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FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
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Navigating this web site
greendot How do I get back to the starting atlas web page? I seem to have gotten rid of that window and don't know how to get back.

greendot Where can I get information on the methodology used?
greendot What is RTA (regression tree analysis) and where can I get some background information?
greendot Why did you choose county as the level of resolution?
greendot Why have you included some strange variables like CROP.LND GRAZE.PST, DIST.LND etc. in you predictors?
greendot Can you provide R2 values for the model ?
greendot What software did you use to develop the models?

Tree species data - range and distribution
greendot What is FIA - can you give me some background information?
greendot Are there any limitations/problems in using FIA data in your models?
greendot What is IV (Imp. Value) - how was it derived?
greendot How can I download the database for Importance Value and Species for all/some of the eastern states?
greendot On what basis did you select the 80 tree species?
greendot Why do some species have more "No Data" areas than others?
greendot What are Little's boundaries?
greendot I need only current data - I don't care about the global change scenarios.

Tree species data - attributes
greendot How do I get attribute data about particular tree species?
  • based on GIS overlay of environmental data and actual distributions
  • based on literature survey of life history attributes and disturbance responses
  • based on a link to the "Silvics of North America" manuals
  • Environmental data
    greendot Can you give me some background information on the predictor variables you have used in your model?
    greendot Why have you included some strange variables like CROP.LND GRAZE.PST, DIST.LND etc. in you predictors?
    greendot Can you give me summary statistics on the predictor variables you have used?
    greendot I don't understand the "Geographic Predictors" map nor its legend.

    Global change scenario data
    greendot What is GCM?
    greendot Are you using the latest GCM models?
    greendot Can you show me quickly how the GCM models compare among themselves and with the Current scenario for the climate variables you have used?
    greendot Why have you used outputs of so many GCM models - what are the differences among them?
    greendot Where can I get information on the GCM models you have used?

    greendot How can I cite this web page?

    greendot Are you really serious when you show that some species will disappear from the US? What confidence do you place on your assertions?
    greendot Your maps depict potential future distributions, or potentially suitable habitat for 80 species, based on GCM scenarios for roughly 100 years into the future. These models also assume the species will get to the potentially suitable habitat in that time frame. What might really happen over the next 100 years if migration were inhibited by fragmented habtitat or dispersal limitations?

    Navigating this web site
    How do I get back to the starting atlas web page? I seem to have gotten rid of that window and don't know how to get back.
    You'll have to get to the Launch-Pad Window which has a link back to the starting web atlas page. So, click on the New Launch-Pad Window button in the a_species page, and then click on the Main Atlas Page.
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    Where can I get information on the methodology used?
    The best place to look for more information on the methodology used is to refer to the publication in Ecological Monographs. An on-line version of the paper is available.
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    What is RTA (regression tree analysis) and where can I get some background information?
    The best place again is this section of our publication and also the references cited there.
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    Why did you choose county as the level of resolution?
    We were forced to since the best resolution for many of the predictors was at a county level. Also, if we had used FIA plot-level, we would have had to deal with spatial interpolation and geostatistical complexities that would dominated the entire project!
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    Why have you included some strange variables like CROP.LND GRAZE.PST, DIST.LND etc. in you predictors?
    Since we knew that FIA data were influenced by anthropocentric pressures (see this FAQ item), and also that the distribution of certain species can be influenced to some extent by humans, we decided to include many of these landscape-modifier variables to help the model fit the FIA data better. We tested the model by including climate/soil/physiographic variables only and found that the addition of landscape-modifier variables improved the fit.....the limitation of this approach is that we can't predict how these variables would have changed in the future GCM scenarios.
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    Can you provide R2 values for the model?
    The equivalent of  R2 is provided for each species in the RTA tree diagram which you can access as follows. In the a_species page, click on Current-FIA link under Distribution Maps heading. Then click on the "Geographic Predictors" map's legend to bring up the RTA diagram, whose heading contains the R2. There is also a blurb on its meaning for RTA in the help button provided.
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    What software did you use to develop the models?
    We used S-PLUS (Mathsoft) for statistical modelling and Arc/Info (ESRI) for GIS. We used a lot of Unix shell tools and Perl scripts for database manipulation, calculation, and web-translation. We'd like to make special mention of the "rpart" module (classification and regression tree software) developed for S-PLUS by Terry Therneau and Elizabeth Atkinson of the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota (biostat-info@mayo.edu). Please note that we are NOT endorsing these products in any way - we merely used them.
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    Tree species data - range and distribution
    What is FIA - can you give me some background information?
    The USDA Forest Service periodically determines the extent, condition, and volume of timber, growth, and removals of the Nation's forest land by the work of six Forest Service Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) units. Four FIA units produced a data base of standard format called the Eastwide Data Base (EWDB) for the 37 states from North Dakota to Texas and east. These data are stored in three record types (Hansen et al. 1992): county data, plot data, and tree data. Plot locations are not precisely located but county location was provided for each plot. We used the data from more than 100,000 plots and nearly 3 million trees to summarize the desired county-level information needed for this study.
    Hansen, M. H., T. Frieswyk, J. F. Glover, and J. F. Kelly. 1992. The eastwide forest inventory data base: users manual. General Technical Report NC-151. USDA Forest Service, North Central Forest Experiment Station. St. Paul, Minnesota.
    Visit FIA Web Page
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    Are there any limitations/problems in using FIA data in your models?
    FIA sampled data is on existing natural forests and plantations - so if a county is poorly forested due to anthropocentric pressures (cropland, urban-land etc.), the importance value of any species in that county could be artificially low (since we aggregate plot-level data to county-level in our analysis - see this FAQ item). This can cause misleading correlations with climatic, edaphic and physiographic variables in our model and could cause errors in the model output - thus influencing the way they would respond to climate change in the GCM scenarios.
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    What is IV (Imp. Value) - how was it derived?
    We generated importance values (IV) for each species as follows:
         IV(x) = 100*BA(x) / BA(all species) + 100*NS(x) / NS(all species)
    where x is a particular species on a plot, BA is basal area, and NS is number of stems (summed for overstory and understory trees). In monotypic stands, the IV would reach the maximum of 200. The IVs were rounded to decimal numbers with one exception. If the IV was greater than zero but less than one, it was assigned to one. This decision was taken since rounding would have falsely turned species-present counties to species-absent counties.
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    How can I download the database for Importance Value and Species for all/some of the eastern states?
    You can download the IV-Species data for current-FIA and all the GCM model scenarios. On the launch pad page click on "Outputs for ALL 80 Species Combined" -> "Ranked Species List" -> "Current" (or any of the 5 scenarios). At the bottom of the eastern US image map, there is an option to download the entire database (about 3-4 MB). This should give you a sorted SpeciesName-IV list for each county for all the eastern states OR alternatively you can click on any state you want and get the database for all counties in that state.
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    On what basis did you select the 80 tree species?
    Sample restrictions made us select only 80 of the 196 tree species. We selected species that have a recorded minimum IV of 3.0 in each of at least 100 counties. Thus our sample represents the more common tree species in the eastern US.
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    Why do some species have more "No Data" areas than others?
    In the ideal world, we would have data for each pixel and all that would based on perfect estimation. Alas in reality it is not so. The NoData areas refer to the non-availability of data, which is  a straight-forward paucity of data - however, some species have more NoData than others for several reasons: (1) there were no data for any tree species for those counties; this occurs for many counties in the prairie states, especially Oklahoma and Texas along with a spattering of counties elsewhere in the western part of the region, and in the southern tip of Florida; (2) one or more of the four FIA units (northeastern, north central, southeast, southern), charged with the collection of the FIA data, did not report the species in their data base, most likely because it was not present in the region; this occurs for several distinctly northern (e.g., Betula papyrifera, Populus tremuloides) or distinctly southern (e.g., Pinus elliotti, Pinus palustris) species; or (3) one or more of the FIA units do not recognize a particular species name as present in the unit, even though it undoubtably is present but called something else; this occurs especially in the Carya genus, where some units lump species into Carya sp., while others identify them to species. Unfortunately, it is not always easy to distinguish (2) from (3). If the species distribution is wholly encompassed with some white (importance value < 1.0) zones around the range and outside the gray zone, it likely is scenario (2) where the species is not present in the gray zone; if the distribution abruptly ends at the gray boundary, it is probably a taxonomic confusion (scenario 3).
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    What are Little's boundaries?
    These are boundaries that Elbert Little Jr. delineated from various sources for several tree species. These distribution ranges are well known and frequently cited (e.g., in the Silvics manuals) and hence provides a useful comparison to the FIA distribution maps.
    Little, Elbert L., Jr. 1971. Atlas of United States Trees (Vol. 1. Conifers and Important Hardwoods). Miscellaneous Publication No. 1146, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. Forest Service. Washington D.C.
    Little, Elbert L., Jr. 1979. Checklist of United States trees (native and naturalized). U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agriculture Handbook 541. Washington, DC. 375 p.
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    I need only current data - I don't care about the global change scenarios.
    Much of the data pertain to the current distributional status of the species, or of current ecological or life history attributes of the species. For  current distribution information, just look at the current (FIA actual data) or current-predicted (modeled output for current condition) scenarios in all our outputs. For current attributes of the species, see the next FAQ question.
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    Tree species data - attributes
    How do I get attribute data about particular tree species?
        -based on GIS overlay of environmental data and actual distributions
    Click on the species of interest, then the box: Ecological Attributes & Status of Species  Besides statistical summaries by species, its rank among all 80 species is given.

    How do I get attribute data about particular tree species?
        -based on literature survey of life history attributes and disturbance responses
    Click on the species of interest, then the box:Life History Attributes & Disturbance Response

    How do I get attribute data about particular tree species?
        -based on a link to the "Silvics of North America" manuals
    Click on the species of interest, and on the 4th line: Silvics Manual:

    Environmental data
    Can you give me some background information on the predictor variables you have used in your model?
    Once again it is best to refer you to this section of our Ecological Monographs publication. A large amount of effort went into deriving the data base as well as thinning the number of variables to 33 (from over 100).
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    Can you give me summary statistics on the predictor variables you have used?
    Yes we can - click here please.
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    I don't understand the "Geographic Predictors" map nor its legend.
    The predicted maps give the overall scenario of distribution for the species. In addition, if you are interested in finding what predictor-variables are driving the distribution according to the RTA model, you can figure that out in the "Geographic Predictors" map. Since RTA is a rule-based model based on recursive partitioning, this map is calculable (with  some difficulty!) and is of considerable interest. For more details on the interpretation please refer to the context-sensitive help links provided. Also, you can look at the  regression trees and the results-discussion section of our publication in Ecological Monographs.
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    Global change scenarios
    What is GCM?
    GCM means Global Circulation Model. The more recent ones are coupled ocean-atmospheric models that are used to predict climate change under various "man made" scenarios. We are using the climate scenarios under doubled carbon dioxide of several GCMs to predict the distribution of species. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, we are looking at a doubled carbon dioxide level in our atmosphere by the year 2100.
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    Are you using the latest GCM models?
    The RTA model uses equilibrium 2xCO2 GCM conditions to predict potential future distributions. It is essentially a model predicting potential future suitable habitat for each species, so that the assumption is made that the species will be able to colonize all suitable sites. There is no real time component to the model, although predictions from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change show that, if carbon dioxide emissions were maintained at 1994 levels, the 2xCO2 level could be reached by the end of the 21st century (Houghton et al., 1996).
    We have used GCM models for which temperature, precipitation and PET values were already calculated for the United States. This condition means that we may not necessarily have access to the latest models. However it is easy to plug in the latest scenarios when the above three values are estimated, at a reasonable spatiial resolution, for the United States.
    Five climate scenarios were used to evaluate possible future species distributions: (1) the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) model (Wetherald and Manabe, 1988); (2) the Goddard Institute of Space Studies (GISS) model (Hansen et al., 1988); (3)  the United Kingdom Meteorological Office (UKMO) model (Wilson and Mitchell, 1987); (4) the Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research (Hadley) model (Mitchell et al., 1995); and (5) the Canadian Climate Centre (CCC) model (Boer et al., 2000 and Kittel et al., 2000). The Hadley and CCC scenarios are transient scenarios; for these, 30 year climatic averages were estimated for the period 2071-2100 (Neilson, personal communication). These five scenarios give a good range of possible outcomes in equilibrium climate at 2xCO2 (Table 1). The Hadley scenario has the least severe change in temperatures, especially January temperature, while the UKMO predicts a very large change in January temperature. Precipitation shows little change in each scenario except UKMO and Hadley with significant increases in predicted precipitation .
    The outputs from the GFDL and GISS models were acquired in 10 x 10 km format (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1993).  The Hadley, CCC, and UKMO data were obtained from the USDA Forest Service Laboratory in Corvallis, Oregon in 0.5 x 0.5o format (Neilson and Drapek, personal communication).  Importantly, the latter three data sets had relatively higher PET values compared to the original three data sets. The later PET values were calculated using a slightly different model compared to the earlier data sets (Neilson, personal communication).  However, we believe the impact is minimal, and we report the model outcomes here because of the consistent response across all scenarios, and because in most of the models , the PET-related variable comes out low in the binary regression tree, and as such, would impact few counties.

    Hansen, J., Fung, I., Lacis, A., Rind, D., Lebedeff, S., Ruedy, R., 1988. Global climate changes as forecast by Goddard Institute for Space Studies three-dimensional model. Journal of Geophysical Research 93, 9341-9364.

    Houghton, J.T., L.G. Meira,Filho, B.A. Callander, N.Harris, A. Kattenberg, and K. Maskell. 1996. Climate Change 1995: The Science of Climate Change. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. 572 pp.

    Kittel, T.G.F., J.A. Royle, C. Daly, N.A. Rosenbloom, W.P. Gibson, H.H. Fisher, D.S. Schimel, L.M. Berliner, and VEMAP 2 Participants (1997). A gridded historical (1895-1993) bioclimate dataset for the conterminous United States. Pages 219-222, in: Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Applied Climatology, 20-24 October 1997, Reno NV. American Meteorological Society, Boston.

    Kittel, T.G.F., NA Rosenbloom, C. Kaufman, JA Royle, C. Daly, H.H. Fisher, WP Gibson, S. Aulenbach, R. McKeown, D.S. Schimel, and VEMAP2 Participants (2000). VEMAP Phase 2 Historical and Future Scenario Climate Database. Available online at [http://www-eosdis.ornl.gov/] from the ORNL Distributed Active Archive Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A.

    Boer GJ, Flato GM, Ramsden D. 2000 . A transient climate change simulation with historical and projected greenhouse gas and aerosol forcing : Projected climate for the 21st century. Climate Dynamics 16: 427 - 451.

    Mitchell, J. F. B., Johns, T. C., Gregory, J. M., Tett, S., 1995. Climate response to increasing levels of greenhouse gases and sulphate aerosols. Nature 376, 501-504.

    Wetherald, R. T., Manabe, S., 1988. Cloud feedback processes in a general circulation model. Journal of Atmospheric Science 45, 1397-1415.

    Wilson, C. A., Mitchell, J. F. B., 1987. A doubled CO2 climate sensitivity experiment with a global climate model including a simple ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research  92 (D11), 13315-13343.
    Go to FAQ

    Can you show me quickly how the GCM models compare among themselves and with the Current scenario for the climate variables you have used?
    Yes, we can - please click here to view the boxplot comparison.
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    Why have you used outputs of so many GCM models - what are the differences among them?
    Since climate change is a dynamic and uncertain topic, each model has its inherent strengths and weaknesses. By using the output of several GCMs we can hopefully arrive at a range of distribution scenarios, whose average may represent reality better. Differences among them is best described by the following statistics:
    Area-weighted averages for the Eastern US of each climate variable
    in the RTA tree models, for current climate, and for five GCM
    scenarios (2 x CO2 equilibrium runs).
    CURRENT  -1.68 23.53 11.60 20.63   1043.02   64.91 1.06
    GISS      3.21 27.03 16.10 24.60   1067.62  104.02 0.79
    GFDL      3.14 30.76 17.01 26.45    998.57  139.21 0.30
    HADLEY    0.77 25.86 14.30 23.29   1284.86  179.00 0.50
    UKMO      6.53 30.19 19.12 27.62   1159.37  267.30 0.28
    CCC       4.88 28.52 17.19 26.04   1082.55  215.51 0.26
    Change from current climate conditions as predicted by five GCMs:
    absolute change for temperature variables, percent change for others.
               JANT  JULT  AVGT  MAYSEPT PPT     PET        JARPPET
    GISS       4.89  3.50  4.50  3.97    2.36%    60.25%    -25.47%
    GFDL       4.82  7.23  5.41  5.82   -4.26%   114.47%    -71.70%
    HADLEY     2.45  2.33  2.70  2.66   23.19%   175.77%    -52.83%
    UKMO       8.21  6.66  7.52  6.99   11.16%   311.80%    -73.58%
    CCC        6.56  4.99  5.59  5.41    3.79%   232.01%    -75.47%
    AVGT            Mean annual temperature (EC)
    JANT            Mean January temperature (EC)
    JULT            Mean July temperature (EC)
    PPT             Annual precipitation (mm)
    PET             Potential evapotranspiration (mm/mo)
    MAYSEPT Mean May-September temperature (EC)
    JARPPET July-August ratio of precipitation to PET
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    Where can I get information on the GCM models you have used?
    See above. and also search under Google (http://www.google.com).
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    How can I cite this web page?
    How to cite this web page:
    Prasad, A. M. and L. R. Iverson. 1999-ongoing. A Climate Change Atlas for 80 Forest Tree Species of the Eastern United States [database]. http://www.fs.fed.us/ne/delaware/atlas/index.html, Northeastern Research Station, USDA Forest Service, Delaware, Ohio.

    Hard copy version of the climate change tree atlas:
    Iverson, L. R., A. M. Prasad, B. J. Hale, and E. K. Sutherland. 1999. An atlas of current and potential future distributions of common trees of the eastern United States. General Technical Report NE-265. Northeastern Research Station, USDA Forest Service. 245 pp. (Contact Anantha Prasad for a copy)

    Published articles related to the work:
    DeHays, D. H., G. L. Jacobson, P. G. Schaber, B. Bongarten, L. R. Iverson, and A. Kieffenbacker-Krall. 2000. Forest responses to changing climate: lessons from the past and uncertainty for the future. Pages 495-540 in R. A. Mickler, R. A. Birdsey, and J. L. Hom, editors. Responses of northern forests to environmental change. Springer-Verlag, Ecological Studies Series vol. 139, New York, NY.

    Easterling, M. M., D. R. DeWalle, L. R. Iverson, A. M. Prasad, A. Z. Rose, A. R. Buda, and Y. Cao. 2000. The potential impacts of climate change and variability on forests and forestry in the Mid-Atlantic Region. Climate Research 14:195-206.

    Hansen, M.H., Frieswyk, T., Glover, J.F., and Kelly, J.F. 1992. The Eastwide forest inventory data base: users manual. General Technical Report NC-151,U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, North Central Forest Experiment Station. St. Paul, MN. 48 pp.

    Hanson, A. J., V. Dale, C Flather, R. P. Neilson, P. Bartlein, L. Iverson, and D. Currie. 2001. Global change in forests: interactions among biodiversity, climate, and land use. BioScience 51(9):765-779.

    Iverson, L. R. and A. M. Prasad. 2001. Potential changes in tree species richness and forest community types following climate change. Ecosystems 4:200-215.

    Iverson, L. R. Prasad A. M. and M. W. Schwartz. 1999. Modeling potential future individual tree-species distributions in the Eastern United States under a climate change scenario: a case study with Pinus virginiana. Ecological Modelling 115:77-93.

    Iverson, L. R. and A. M. Prasad. 2001. Potential tree species shifts with five climate change scenarios in the Eastern United States. Forest Ecology and Management 155(1-3).

    Iverson, L. R. and A. M. Prasad. 1998. Predicting abundance of 80 tree species following climate change in the eastern United States. Ecological Monographs 68:465-485. (Ecological Monographs paper)

    McNulty, S. G., J. A. Moore, L. R. Iverson, A. Prasad, R. Abt, B. Smith, G. Sun, M. Gavazzi, J. Bartlett, B. Murray, R. A. Mickler, and J. D. Aber. 2000. Application of linked regional scale growth, biogeography, and economic models for southeastern United States pine forests. World Resources Review 12:298-320.

    Prasad, A. and Iverson, L. R. 1997. Modelling tree distributions in eastern United States using Arc/Info GIS and S-PLUS statistical package. Pages (http://www.esri.com/library/userconf/proc97/PROC97/TO200/PAP200/P200.HTM) in Proceedings, 1997 Arc/Info Conference. Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.  Redlands, California. 

    Prasad, A. M. and L. R. Iverson. 2000. Predictive vegetation mapping using a custom built model-chooser: comparison of regression tree analysis and multivariate adaptive regression splines. In. Proceedings CD-ROM. 4th International Conference on Integrating GIS and Environmental Modeling: Problems, Prospects and Research Needs. http://www.colorado.edu/research/cires/banff/upload/159/index.html, Banff, Alberta, Canada.

    Schwartz, M. W., L. R. Iverson, and A. M. Prasad. 2001. Predicting the potential future distribution of four tree species in Ohio, USA, using current habitat availability and climatic forcing. Ecosystems.

    Sutherland, E. K., B. J. Hale, and D. M. Hix. 2000. Defining species guilds in the Central Hardwood Forest, USA. Plant Ecology 147:1-19.
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    Are you really serious when you show that some species will disappear from the US? What confidence do you place on your assertions?
    Ah Ha! We knew you were going to ask the hard question and so tried to bury it lower down - but you are persistent!  Well, what we mean is:  given our assumptions and the inherent limitations of a macro-scale, multiple-species modelling approach, in addition to the intra-model limitations as well as input data errors, we predict that species x will "potentially" disappear from the United States. Remember what we lose, our friendly northerly neighbor, Canada gains!  For more details on assumptions, refer to this section of our publication. As you can imagine, it is hard to place "confidence" to this modelling approach. Even if we concocted something, it would be highly misleading - so we ask you to treat this as a pioneer investigation of  the "potential" suitable habitat of 80 species under a changed climate,  given the present state of data, using a regression modelling approach. Enough said.
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    Your maps depict potential future distributions, or potentially suitable habitat for 80 species, based on GCM scenarios for roughly 100 years into the future. These models also assume the species will get to the potentially suitable habitat in that time frame. What might really happen over the next 100 years if migration were inhibited by fragmented habtitat or dispersal limitations?
    We are working on that. Mark Scwartz (1992) developed a model that simulates tree migration across fragmented habitats. We have applied this model, SHIFT, to one species (Pinus virginiana) and published the paper in Ecological Modelling (Iverson et al. 1999). In that work, we combine the outputs from the RTA work shown on this web with that of SHIFT to produce more logical estimates of what might really happen over the next 100 years. We are proceeding to do this work for many other species, as well as concentrate on SHIFT model sensitivity for four species in Ohio. Stay tuned for more on this and visit our global change page often (SHIFT Model)

    Iverson, L. R. Prasad A. M. and M. W. Schwartz. 1999. Modeling potential future individual tree-species distributions in the Eastern United States under a climate change scenario: a case study with Pinus virginiana. Ecological Modelling 115:77-93.

    Schwartz, M.W. 1992. Modelling the effects of habitat fragmentation on the ability of trees to respond to climatic warming. Biodiversity and Conservation 2:51-61.