Plain Language
Division of Policy and Directives Management (PDM)

President Clinton prepared a Presidential memorandum June 1, 1998, that calls for the use of plain language in Government writing. The memorandum covers any document that is available or sent to the public. In addition to regulations and notices, this includes directives and other policy documents, forms, letters, instructions, and Internet pages.  This memorandum remains in effect.

The Department of the Interior issued DOI plain language policy in a June 10, 1998, memorandum.  Fish and Wildlife Service manual chapter 116 FW 1, implements the President's memorandum for the Service.

A plain language document contains information that meets your intended audience's needs and is understandable the first time you read it. Plain language documents are organized logically and are easy to understand and read.  Use:

  • Question and answer forma when appropriate.
  • Common, everyday words.  Use technical terms only when necessary.
  • Personal pronouns like I, we, and you.
  • Active voice.
  • Short sentences.

Contact: Michael Schwartz, Service Coordinator, (703) 358-1730, Michael_Schwartz

Last updated: January 25, 2008

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