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Study Tour of Archeological Interpretation > Credits >


This guide was developed by:

Matt Burns designed the template for the guide.

Barbara J. Little maintains this website.

Study Tour may be cited as:

Moyer, Teresa S., Lena Mortensen, and Barbara J. Little
2006 “Study Tour of Archeological Interpretation.” Archeology Program, National Park Service, Washington, DC. http://www.nps.gov/archeology/studytour/studytour.htm.

Special thanks to: Sue Fischer, Montezuma Castle National Monument; David Larsen, Harpers Ferry Center; Kathy McKay, Mesa Verde National Park; Karen Rehm and Andrew Veech, Colonial National Historical Park; and Catherine Kisluk, TIC.

For additional information, contact:

Barbara J. Little: barbara_little@nps.gov
Archeology Program, NPS
1849 C Street, NW (2275)
Washington, DC 20240-0001
202-354-2100 (voice)
202-371-5102 (fax)