White River National Wildlife Refuge
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Recreation Information

Fishing on White River NWR.Credit: USFWS

Fishing on White River NWR. Credit: USFWS

National Wildlife Refuge System Improvement Act

The refuge system provides important opportunities for compatible wildlife-dependent recreational activities involving hunting, fishing, wildlife observation and photography, and environmental education and interpretation.

Access and Vehicle Use

The maximum speed for any land vehicle is 35 mph. ATV’s are allowed only for wildlife dependent activities (hunting, fishing, wildlife observation, and/or photography). Refuge roads on the South Unit are open to vehicular traffic March 1 through December 15. All other refuge roads are open year round. A locked gate, road closed sign, or other barrier (i.e. mounded dirt) means the road is closed to all vehicle travel but not to foot travel unless signed otherwise. 

On the South Unit, ATV's may be used only on trails marked with yellow paint; all other vehicles must stay on either gravel roads or those roads marked with yellow paint, and not posted with "ATV use only" signs.

On lands north of Cut Bluff Slough, all motorized vehicles must stay on established roads. On lands south of Cut Bluff Slough , all ATV’s must stay on yellow marked trials. The use of ATV’s on gravel roads is prohibited anywhere on the refuge, unless signed otherwise. An ATV is defined as a vehicle with a maximum tire pressure of 15psi., and a maximum dry weight of 1,550 lbs. All other non-licensed motorized vehicles are prohibited on the refuge. Personal watercraft (jet-ski, sea-do, wet bike) are prohibited on the refuge.

Boats, other than flat-bottomed johnboats 16 feet or less in length, may not be left overnight on the refuge during the period from November 1 through February 28.Boats, ATV’s, and portable tree stands left unattended on the refuge must have the owner’s name and address affixed in a conspicuous manner.


The Refuge is open for hunting of white-tailed deer, turkey, small game and waterfowl in designated areas.

Sport Fishing and Frogging

Fishing is permitted year round in LaGrue, Essex, Prairie, Scrubgrass and Brooks Bayous, Big Island Chute, Moon and Belknap Lakes next to Arkansas Highway 1, Indian Bay, the Arkansas Post Canal and adjacent drainage ditches, those borrow ditches located adjacent to the west bank of that portion of the White River Levee north of the Arkansas Power and Light Company powerline right-of-way, and all refuge owned waters located north of Arkansas Highway 1. All other refuge waters are open to sport fishing from March 1 through November 30 unless posted otherwise.

A refuge Special Use Permit is required to fish with any type tackle other than hook and line.

Frogging is permitted on all refuge owned waters open for sport fishing as follows: South Unit, frogging is permitted from the beginning of the state season through November 30; North Unit, frogging is permitted for the entire state season. The use of bow and arrow for taking bullfrogs or fish is permitted by Special Use Permit.

Camping on White River NWR.Credit: USFWS

Camping on White River NWR. Credit: USFWS

Camping is permitted year round on the North Unit (except the Kansas Lake Area and other areas listed on the map legend) and on the South Unit at Jacks Bay, Moon Lake, Hudson's Landing, and the Floodgate campgrounds. All remaining campgrounds on the South Unit are open for camping from March 1 through December 15, except until December 31 for Prairie Lakes and Smokehouse Hill Campgrounds.


  • Loud noise in campgrounds after 10:00 pm, including generators.
  • Campsites must be removed after 14 consecutive days, and campsites must be occupied daily.
  • Leaving fires unattended.

Wildlife Observation  Tips

Butterflies on White River NWR.Credit: USFWS

Butterflies on White River NWR. Credit: USFWS

  • When
    Early morning, late afternoon, and when the weather clears after a storm are good times to observe wildlife.  Spring bird migration usually goes from mid-March through mid-May, and fall migration from September through December. 
  • Where
    Be sure to look in a variety of habitats, along the "edges" between habitats, and remember to look high and low as well as at eye level.  Please obey speed limits and stay on the designated trails.
  • How
    You will see more animals if you are QUIET.  Be sure to listen for animal calls or songs, or try sitting down along the trail and waiting.
  • What to Bring
    Binoculars or spotting scopes are helpful for observing wildlife, and a good field guide will help you identify what you see.  You are always welcome to bring your camera and a lunch to eat along the trail.  Don't forget your raincoat and INSECT REPELLENT. There is a large variety of wildlife to be observed on the Refuge.  Vehicles are allowed on designated roads only. Foot traffic is also permitted year round on roads and trails. The Refuge also has an Observation Tower located at the Demonstration Area for wildlife observation and wildlife photography.

Upland Trail

The Upland Trail is a one mile paved loop trail that is handicap accessible. It offers interpretive panels and benches. No motorized vehicles are allowed and pets must be on a leash. The trail can be accessed from the parking area located off of Hwy One, or from the Visitor Center parking area. The trail is open all year during daylight hours.

Big Woods Birding Opportunities - "Finding Elvis"

Last updated: September 10, 2008