
Service Interruption

On Friday, 07 September 2012 from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (USA Mountain Time), our FTP services will be unavailable because of system maintenance. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.

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Two scientists dig snow pit
NSIDC scientists regularly work on collaborative field research. Here, scientists dig snow pits as part of the Megadunes expedition in Antarctica. For more about NSIDC field research projects, see Education Center: Studying the Cryosphere.

The National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) is part of the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences at the University of Colorado at Boulder. NSIDC supports research into our world's frozen realms: the snow, ice, glaciers, frozen ground, and climate interactions that make up Earth's cryosphere. Scientific data, whether taken in the field or relayed from satellites orbiting Earth, form the foundation for the scientific research that informs the world about our planet and our climate systems.

two images of same glacier
Muir Glacier in Alaska, like many glaciers around the world, has changed through time. At top, the glacier in 1941; at bottom, the glacier in 2004. From NSIDC's Repeat Photography of Glaciers collection .

NSIDC manages and distributes scientific data, creates tools for data access, supports data users, performs scientific research, and educates the public about the cryosphere.

Our mission

NSIDC began as an analog archive and information center, the World Data Center for Glaciology, to archive data and information from the 1957–1958 International Geophysical Year. Since then, NSIDC has evolved to manage cryosphere-related data ranging from the smallest text file to terabytes of remote sensing data from NASA’s Earth Observing System satellite program. Today, we manage polar and cryospheric data and conduct research under sponsorship from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and the National Science Foundation.

image of Arctic region showing sea ice, oceans, land masses
Sea ice is an important area of NSIDC research and data. In September of 2007, Arctic sea ice extent shrank to the lowest ever seen during the satellite record. The animation shows extent and concentration from 1979 to 2000; the magenta line indicates the median sea ice extent. This animation uses Sea Ice Concentrations from Nimbus-7 SMMR and DMSP SSM/I Passive Microwave Data, available from NSIDC.

NSIDC archives data and makes hundreds of scientific data sets accessible to researchers around the world. Our data managers and scientific programmers work in teams to create or publish data products. These teams work closely with data providers and data users to understand their needs and offer documentation, tools, and formats that support scientific research. In-house scientists, who specialize in frozen ground, glaciers, ice sheets, sea ice, and snow, consult in creating the products that support research. NSIDC also works to ensure that data and related information are continually preserved and will be accessible for the longer term, so that researchers can study climate change over long periods. Together, these practices ensure the physical and scientific integrity of the data we manage and disseminate.

During the International Polar Year (IPY), from 2007 to 2009, NSIDC will participate in IPY research and support researchers with leading-edge data management practices and services, ensuring the legacy of IPY research and resulting data into the future.

For more information

To learn more about NSIDC data and services, please see Data Sets & Documentation. See Science: Research Projects at NSIDC for more concerning our scientific research. To learn about our participation in IPY, see IPY at NSIDC.

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The National Snow and Ice Data Center

Advancing knowledge of Earth's frozen regions
449 UCB  University of Colorado  Boulder, CO 80309-0449

Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES)    University of Colorado Boulder