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4-H Seeks Youth Working in Science, Engineering & Technology

Are you a 4-H'er working on projects in environmental science, robotics, rocketry, GIS/GPS systems, animal science and more? National 4-H Council is looking for 4-H members to feature in an upcoming promotion. Take a moment to fill out a short 10-minute survey!

Click here to access the survey or to learn more about the 4-H Science, Engineering & Technology (4-H SET) program.

On October 8th, the 4-H Youth Development Program launched the first annual 4-H National Youth Science Day to help build America's future science, engineering, and technology workforce.
The National Science Experiment, the designated science activity of 4-H National Youth Science Day, was performed nationwide and focused on the environment by using science principles to teach youth across the country about the importance of water conservation. Youth nationwide are still conducting the experiment throughout the month of October.
Click here to learn more or find out how your 4-H club, classroom or youth organization can participate.


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