National Math Panel: Critical Foundations for Algebra
  Link to The National Mathematics Advisory Panel (NMP) Final Report and Reports of the Task Groups and Subcommittees
The National Mathematics Advisory Panel (NMP) Final Report and Reports of the Task Groups and Subcommittees
The National Mathematics Advisory Panel conducted a systematic and rigorous review of the best available scientific evidence for the teaching and learning of mathematics and provided recommendations that lay out concrete steps to improve mathematics education, with a specific focus on preparation for learning algebra. The Panel worked in task groups and subcommittees to address areas of mathematics teaching and learning including Conceptual Knowledge and Skills, Learning Processes, Instructional Practices, Teachers and Teacher Education, and Assessment. Five task groups carried out detailed syntheses of research evidence that addressed each group's major questions and met standards of methodological quality. Three subcommittees were charged with completion of a particular advisory function for the Panel. The research findings cited in these reports underpin the mathematics practices and content included on the Doing What Works website.
Essential Concepts
Link to start Multimedia Overview: National Mathematics Advisory Panel
Multimedia Overview: National Mathematics Advisory Panel
Watch this overview to learn about the purpose and findings of the National Mathematics Advisory Panel, understand what the research can tell us about improving mathematics instruction, and find out about why it's important for schools to focus on critical mathematics skills to better prepare students for entry into algebra. (3:25 min)

Link to start Multimedia Overview: National Math Panel - Critical Foundations for Algebra
Multimedia Overview: National Math Panel - Critical Foundations for Algebra
Watch this overview to learn about the importance of teaching a coherent progression of key topics and critical skills to students and how to use three identified practices to improve mathematics instruction in the primary, intermediate, and middle grades to better prepare students for learning algebra. (5:56 min)

Link to download Visual Diagram: Critical Foundations for Algebra
Visual Diagram: Critical Foundations for Algebra
Preparing students for algebra is best achieved through providing a strong foundation in essential concepts and critical skills. This visual diagram illustrates the three mathematics practices based on the findings and recommendations presented in the Panel report. Use the diagram as a way to engage teachers in discussion about their practices related to helping students develop proficiency in understanding key concepts and skills, providing comprehensive instruction and practice, and using a mastery framework, including formative assessment and differentiated instruction, to guide instruction. The diagram can be used to review the benchmarks proposed by the Panel and some of the key findings of the Panel.
pdf Download Diagram | PDF | 750 KB

Expert Interview: Key Messages of the Panel Report
Larry R. Faulkner, Ph.D.
Houston Endowment
Chair, National Mathematics Advisory Panel and Member, Conceptual Knowledge and Skills Task Group
Dr. Faulkner discusses the Panel's key recommendations, especially focused on important messages for teachers, such as focusing with more depth on critical skills, using benchmarks and formative assessments, and planning instruction for both struggling and gifted students. He also addresses the Panel's hopes for how the research findings will be used. (8:13 min)
Download Video Download Video | Quicktime | 44 MB | 8:13 min
Expert Interview: Policy Implications of the Panel Report
Tom Loveless, Ph.D.
Brookings Institution
Member, National Mathematics Advisory Panel; Chair, National Survey of Algebra I Teachers Subcommittee; Member, Instructional Practices and Assessment Task Groups
Listen to Dr. Loveless discuss the policy implications of the Panel's findings at the federal, state, district, and school levels, including recommendations related to state standards, curriculum frameworks, and assessments. (6:13 min)
Download Video Download Video | Quicktime | 35 MB | 6:13 min

Highlights of the National Mathematics Advisory Panel’s Report
Archived Video Webcast Monday, June 23, 2008.
This video offers an overview of the National Math Panel's final report.

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