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Laser Hazards Laser Hazards
Hazard Recognition

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Construction For information related to construction, see OSHA's Laser Hazards - Construction page.
The following references aid in recognizing laser hazards in the workplace.
  • Non-Ionizing Radiation Presentations. OSHA Slide Presentations.
    • Non-Ionizing Radiation: Standards and Regulations. (2002), 10 MB PPT*, 141 slides.
    • Introduction to Laser Safety. (2001), 8 MB PPT*, 48 slides.
  • OSHA Technical Manual (OTM). OSHA Directive TED 01-00-015 [TED 1-0.15A], (1999, January 20).
    • Laser Hazards. Provides information to assist industrial hygienists in the assessment of work sites for potential laser hazards. Provides information on biological effects, hazard classifications, investigation guidelines, control measures, and safety programs.
      • Warning Signs. Provides a few examples of warning signs that may be used to alert workers of potential laser hazards.
    • FDA/CDRH Federal Product Performance Standard Evaluation Outline. Provides a checklist for evaluating lasers. Regulatory references are included for each checklist item.
    • Hospital Investigations: Health Hazards. Contains information that will assist in the recognition and evaluation of laser hazards within hospitals. Describes lasers as a potential hazard in the hospital environment and identifies areas to investigate.
    • Physical Agents. Identifies the acute effects of laser exposure and states that chronic effects are unknown.
  • Hazard of Laser Surgery Smoke. OSHA Hazard Information Bulletin (HIB), (1988, April 11). Links potential airborne biological hazards with the use of lasers during surgery.
  • Laser/Electrosurgery Plume. OSHA Safety and Health Topics Page.
  • Non-Ionizing Radiation. OSHA Safety and Health Topics Page.
  • Laser Safety in Underground Coal Mines. National Institute for Safety and Health (NIOSH). Evaluates the relative risks associated with lasers and ignition hazards within coal mines.
  • Laser Safety Information Bulletin. Laser Institute of America (LIA). Covers concerns and issues related to laser safety for the new laser user.
*These files are provided for downloading.
 Safety and
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  Laser Hazards
  Hazard Recognition
  Possible Solutions
Content Reviewed 10/01/2008

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Page last updated: 10/06/2008