A r c h i v e d  I n f o r m a t i o n

Family Involvement in Children's Education - October 1997

Appendix D

Resources for Building Successful Partnerships

The following resources include:
  1. Parent Information and Resource Centers supported by the Goals 2000: Educate America Act;

  2. U.S. Department of Education (ED)-sponsored Comprehensive Regional Assistance Centers that offer assistance with school reform efforts;

  3. ED-sponsored Regional Education Laboratories, including Laboratory publications and research projects related to parent involvement;

  4. ED-sponsored Research and Development Centers that offer reports on studies of parent involvement;

  5. Educational Resources and Information Center (ERIC) general and clearinghouse information related to school-family partnerships;

  6. Other publications that profile innovative or effective parent involvement programs or that offer guidance on how to develop them; and

  7. ED's Partnership for Family Involvement in Education.

[Appendix C] [Table of Contents] [Parent Information and Resource Centers: FY 1995 Goals 2000 Grantees ]