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 You are in: Under Secretary for Political Affairs > Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs > Countries and Other Areas > Korea, North > Remarks 
Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs
Countries and Other Areas
Korea, North


--07/28/05  Interview on The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Washington, DC
--06/14/05  Dealing With North Korea's Nuclear Programs; Christopher R. Hill, Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs; Statement to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee; Washington, DC
--05/17/05  The Bush Administration's Second-Term Foreign Policy Toward East Asia; Evans J.R. Revere, Acting Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs; Remarks to Center for Strategic International Studies (CSIS) Conference; Washington, DC
--05/02/05  Evolution of the U.S.-Korea Alliance and the Future of Northeast Asia;  Evans J.R. Revere, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs; Remarks at the Korean Economic Institute; Washington, DC
--03/11/05  Challenges and Opportunities in North Korea; Evans J. R. Revere, Acting Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs; Remarks at The Brookings Institution; Washington, DC
--03/10/05  Six-Party Talks and China's Role as an Intermediary in the Process; Joseph E. DeTrani, Special Envoy for Six-Party Talks; Remarks to U.S.-China Economic Security Review Commission; Washington, DC
--02/10/05  Interview With Rick Nieman of RTL TV of the Netherlands; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
--02/10/05  Press Roundtable with Japanese Media; John R. Bolton, Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security; U.S. Embassy; Tokyo, Japan

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