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FY2004 Budget Summary

Drug Enforcement Administration Salaries and Expenses
(Dollars in thousands)
  FTE   Amount
2002 Obligations   7,654   6,973   $1,517,726
2003 President's Budget 1/   7,704   7,605   1,545,919
Adjustments to Base:  
     Increases (see p. 100)   ...   25   40,144
     Decreases (see p. 100)   ... ... (17,515)
          Subtotal   ...   25   22,629
2004 Current Services   7,704   7,630   1,568,548
     Program Improvements (detailed below)   0   195   42,880
     Program Offsets (detailed below)   ... -51 -52,685
          Subtotal   ...   144   -9,805
2004 Request 2/   7,704   7,774   1,558,743

1/ While HIDTA transfers are reflected in 2002 actuals, they are not shown for 2003 and 2004 because final decisions on amounts have not been made.
2/ In addition, reimbursable resources of 1,208 positions (918 special agents) 1,133 workyears and $148,566,000 will be provided from the ICDE appropriation for 2004.
          2003 President's Budget 2004 Current Services 2004 Request Program Improvements
Comparison by activity and program     Perm Pos.   FTE   Amount   Perm Pos.   FTE   Amount   Perm Pos.   FTE   Amount   Perm Pos.   FTE   Amount
1. Domestic Enforcement     6,417   6,356   1,180,152   6,417   6,381   1,198,481   7,016   6,805   1,272,955   599   424   74,474
2. International Enforcement     925   890   262,989   925   890   263,912   948   911   261,464   23   21   -2,448
3. State & Local Assistance     362   359   102,778   362   359   106,155   58   58   24,324   -304   -301   -81,831
  Total     7,704   7,605   1,545,919   7,704   7,630   1,568,548   8,022   7,774   1,558,743   318   144   -9,805
  Reimbursable FTE     ...   1,103   ...   ...   1,109   ...   ...   1,191   ...   ...   82   ...
  Grand Total     7,704 8,708 1,545,919 7,704 8,739 1,568,548 8,022 8,965 1,558,743 318 226 -9,805
Consistent with the Government Performance and Results Act, the 2004 budget proposes to merge construction funds in the Salaries and Expenses Account and streamline the DEA's decision unit structure from 10 program activities to 3 to align DEA's budget more closely with the mission and strategic objectives contained in the DOJ Strategic Plan (FY 2001-2006). In addition, the budget will better align DEA's resources with financial reporting categories while retaining detailed reporting capability. In this way, budget and performance are more closely linked, and provide a better basis on which to make budget decisions. Over time, agencies will be expected to identify effective outcome measures, monitor their progress, and accurately present the associated costs.


    Perm. Pos.
Program Improvements     FTE   Amount
Priority Targeting   329   165   $38,880
  DEA requests 329 positions (123 Special Agents), 165 workyears, and $38,880,000 to implement DEA's plan for addressing the Nation's illegal drug threats in the post-September 11, 2001 environment and meet the President's National Drug Control Strategy objectives. Through this initiative, DEA will target Priority Drug Trafficking Organizations (PDTOs) involved in the manufacture and distribution of illegal drugs as well as those involved in the diversion of precursor chemicals used for manufacturing illegal substances. Given the domestic illegal drugs threatening America and the FBI's redirection of resources from drug investigations to counterterrorism, DEA requires sufficient investigative and support personnel to continue drug investigations at the current Government-wide level in FY 2004.
International Training   20   20   1,500
  DEA requests 20 positions (16 Special Agents), 20 workyears, and $1,500,000 to provide permanent authority for the International Training Program and to address an anticipated shortfall of reimbursable resources provided by the Department of State. DEA's international counter-narcotics training for its law enforcement counterparts overseas has contributed significantly to the success of host-nation counter-drug operations. With three mobile training teams, DEA trains an estimated 1,765 law enforcement personnel from 57 countries annually. This request will help support the salary costs for 20 positions to ensure the current staffing strength for the International Training Program can be maintained.
Financial Audit Improvements   20   10   2,500
  DEA requests 20 positions, 10 workyears, and $2,500,000 to improve DEA's financial and asset management programs. The positions will be allocated to DEA's field divisions and headquarters to strengthen DEA's financial management infrastructure. The request also includes recurring contract funding to support the Fixed Asset Management Program (including Asset Financial Management). This initiative will allow DEA to establish internal financial processes and procedures to ensure it continues obtaining clean audit opinions.
Southeast Laboratory - Miami   ...   ...   [7,847]
  DEA requests the authority to use $7,847,000 in prior year unobligated balances to design and construct a replacement laboratory in the Southeast region (Miami, Florida). This facility has been due for replacement since 1998 and has been determined to be unsafe for the health of DEA personnel. Without a DEA laboratory in the region, evidence would have to be shipped to other DEA laboratories, delaying its analysis, and increasing the workload at other laboratory facilities that are already working at or near their capacity. A modern state-of-the-art facility will provide DEA's highly skilled and specialized chemists with a safe work environment and promote a more efficient use of DEA's analytical resources.
Total Program Improvements, Drug Enforcement Administration   369   195   42,880
Total Program Offsets
Crosscutting Efficiencies and Program Reductions   -51   -51   -52,685
  The DEA budget includes an offset of 40 positions (40 FTE) and $18,300,000 eliminating the Regional Enforcement Teams (RET) and Mobile Enforcement Teams (MET); 11 positions (11 FTE) and $5,000,000 from the Demand Reduction Program; $10,000,000 for rent, alterations, and travel; $5,000,000 for permanent change of station moves; and a $14,385,000 base program offset from anticipated savings that may result from management and program efficiencies. Some of the areas targeted for savings include: Facilities Management, JCN/WAN IT, Human Resources, and Centralized Procurement. The Department continues to evaluate its programs and operations with the goal of achieving across-the-board economies of scale that result in increased efficiencies, reduced duplication of efforts, and cost savings. The cross-cutting savings identified impact the majority of the components in the Department, and are the result of improving business practices in the following way: consolidation of facility management, including optimization of work space standards and the consolidation/colocation of field space; improved deployment of human resources personnel across Department components; the consolidation of duplicate IT support functions and services performed by components using the JCN WAN; and centralized procurement for relocation of services, including household storage/shipment and residence contracts.
Total, Program Improvements/Offsets   318   144   -9,805


Decision Unit Restructuring Crosswalk
(Dollars in thousands)

Drug Enforcement Administration
Decision Units 2003 President's
Budget Request
Realigned 2004
Current Structure Pos. WY Amount Pos. WY Amount Pos. WY Amount
1. Enforcement of Federal Laws and Investigations
  * Domestic Enforcement 2,147 2,096 $467,983 4,270 4,260 712,169 6,417 6,356 1,180,152
  Foreign Cooperative Investigations 635 603 $207,511 (635) (603) (207,511) ... ... ...
  Drug and Chemical Diversion Control 165 165 $19,946 (165) (165) (19,946) ... ... ...
  State and Local Task Forces 1,671 1,668 $257,082 (1,671) (1,668) (257,082) ... ... ...
  * International Enforcement ... ... ... 925 890 262,989 925 890 262,989
  * State and Local Assistance ... ... ... 362 359 102,778 362 359 102,778
2. Investigative Support
  Intelligence 964 979 127,134 (964) (979) (127,134) ... ... ...
  Laboratory Services 454 450 60,895 (454) (450) (60,895) ... ... ...
  Training 99 98 25,529 (99) (98) (25,529) ... ... ...
  Research, Engineering, & Technical Operations 578 577 118,621 (578) (577) (118,621) ... ... ...
  ADP 127 123 141,298 (127) (123) (141,298) ... ... ...
3. Program Direction
  Management and Administration 864 846 119,920 (864) (846) (119,920) ... ... ...
  Total 7,704 7,605 1,545,919 7,704 7,605 1,545,919

* Denotes new decision unit.

The Drug Enforcement Administration's 10 Decision Units are collapsed into three Decision Units called "Domestic Enforcement, International Enforcement and State and Local Assistance." Under the current structure, the ADP, Training, Intelligence, and Management and Administration (M&A) decision units were spread to the three new decision units.


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