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DOJ Seal

FY2004 Budget Summary

General Legal Activities
Salaries and Expenses

Analysis of $20,047 Thousand Increase
(Dollars in Thousands)

  Pos. FTE Amount Pos. FTE Amount Pos. FTE Amount Pos. FTE Amount Pos. FTE Amount Pos. FTE Amount
2002 Obligations 48 47 $7,245 586 528 $72,006 810 709 $122,583 1,054 949 $179,274 452 495 $71,105 37 32 $4,998
2003 President's Budget Request 48 50 7,706 576 528 75,520 810 822 130,770 1,042 1,063 240,203 444 488 70,814 37 41 5,474
2004 Request 48 50 8,023 571 522 77,852 805 815 135,858 1,084 1,097 235,553 468 496 81,205 37 41 5,715
     Change 2004 from 2003 0 0 317 -5 -6 2,332 -5 -7 5,088 42 34 -4,650 24 8 10,391 ... ... 241

Adjustments to base  
Transfer from RECA Administrative Expenses ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 12 12 1,996 ... ... ... ... ... ...
Increases (non-policy):                                    
     2004 pay raise ... ... 66 ... ... 820 ... ... 1,402 ... ... 1,705 ... ... 748 ... ... 60
     Annualization of 2003 pay raise ... ... 33 ... ... 423 ... ... 675 ... ... 860 ... ... 384 ... ... 36
     Federal Health Insurance Premiums ... ... 16 ... ... 241 ... ... 235 ... ... 399 ... ... 291 ... ... 17
     GSA Rent - Rage Increase ... ... 210 ... ... 540 ... ... 3,639 ... ... ... ... ... 5,356 ... ... 135
     Lease Expirations ... ... ... ... ... 1,082 ... ... ... ... ... 1,723 ... ... 606 ... ... ...
     IPOL Dues ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
          Subtotal, increases (non-policy): ... ... 325 ... ... 3,106 ... ... 5,951 ... ... 4,687 ... ... 7,385 ... ... 248
Decreases (non-policy):                                    
     GSA Rent Decrease ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
          Subtotal, decreases (non-policy): ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
     Total, Adjustments to base ... ... 325 ... ... 3,106 ... ... 5,951 12 12 6,683 ... ... 7,385 ... ... 248
2004 Current Services 48 50 8,031 576 528 78,626 810 822 136,721 1,054 1,075 246,886 444 488 78,199 37 41 5,722
Program Improvements                                    
Corporate Fraud ... ... ... 2 1 220 4 2 374 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Radiation Exposure Compensation Admin ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,000 ... ... ... ... ... ...
Office of Immigration Litigation ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 30 22 3,500 ... ... ...
Tribal Trust ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 20 10 3,060 ... ... ...
Hazardous Materials Transportation ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 12 6 1,128 ... ... ...
IPOL Dues ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...       ... ... ...
Program Reductions ... ... ... -7 -7 -750 -9 -9 -1,000 ... ... ... -8 -8 -839 ... ... ...
Sept. 11 Victims Compensation Admin. Fund ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... -15,300 ... ... ... ... ... ...
Crosscutting Efficiencies ... ... -8 ... ... -244 ... ... -237 ... ... -533 ... ... -343 ... ... -7
     Total, Program Improvements ... ... -8 -5 -6 -774 -5 -7 -863 30 22 -11,333 24 8 3,006 ... ... -7
2004 request 48 50 8,023 571 522 77,852 805 815 135,858 1,084 1,097 235,553 468 496 81,205 37 41 5,715
     Change 2004 from 2003 ... ... 317 -5 -6 2,332 -5 -7 5,088 42 34 -4,650 24 8 10,391 ... ... 241


Pos. FTE Amount Pos. FTE Amount Pos. FTE Amount Pos. FTE Amount Pos. FTE Amount
2002 Obligations 753 717 $100,534 62 66 $8,273 ... ... $9,310 3 $210 3,805 3,543 $575,538
2003 President's Budget Request 753 755 105,099 62 64 9,347 ... ... ... 3 3 366 3,775 3,814 645,299
2004 Request 753 755 109,690 62 64 11,089 ... ... ... 3 3 361 3,831 3,843 665,346
     Change 2004 from 2003 ... ... 4,591 ... ... 1,742 ... ... ... ... ... -5 56 29 20,047

Adjustments to base
Transfer from RECA Administrative Expenses ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 12 12 1,996
Increases (non-policy):
     2004 pay raise ... ... 1,061 ... ... 76 ... ... ... ... ... 4 ... ... 5,942
     Annualization of 2003 pay raise ... ... 528 ... ... 39 ... ... ... ... ... 1 ... ... 2,979
     Federal Health Insurance Premiums ... ... 269 ... ... 26 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,494
     GSA Rent ... ... 2,402 ... ... 275 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 12,557
     Lease Expirations ... ... 495 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3,906
     IPOL Dues ... ... ... ... ... 404 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 404
          Subtotal, increases (non-policy): ... ... 4,755 ... ... 820 ... ... ... ... ... 5 ... ... 27,282
Decreases (non-policy):
     GSA Rent Decrease ... ...   ... ... ... ... ... ... ... -10 ... ... -10
          Subtotal, decreases (non-policy): ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... -10 ... ... -10
     Total, Adjustments to base ... ... 4,755 ... ... 820 ... ... ... ... ... -5 12 12 29,268
2004 Current Services 753 755 109,854 62 64 10,167 ... ... ... 3 3 361 3,787 3,826 674,567
Program Improvements
Corporate Fraud ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 6 3 594
Radiation Exposure Compensation Admin ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,000
Office of Immigration Litigation ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 30 22 3,500
Tribal Trust ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 20 10 3,060
Hazardous Materials Transportation ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 12 6 1,128
IPOL Dues ... ... ...     932 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 932
Program Reductions ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... -24 -24 -2,589
Sept. 11 Victims Compensation Admin. Fund ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... -15,300
Crosscutting Efficiencies ... ... -164 ... ... -10       ... ... ... ... ... -1,546
     Total, Program Improvements ... ... -164 ... ... 922 ... ... ... ... ... ... 44 17 -9,221
2004 request 753 755 109,690 62 64 11,089 ... ... ... 3 3 361 3,831 3,843 665,346
     Change 2004 from 2003 ... ... 4,591 ... ... 1,742 ... ... ... ... ... -5 56 29 20,047


(Dollars in thousands)
FTE Amount
2002 Obligations 3,805 3,543 $575,538
2003 President's Budget Request 3,775 3,814 645,299
Adjustments to Base
  Transfer from Radiation Exposure Compensation Administrative Expenses 12 12 1,996
  Increases (See page 48) ... ... 27,282
  Decreases (See page 48) ... ... -10
2004 Current services 3,787 3,826 674,567
  Program improvements (see details below) 68 41 10,214
  Program offsets (see details below) -24 -24 -19,435
2004 Request 1/ 2/ 3,831 3,843 665,346

1/ In addition to the direct appropriation, total reimbursable resources of 37 positions, 31 workyears and $4,425,000 will be provided from the ICDE appropriation in FY 2004, of which 27 positions, 23 workyears, and $3,430,000 are for Criminal Division and 10 positions, 8 workyears, and $995,000 are for Tax Division.
2/ Includes $34,225,000 recurring from counterterrorism supplemental for ongoing counterterrorism activities.
  2003 President's Budget Request 2004 Current Services 2004 Request Program Improvements
Comparison by activity and program Perm
FTE Amount Perm
FTE Amount Perm
FTE Amount Perm
FTE   Amount
1. Conduct of Supreme Court Proceedings
  and Review of Appellate Matters 48 50 $7,706 48 50 $8,031 48 50 $8,023 ... ...   (8)
2. General Tax Matters: 576 528 75,520 576 528 78,626 571 522 77,852 -5 -6   -774
3. Enforcing Federal Criminal Laws: 810 822 130,770 810 822 136,721 805 815 135,858 -5 -7   -863
4. Claims, Customs and General Civil Matters: 1,042 1,063 240,203 1,054 1,075 246,886 1,084 1,097 235,553 30 22   -11333
5. Environment and Natural Resources 444 488 70,814 444 488 78,199 468 496 81,205 24 8   3,006
6. Legal Opinions 37 41 5,474 37 41 5,722 37 41 5,715 ... ...   -7
7. Civil Rights Division: 753 755 105,099 753 755 109,854 753 755 109,690 ... ...   -164
8. Interpol - USNCB 62 64 9,347 62 64 10,167 62 64 11,089 ... ...   922
9. Dispute Resolution 3 3 366 3 3 361 3 3 361 ... ... ...
  Total 3,775 3,814 645,299 3,787 3,826 674,567 3,831 3,843 665,346 44 17 -9,221
  Reimbursable FTE ... 338 ... ... 330 ... ... 335 ... ... 5 3/ ...
  Grand total 3,775 4,152 645,299 3,787 4,156 674,567 3,831 4,178 665,346 44 22   -9,221
  3/ The increase in reimbursable FTE will provide 5 FTE for Criminal's OCDETF .
  Consistent with the Government Performance and Results Act, the 2004 budget proposes to streamline the decision unit structure of DOJ components to align more closely with the mission and the strategic objectives contained in the DOJ Strategic Plan (FY 2001-2006). In addition, the budget has been realigned to reflect each component's outputs and full costs by major program activity, including the cost of management and administration, so that a more accurate picture of total activity costs is reflected in the budget. In this way, budget and performance are more closely linked, and provide a better basis on which to make budget decisions. Over time, agencies will be expected to identify effective outcome measures, monitor their progress, and accurately present the associated costs.

  Program Description
  The General Legal Activities appropriation funds the establishment of litigation policy, conduct of litigation, and various other legal responsibilities, through the Office of the Solicitor General, the Tax Division, the Criminal Division, the Civil Division, the Environment and Natural Resources Division, the Civil Rights Division, the Office of Legal Counsel, Interpol, and the Office of Dispute Resolution.
Program Improvements Perm.
FTE Amount
Tax Division
Corporate Fraud 2 1 $220
Tax Division requests 2 positions, 1 workyear, and $220,000 for the Corporate Fraud Initiative. The Division's request is sought in conjunction with increases being requested by the U.S. Attorneys and the FBI. The funding will be used to investigate, prosecute, and litigate criminal and civil corporate fraud cases. Tax Division attorneys are uniquely qualified to detect and punish wrong doing by corporate officers and accountants. Tax attorneys are experts in handling complex, document-intensive investigations of complicated financial transactions and in tracing the proceeds of such transactions.
Program Reductions -7 -7 -750
Tax Division will reduce staffing by 7 positions, 7 workyears and $750,000 in lower priority areas.
Criminal Division
Corporate Fraud 4 2 374
Criminal Division requests 4 positions, 2 workyears, and $374,000 for the Corporate Fraud Initiative. The Division's request is sought in conjunction with increases being requested by the U.S. Attorneys and the FBI. Recent accounting revelations regarding the concealment of internal fraud in some major corporate entities, such as Enron and WorldCom, have led to a renewed emphasis on fighting corporate fraud, and has become a Presidential priority. The additional funds will permit the Division's Fraud Section to continue leading the effort to crack down on corporate fraud.
Program Reductions -9 -9 -1,000
Criminal Division will reduce staffing by 9 positions, 9 workyears, and $1,000,000 in non-litigation support areas.
Civil Division
Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (RECA) Administrative Expenses ... ... 1,000
Civil Division requests an increase of $1,000,000 above the current services level of $1,996,000. Enactment of the RECA Amendment of 2000 triggered a nearly five fold increase in filed claims. While additional trust fund resources were provided to make payments, the Division requests a commensurate increase to review and adjudicate the expanded workload. RECA administrative resources are being requested as part of the GLA appropriation to provide Civil Division with the flexibility to supplement this program with base GLA funds, if the need arises.
Office of Immigration Litigation 30 22 $3,500
Civil Division requests an increase of 30 positions, 22 workyears, and $3,500,000 to address a sharp rise in immigration cases and to defend legal challenges to the counter terrorism fight. This increase is needed to handle a mounting number of court cases seeking to overturn enforcement decisions regarding alien removal and detention, and to adequately defend the growing number of appeals cases resulting from the Board of Immigration Appeals' backlog reduction effort.
September 11th Victims Compensation Program administration ... ... -15,300
Civil Division requires $25,867,000 to administer the September 11th Victims Compensation Program. This represents a $15,300,000 decrease from the original estimated need of $41,167,000 sought in the FY 2003 President's Budget. Based on decreased claim filing trends, the Division revised its workload estimates to more accurately reflect the claims anticipated through the life of the program.
Environment and Natural Resources Division
Tribal Trust 20 10 3,060
Environment Division requests 20 positions, 10 workyears, and $3,060,000 for Tribal Trust Fund Litigation. This initiative will focus on defending the United States in lawsuits filed by Indian Tribes seeking billions of dollars for alleged mismanagement of Tribal assets by the Bureau of Indian Affairs.
Hazardous Materials Transportation 12 6 1,128
Environment Division requests 12 positions, 6 workyears, and $1,128,000 for Hazardous Material Transportation. This initiative will focus on seeking out and prosecuting violators of hazardous material transportation and handling laws, as part of the Department's efforts to promote homeland security.
Program Reductions -8 -8 -839
Environment Division will reduce staffing by 8 positions, 8 workyears, and $839,000 in lower priority areas.
Dues ... ... 932
Interpol requests $932,000 to pay increased dues on behalf of the United States to INTERPOL. Higher dues are necessitated by the growing budget of this international organization, as it seeks to replenish depleted reserve accounts while at the same time expanding its operations and personnel to focus on combating international terrorism. As the leader in the war on terrorism, the U.S. is uniquely positioned to maximize the international law enforcement coordination capacity of INTERPOL.

Crosscutting Efficiencies ... ... -$1,546
The General Legal Activities budget includes an offset of $1,546,000. These reductions consist of anticipated savings that will result from efficiencies. Some of the areas targeted for savings include; Facilities Management, JCN/WAN IT, Human Resources, and Centralized Procurement. The Department continues to evaluate its programs and operations with the goal of achieving across-the-board economies of scale that result in increased efficiencies, reduced duplication of efforts, and cost savings. The crosscutting savings identified impact the majority of the components in the Department, and are the result of improving business practices in the following ways: consolidation of facility management, including optimization of work space standards and the consolidation/collocation of field space; improved deployment of human resources personnel across Department components; the consolidation of duplicative IT support functions and services performed by components using the JCN WAN; and centralized procurement for relocation services, including household storage/shipment and residence contracts.
Total, Program Changes, General Legal Activities 44 17 -9,221



Decision Unit Restructuring Crosswalk
(Dollars in thousands)
Decision Units 2003 President's
Budget Request
Realigned 2004
Current Structure Pos. WY Amount Pos. WY Amount Pos. WY Amount
1. Civil Tax Appeals 69 62 $8,912 -69 -62 -8,912 .... .... ....
2. Criminal Prosecution and Appeals 126 119 17,126 -126 -119 -17,126 .... .... ....
3. Civil Litigation 299 274 39,067 -299 -274 -39,067 .... .... ....
4. Management & Administration 82 73 10,415 -82 -73 -10,415 .... .... ....
5. General Tax Matters * .... .... .... 576 528 75,520 576 528 75,520
Total, TAX DIVISION 576 528 75,520 .... .... .... 576 528 75,520
1. Organized Crime & Narcotics 102 103 15,903 -102 -103 -15,903 .... .... ....
2. White Collar Crime 210 211 35,738 -210 -211 -35,738 .... .... ....
3. International 218 222 37,951 -218 -222 -37,951 .... .... ....
4. Litigation Support 185 184 26,350 -185 -184 -26,350 .... .... ....
5. Management & Administration 95 102 14,828 -95 -102 -14,828 .... .... ....
6. Enforcing Federal Criminal Laws* .... .... .... 810 822 130,770 810 822 130,770
Total, CRIMINAL DIVISION 810 822 130,770 .... .... .... 810 822 130,770
1. Federal Appellate Activity 76 77 12,191 -76 -77 -12,191 .... .... ....
2. Torts Litigation 187 189 54,693 -187 -189 -54,693 .... .... ....
3. Commercial Litigation 364 374 74,580 -364 -374 -74,580 .... .... ....
4. Federal Programs 146 140 20,317 -146 -140 -20,317 .... .... ....
5. Consumer Litigation 35 39 6,161 -35 -39 -6,161 .... .... ....
6. Immigration Litigation 122 123 18,534 -122 -123 -18,534 .... .... ....
7. Management & Administration 92 101 12,560 -92 -101 -12,560 .... .... ....
8. Legal Representation * .... .... .... 1,022 1,043 199,036 1,022 1,043 199,036
9. Victims' Compensation Admin. 20 20 41,167 .... .... .... 20 20 41,167
Total, CIVIL DIVISION 1,042 1,063 240,203 .... .... .... 1,042 1,063 240,203
1. Appellate and Policy 47 54 6,288 -47 -54 -6,288 .... .... ....
2. Environmental Protection 204 204 36,059 -204 -204 -36,059 .... .... ....
3. Natural Resources 149 168 22,195 -149 -168 -22,195 .... .... ....
4. Management & Administration 44 62 6,272 -44 -62 -6,272 .... .... ....
5. Environment & Natural Resources* .... .... .... 444 488 70,814 444 488 70,814
Total, ENVIRONMENT DIVISION 444 488 70,814 .... .... .... 444 488 70,814
1. Federal Appellate 29 28 4,358 -29 -28 -4,358 .... .... ....
2. Civil Rights Prosecution 101 101 12,714 -101 -101 -12,714 .... .... ....
3. Special Litigation 73 70 9,799 -73 -70 -9,799 .... .... ....
4. Voting Rights 105 109 13,596 -105 -109 -13,596 .... .... ....
5. Employment Litigation 62 61 7,797 -62 -61 -7,797 .... .... ....
6. Coordination and Review 22 21 3,953 -22 -21 -3,953 .... .... ....
7. Housing and Civil Enforcement 100 95 14,278 -100 -95 -14,278 .... .... ....
8. Educational Opportunities 36 37 4,631 -36 -37 -4,631 .... .... ....
9. Disability Rights 99 97 15,907 -99 -97 -15,907 .... .... ....
10. Office of Special Counsel 32 33 6,985 -32 -33 -6,985 .... .... ....
11. Management & Administration 94 103 11,081 -94 -103 -11,081 .... .... ....
12. Civil Rights Division * .... .... .... 753 755 105,099 753 755 105,099
Total, CIVIL RIGHTS DIVISION 753 755 105,099 .... .... .... 753 755 105,099

* Denotes new decision unit.

TAX, CRIMINAL, CIVIL, ENVIRONMENT, AND CIVIL RIGHTS DIVISIONS have each collapsed their decision units into one decision unit.


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