 TWA (Skin)

NIOSH REL: 0.02 ppm TWA (Skin)

Health Factors

SYMPTOM(s): Eye, nose, throat irritation; coughing, secretions, chest pain, dyspnea, asthma; eye, skin injury; In animals: pulmonary edema

HEALTH EFFECTS: Asthma (HE9); Lung edema (HE11) Irritation-Eye, Nose, Throat, Skin---Marked (HE14)

ORGAN: Respiratory system, eyes, skin



MEDIA: Coated XAD-7 Tube. Coating is 0.3 mg 1-(2-Pyridyl)Piperazine.
ANL SOLVENT: Acetonitrile
MAX V: 15 Liters   MAX F: 0.05 L/min
ANL 1: High Performance Liquid Chromatography; HPLC/UV/FLU
REF: 2 (OSHA 54)
SAE: 0.13
CLASS: Fully Validated
NOTE: OSHA personnel may obtain sample tubes from SLTC. Sampling tubes should be stored under refrigeration.

COND: Acetonitrile desorption; Zorbax CN; 20%-25% acetonitrile 75% - 80% water (with 1.54 g ammonium acetate per liter); adjust pH to 5.1-6.5 with acetic acid; 1 mL/min; UV = 254; ex 240 nm; em 370; Retention time, 7.5-11 min; DL 0.15 ng/inj; C/P DB/DL 1/85


DEVICE: Instrumentation COMPANY: Infrared Spectrophotometer
PART #: MIRAN 1A & 1B RANGE: 0.1 ppm @ 4.4 um
DEVICE: Instrumentation COMPANY: PID
PART #: Photoionization Detector

Revision Date: 08/24/1992
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