Employment Bulletin Board

updated 3/6/2008

To post a position, please submit job description, prerequisites, and contact information to Linda Carlson at carlson@aps.anl.gov.

To submit a resume to the Employment Registry, click here.


RESEARCH ASSOCIATE (Instructor), GSECARS, The University of Chicago
RESEARCH ASSOCIATE (Instructor), GSECARS, The University of Chicago
TECHNICIAN, HP-CAT, Carnegie Institution of Washington
APS RESEARCH SCIENTIST, LS-CAT, Northwestern University
FACULTY POSITION and STAFF POSITION , Dept. of Materials Science & Engineering, University of California at Berkeley, National Center for Electron Microscopy, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Harvard University

Synchrotron Studies of Liquid Metals Surfaces
Department of Physics and/or Division of Engineering and Applied Physics
Prof. P.S. Pershan

A postdoctoral position to use synchrotron radiation techniques to study the surfaces of liquid metals and alloys will be available in January or February of 2008.

Experience in UHV, synchrotron and surface techniques are all highly desirable. The candidate should be comfortable with UNIX operating systems and have some experience with c-programming. Descriptive material on the project can be downloaded from


Applications, should be made by E-mail to
The subject should contain PostDoc-Metals.

Harvard University is an affirmative action employer and welcomes applications from qualified women and minority group members

posted 8/20/2007

GSECARS, The University of Chicago

Requisition 076058

The Center for Advanced Radiation Sources (CARS) of the University of Chicago has a Research Associate (Instructor) position available at the GeoSoilEnviroCARS (GSECARS) synchrotron research facility at the Advanced Photon Source (APS), Argonne National Laboratory, in Argonne , Illinois . This is a full-time position, for which a Ph.D. in geology, physics, or a related field and synchrotron research experience using large-volume press (LVP) techniques are required. The successful candidate will (1) conduct research on rheological properties of materials at high pressures and temperatures, using multianvil devices, especially the Deformation DIA (D-DIA); (2) participate in core research using the D-DIA; (3) provide partial support for the scientific users from the multianvil high-pressure community who conduct research using the GSECARS synchrotron beamlines at APS; and (4) participate in core and collaborative research and will be involved in the development of new techniques for collection and analysis of synchrotron data. The successful candidate will have excellent relevant computer skills. organizational skills,verbal and written communication skills, and be able to work effectively both as a team player and independently. Candidate must be able to satisfy requirements for access to Argonne National Laboratory.

Research Associate (Instructors) are appointed to renewable one-year terms and may be considered for promotion. Research Associate (Instructors) may hold this rank for no more than four years.

Applications must be made on-line and include a curriculum vitae, cover letter, statement of research interests, and list of publications, along with three professional references. This posting will be closed when the position is filled.

Argonne National Laboratory

For more information and to apply:

The University of Chicago is an Affirmative Action / Equal Opportunity Employer.

posted 6/27/2007

GSECARS, The University of Chicago

Requisition 076056

The Center for Advanced Radiation Sources (CARS) of the University of Chicago has a Research Associate (Instructor) position available at the GeoSoilEnviroCARS (GSECARS) synchrotron research facility at the Advanced Photon Source (APS), Argonne National Laboratory, in Argonne , Illinois . This is a full-time position, for which a Ph.D. in geology, physics, or a related field and synchrotron research experience using large-volume press (LVP) techniques are required. The successful candidate will (1) conduct research on structural properties of materials (crystalline and noncrystalline) at high pressures and temperatures, using multianvil devices; (2) participate in the development of ultrahigh pressure generation using double-stage multianvil devices at GSECARS; (3) provide partial support for the scientific users from the multianvil high-pressure community who conduct research using the GSECARS synchrotron beamlines at APS; and (4) participate in core and collaborative research and will be involved in the development of new techniques for collection and analysis of synchrotron data. The successful candidate will have excellent relevant computer skills. organizational skills,verbal and written communication skills, and be able to work effectively both as a team player and independently. Candidate must be able to satisfy requirements for access to Argonne National Laboratory.

Research Associate (Instructors) are appointed to renewable one-year terms and may be considered for promotion. Research Associate (Instructors) may hold this rank for no more than four years.

Applications must be made on-line and include a curriculum vitae, cover letter, statement of research interests, and list of publications, along with three professional references. This posting will be closed when the position is filled.

Argonne National Laboratory

For more information and to apply:

The University of Chicago is an Affirmative Action / Equal Opportunity Employer.

posted 6/27/2007

HP-CAT, Carnegie Institution of Washington


Primary responsibility is to help HPSynC scientists conduct high pressure experiments efficiently and safely. Aid in the design and construction of high pressure experimental instrumentation for use in a synchrotron environment. Provide technical infrastructure support. Work with scientists to implement experimental setups using various techniques throughout the APS.

Knowledge, Skills, and Experience:

  • Ability to take a conceptual idea or design through to completion.
  • Considerable mechanical skills required to fabricate and assemble custom scientific equipment.
  • Understanding and hands on experience with synchrotron beamline equipment. Working knowledge of machine shop tools is desired.
  • Experience with 3D modeling preferred, but will train the appropriate candidate. Some electrical knowledge preferred.
  • Proficiency with computers.
  • Capable of learning new concepts/skills and efficiently implement this knowledge.
  • Must be able to work proficiently both independently as well as in groups.
  • Ability to communicate effectively with technical and scientific staff.
  • Organized and capable of handling multiple projects at once.
  • Technical school training and/or 5 years work equivalent experience preferred.

Applicants should submit application letter, resume, and salary history via email to:

Veronica O'Connor HPCAT Office Manager

High Pressure Synergetic Center ( HPSynC )
Carnegie Institution of Washington
c/o Advanced Photon Source
Argonne National Laboratory
9700 South Cass Avenue
Argonne , IL 60439

posted 3/16/2007

LS-CAT, Northwestern University

JOB Title: APS Research Scientist   Department: Synchrotron Research/LS-CAT
Job ID: 110823   Percent Full Time: 100.00
Location: Argonne, IL   Salary TBD
Salary Grade: EXS/31    


Job Summary:
The APS Research Scientist develops and implements strategies for bringing LS-CAT x-ray crystallography facilities on-line. The position supports users and staff by supplying one-on-one training and on line documentation. The position also implements automation of routine experiments and collaborates with facility users on one-off experiments.

Some tasks need to be performed in a confined space. LS-CAT is located at Argonne National Laboratory (a DOE facility), therefore the incumbent will be required to complete all required DOE safety training courses. The LS-CAT facilities operate 24 hours a day. Staff is required to work some nights and weekends as well as be on call.

Specific Responsibilities:
Planning and implementing strategies for supporting macromolecular crystallography experiments, as well as training staff to use and refine these strategies; Forming research collaborations with LS-CAT members using either LS-CAT facilities or other facilities at the Advanced Photon Source; Writing clear on-line documentation and how-to manuals for staff to reference while performing support duties; Providing direct support for users of the LS-CAT facility; Performing other related duties as required or assigned.

Minimum Qualifications:
A Ph.D. in physics (or related science) and 5 years' of experience at a synchrotron radiation facility with user support duties;
Proven programming capabilities in C or a related language;
Proven ability to understand and align synchrotron radiation experiments;
Basic knowledge of UNIX/LINUX systems administration;
Ability to troubleshoot and maintain large area CCD detectors;
Ability to communicate effectively with protein crystallographers;
Ability to analyze protein diffraction patterns and discern the difference between crystal problems and Beamline problems;
Understanding of motion control systems is essential;
A proven problem solver both individually and in small groups;
Candidate will be expected to work with LS-CAT technical and scientific staff in the installation and maintenance of complex scientific apparatus;
Ability to create mechanical designs and communicate with machine shop personnel is required.

Preferred Qualifications:
A Ph.D. with 10 years' experience with the x-ray sciences;
Strong expertise in protein crystallography, x-ray scattering and x-ray spectroscopy;
Experience as a staff member at a synchrotron radiation facility;
Extensive experience solving protein structures from x-ray diffraction data;
Extensive knowledge of protein data analysis software;
Knowledge of EPICS and PMAC systems is highly desirable.

posted 1/30/2007

Dept. of Materials Science & Engineering, University of California at Berkeley
National Center for Electron Microscopy, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

The University of California at Berkeley and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory invite applications for a joint position in nanoscale characterization. The successful candidate will be offered a tenured faculty position within the Department of Materials Science & Engineering and a staff position at the National Center for Electron Microscopy. Applicants must have a strong commitment to teaching and working with a diverse population of students and Center users, and must show potential for high quality research in advanced characterization methods of materials and their reactions at the nanoscale. A doctoral degree in an appropriate field is required. The position is available July 1, 2007.

All qualified candidates are invited to apply, and applications from minority and women candidates are especially encouraged. Please send a curriculum vitae, bibliography, statement of research interests, and a list of references, as a hard copy, postmarked by December 31, 2006, to:

Professor Robert O. Ritchie, Chair
Department of Materials Science & Engineering
210 Hearst Memorial Mining Building, MC 1760
Berkeley , California 94720-1760 , USA

No e-mail applications will be considered; neither will applications submitted after the deadline.

The University of California is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer.

posted 9/25/2006

IPNS, Argonne National Laboratory

A post-doctoral research associate position is immediately available to participate in neutron and x-ray powder diffraction research using the General Purpose Powder Diffractometer (GPPD) at the Intense Pulsed Neutron Source (IPNS) and instrumentation at the Advanced Photon Source (APS) at Argonne National Laboratory.

Applications are invited from highly motivated individuals with a Ph.D. in chemistry, materials science, materials engineering, physics, or a related field with a strong background in diffraction and crystallography, including familiarity with neutron and x-ray scattering, powder diffraction and structure/property relationships. The successful candidate will join the GPPD instrument team at IPNS and participate in user-initiated as well as independent scientific programs. Ongoing scientific activities include: (1) crystal chemistry and structure-property relationships in catalytic materials; (2) crystallography and local structures of complex materials; (3) structures of hydrogen storage materials; and (4) residual strain/crystallographic texture measurements in alloys and composites, including strain and orientation distribution function determinations.

Interested candidates should submit a curriculum vita, a brief description of research interests, and contact information for three referees via the Argonne career web site at http://www.anl.gov under postdoctoral openings for requisition number IPNSJR PNS .

Technical inquiries concerning this position should be addressed to J. W. Richardson (jwrichardson@anl.gov). For more information about IPNS, see http://www.pns.anl.gov/

Argonne is an equal opportunity employer, and we value diversity in our workforce.
posted 8/10/2005


The consortium for Construction, Equipment and Exploitation of the Synchrotron Light Laboratory (CELLS) is jointly funded by the Spanish State Government through its Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Ministry of Education and Science) and the Generalitat de Catalunya (Catalan Autonomous Government) through its Departament d’Universitats, Recerca i Societat de la Informació (Department of Universities, Research and Information Society).

The consortium will construct and operate the Synchrotron Light Facility, named ALBA (3 GeV, ~ 4 nmrad) , in the Barcelona area (Valles Occidental). The scientific program implies the implementation of beamlines devoted to a variety of scientific areas that should be operational by 2009-10.

We are currently in the process of identifying candidates to scientist positions with relevant experience in the following areas:

  • High resolution powder diffraction
  • Non crystalline diffraction (SAXS-WAXS)/ microfocus
  • Macromolecular crystallography
  • Absorption spectroscopies
  • Circular magnetic dichroism and resonant reflectivity
  • Photoemission: PEEM and core level combined with XES for non UHV applications
  • Soft x-ray microscopy

The successful candidates will be expected to have the responsibility (in total or in part) for the design, construction and operation of the beamlines together with the development of an in-house research program. Indefinite and fixed term contracts will be considered depending on the experience and circumstances of the applicants. The evolution from fixed term contracts to indefinite ones will also be contemplated.

If you are interested in being considered for such positions, please send your CV and a letter describing your interests, experience and boundary conditions to yolanda.ruiz@cells.es before 1st September 05.

posted 5/11/2005

Employment opportunity notices will be posted when available.


To comment on the contents please contact:
Linda Carlson (carlson@aps.anl.gov)