US Department of Education Principal Office Functional Statements
Office of Federal Student Aid

Functional Statements > Federal Student Aid

A. Chief Operating Officer

The Office of the Chief Operating Officer (COO) has the primary responsibility to effectively manage Federal Student Aid as a Performance Based Organization (PBO) to help put America through school. The COO is responsible for managing operations across channels and support functions to ensure that best in business performance is consistently delivered.

Policy Liaison and Implementation Staff

The Policy Liaison and Implementation Staff serves as the principal advisor to the COO on all Federal Student Aid program policy issues and facilitates Federal Student Aid’s involvement in the development, implementation and dissemination of Federal Student Aid program policy. Reporting to the Federal Student Aid Chief of Staff, PLIS performs the following functions:

Policy Issue Identification

  • Identify policy issues affecting the administrative, accounting and financial management of the Federal Student Aid delivery system and refer these matters to the Office of Postsecondary Education (OPE) for resolution.
  • Assist the COO in providing advice to OPE in development of regulations, policies, administrative guidance and procedures affecting the information systems administered by Federal Student Aid and other functions performed by Federal Student Aid.
  • Identify legislative and regulatory changes for improving service to Federal Student Aid recipients and for improving the efficiency and integrity of the student financial assistance programs and recommend such changes to OPE.


Policy Formulation

  • Develop and submit policy options, including impact statements, for consideration of senior Departmental political and executive management.
  • Advise and collaborate with OPE in the development of regulations, policies, and administrative guidance affecting the information systems administered by Federal Student Aid and other functions performed by Federal Student Aid.


Policy Decisions

  • Work with all relevant Federal Student Aid offices to implement OPE policy decisions.
  • Report to the COO and OPE Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy, Planning and Innovation on status of the implementation of those policy decisions.


Policy Dissemination

  • Provide policy guidance and OPE policy interpretations to both internal ED colleagues and to external partners and customers (e.g.; schools, lenders agencies and associations).
  • Respond to policy queries submitted by internal and external parties either directly or through other Federal Student Aid operating units (e.g.; customer service, system call centers, Case Management, Financial Partners and Federal Student Aid Training Division).
  • Draft Bulletins and Dear Partner letters (i.e., administrative communications to participating entities related to policy implementation and operational issues).
  • Support Federal Student Aid training on new and existing policies.


Policy Implementation

  • Ensure consistency and integration of Federal Student Aid policy across Federal Student Aid programs and operations.
  • Support Federal Student Aid program operations and assist management in implementing Federal Student Aid policy decisions and serving as liaison between Federal Student Aid offices and OPE in resolving issues related to policy implementation.
  • Prepare and publish Federal Register Notices for Data Matching Agreements, Systems of Records, etc.
  • Develop and prepare for government clearance various forms required for the Federal Student Aid programs.



The Ombudsman serves as a principal advisor to the Chief Operating Officer (COO) by providing expert findings, advice, and recommendations on matters pertaining to Federal Student Aid program development and operational effectiveness. To accomplish this mission, the Ombudsman:

  • Provides timely assistance to borrowers of loans made, insured, or guaranteed;
  • Receives, reviews, and attempts to informally resolve complaints from loan borrowers;
  • Serves as an impartial resource to mediate disputes internally without the need for outside arbitration;
  • Develops a deep knowledge of business issues that face Federal Student Aid borrowers and partners;
  • Gathers information about business trends that impact Federal Student Aid’s ability to anticipate and address customers needs; and
  • Reviews Federal Student Aid’s operations and recommends quality improvements.


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Last Modified: 06/23/2006