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Research Projects at NSIDC 

NSIDC scientists are known internationally for their expertise in a range of fields related to the cryosphere. In-house scientists investigate the dynamics of Antarctic ice shelves, monitor the links between Arctic sea ice and climate, study new techniques for the remote sensing of snow and freeze/thaw cycles of soil, account for snow in hydrologic modeling, research large-scale shifts in polar climate, investigate seasonally and permanently frozen ground, and work to improve understanding of river and lake ice. Browse the table below to view project summaries.

Scientists pursue their work as part of the CIRES Cryospheric and Polar Processes Division, at the University of Colorado at Boulder. National agencies fund research through the peer review proposal process.

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Principal Investigator

Bridging Perspectives from Remote Sensing and Inuit Communities on Changing Sea Ice Cover in the Baffin Bay Region

Walt Meier

Data Management for a Community-Based Monitoring Network: A Pilot Project

Roger Barry

The Dynamics of Human-Sea Ice Relationships: Comparing Changing Environments in Alaska, Nunavut, and Greenland (also referred to as the "Siku-Inuit-Hila" project)

Shari Gearheard

Igliniit Project

Shari Gearheard

An Integrated Investigation of Coupled Human and Sea Ice Systems: A Comparison of Changing Environments and Their Uses in the North American Arctic

Roger Barry


Principal Investigator

Collaborative Research: A Heat Budget Analysis of the Arctic Climate System

Mark Serreze

Collaborative Research: A Land Surface Model Hind-cast of the Terrestrial Arctic Drainage System

Mark Serreze

Collaborative Research – IPY: Arctic System Reanalysis

Mark Serreze

Hydrologic Responses to a Shrinking Arctic Sea Ice Cover

Mark Serreze

Pan-Arctic Land Surface Modeling

Andrew Slater

Satellite Studies of Arctic Climate Connections Between Sea Ice, the Greenland Ice Sheet, the Adjacent Land and Atmospheric Cloud Properties

Julienne Stroeve

Synthesis of Modes of Ocean-Ice-Atmosphere Covariability in the Arctic System from Multivariate Century-Scale Observations

Mark Serreze


Principal Investigator

Antarctic Glaciological Data Center: Continued Data Collection and Management for Antarctic Glaciology

Ted Scambos

"At Risk" Ice Shelves and Outlet Glaciers

Ted Scambos

Building the VELMAP Database for Antarctic Outlet Glaciers

Ted Scambos

Collaborative Research: Characteristics of Snow Megadunes and their Potential Effects on Ice Core Interpretation

Ted Scambos

Detecting Change in Glacier Systems (GLIMS)

Richard Armstrong

Detecting Ice Sheet Changes via Optical Image Differencing

Ted Scambos

Improved Ice Sheet DEMs Using MODIS and GLAS

Ted Scambos

An International Workshop on the Ice and Climate System of the Antarctic Peninsula

Ted Scambos

Investigating Iceberg Evolution During Drift and Break-Up: A Proxy for Climate-Related Changes in Antarctic Ice Shelves

Ted Scambos


Principal Investigator

Collaborative Research: A Heat Budget Analysis of the Arctic Climate System

Mark Serreze

The Contribution of Land-Surface Processes to Climate Change on the Tibetan Plateau

Oliver W. Frauenfeld (Texas A&M University)

The Dynamics of Human-Sea Ice Relationships: Comparing Changing Environments in Alaska, Nunavut, and Greenland (also referred to as the "Siku-Inuit-Hila" project)

Shari Gearheard

An International Workshop on the Ice and Climate System of the Antarctic Peninsula

Ted Scambos

State of the Cryosphere Web Site

Richard Armstrong


Principal Investigator

"At Risk" Ice Shelves and Outlet Glaciers

Ted Scambos

Building the VELMAP Database for Antarctic Outlet Glaciers

Ted Scambos

Detecting Change in Glacier Systems (GLIMS)

Richard Armstrong

Detecting Ice Sheet Changes via Optical Image Differencing

Ted Scambos

Improved Ice Sheet DEMs Using MODIS and GLAS

Ted Scambos

An International Workshop on the Ice and Climate System of the Antarctic Peninsula

Ted Scambos

Investigating Iceberg Evolution During Drift and Break-Up: A Proxy for Climate-Related Changes in Antarctic Ice Shelves

Ted Scambos

Satellite Studies of Arctic Climate Connections Between Sea Ice, the Greenland Ice Sheet, the Adjacent Land and Atmospheric Cloud Properties

Julienne Stroeve


Principal Investigator

Biogenic Heat Production in Frozen Tundra and Permafrost: Adaptation to Cold and Impact on Biogeochemical Processes

Tingjun Zhang

Changes in Freeze-Thaw Cycle and Permafrost Dynamics, and their Hydrological Implications over the Russian Arctic Drainage Basin

Tingjun Zhang

Freezing and Thawing Cycle of Soils at Local, Regional, and Global Scales

Tingjun Zhang

Hydrological Response to Changes in Active Layer and Permafrost Conditions in the Russian Arctic

Tingjun Zhang

Interactions Between Frozen Ground in the Russian Arctic and Atmospheric Circulation

Oliver Frauenfeld (Texas A&M University)

Investigation of the Spatial and Temporal Variations of the Seasonally Frozen Ground in the Contiguous United States

Tingjun Zhang

Permafrost Models Intercomparison Project

Tingjun Zhang

SEA ICE [top]

Principal Investigator

Bridging Perspectives from Remote Sensing and Inuit Communities on Changing Sea Ice Cover in the Baffin Bay Region

Walt Meier

Diagnosing the Declining Arctic Ice Cover

Julienne Stroeve

The Dynamics of Human-Sea Ice Relationships: Comparing Changing Environments in Alaska, Nunavut, and Greenland (also referred to as the "Siku-Inuit-Hila" project)

Shari Gearheard

Hydrologic Responses to a Shrinking Arctic Sea Ice Cover

Mark Serreze

An Integrated Investigation of Coupled Human and Sea Ice Systems: A Comparison of changing Environments and Their Uses in the North American Arctic

Roger Barry

Investigations of Sea Ice State using Multisensor Data, Time History and Lagrangian Tracking

Julienne Stroeve

Kalman Filter Techniques for the Assimilation of Ice Concentration Data into an Ice Prediction Model

Walt Meier

Potential Improved Sea Ice Analyses and Forecasts via Assimilation of Sea Ice Motions

Walt Meier

Satellite Data Rescue for Sea Ice Extent in the 1960s

David Gallaher

Satellite Studies of Arctic Climate Connections between Sea Ice, the Greenland Ice Sheet, the Adjacent Land and Atmospheric Cloud Properties

Julienne Stroeve

Synthesis of Modes of Ocean-Ice-Atmosphere Covariability in the Arctic System from Multivariate Century-Scale Observations

Mark Serreze

Twentieth Century Sea Ice Conditions in the Eurasian Arctic from a Comprehensive Reconstitution and Synthesis of Russian Data Sources with Modern Satellite Data

Roger Barry


Principal Investigator

Collaborative Research: Characteristics of Snow Megadunes and their Potential Effects on Ice Core Interpretation

Ted Scambos

Improving Operational Streamflow Forecasting in the Upper Colorado River Basin

Andrew Slater

Monthly EASE-Grid Snow Water Equivalent Climatology

Richard Armstrong

Snow Cover Validation Case Study: Tibet Plateau

Richard Armstrong

Validation of AMSR-E Snow Products

Richard Armstrong


Principal Investigator

Bridging Perspectives from Remote Sensing and Inuit Communities on Changing Sea Ice Cover in the Baffin Bay Region

Walt Meier

Building the VELMAP Database for Antarctic Outlet Glaciers

Ted Scambos

Improved Ice Sheet DEMs Using MODIS and GLAS

Ted Scambos

Investigations of Sea Ice State Using Multisensor Data, Time History, and Lagrangian Tracking

Julienne Stroeve

Merging of Precursor and EOS Data Sets: Resampling of AMSR-E Swath TBs to EASE-Grid

Richard Armstrong

Monthly EASE-Grid Snow Water Equivalent Climatology

Richard Armstrong

Snow Cover Validation Case Study: Tibet Plateau

Richard Armstrong

Validation of AMSR-E Snow Products

Richard Armstrong


Principal Investigator

Impacts of Soil Freeze/Thaw Dynamics on the North American Carbon Cycle

Tingjun Zhang

Carbon Data Assimilation

Wouter Peters (CIRES)

Flux Tower Spatial Coherence

Chris Williams (University of Maryland)


Principal Investigator

Antarctic Glaciological Data Center: Continued Data Collection and Management for Antarctic Glaciology

Ted Scambos

Community-Enabled Discovery, Access, Publishing, and Enhancement (CEDDAPE): Enabling an Information Commons

Ruth Duerr

Cryospheric Change Analysis Web Services Project

Julienne Stroeve

Data Conservancy

Ruth Duerr

Data Management for a Community-Based Monitoring Network: A Pilot Project

Roger Barry

Detecting Change in Glacier Systems (GLIMS)

Richard Armstrong

Exchange for Local Observations and Knowledge of the Arctic (ELOKA)

Shari Gearheard

Improving Long-term Preservation of EOS Data by Independently Mapping HDF Data Objects

Ruth Duerr

A Product Development Team for Snow and Ice Climate Data Records

Walt Meier


Principal Investigator

Managing Cryospheric Remote Sensing Data Entirely Within a Pure-object Database

David Gallaher

Semantic Sea Ice Interoperability Initiative

Mark Parsons

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The National Snow and Ice Data Center

Advancing knowledge of Earth's frozen regions
449 UCB  University of Colorado  Boulder, CO 80309-0449

Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES)    University of Colorado Boulder