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Lake Roosevelt National Recreation AreaWooden buildings of Fort Colvile.
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Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area
Tread Lightly
Two adults and two young children on boat on the water fishing.
Enjoying the lake

Imagine that we are on a visit to a museum. The exhibits are beautiful and delicate, the surroundings mysterious and fascinating. How would we conduct ourselves? Would we trample through roped areas, break open exhibit cases, or cut apart furnishings and start a fire? On our way out, would we remove a painting as a souvenir? Of course not!

Yet, when we visit lakes and camp along fragile shorelines, some of us, often unconsciously, display similar behavior. Some of us may have removed vegetation for a camping spot that leaves the land barren; dug a hole for a toilet damaging a cultural resource or leaving a smelly mess for the next camper; left garbage in a fire ring that causes animals to gravitate towards campgrounds. For every cause, there is an effect. While these actions may seem harmless at the time, they have a damaging cumulative affect as more and more visitors engage in this behavior. The number of people visiting Lake Roosevelt is growing yearly. Now more than ever we must learn to TREAD Lightly! on the land and water.

If we learn to think of the lake and its associated desert and forest environments as a museum, not with walls and cases, but as a living museum, where the animals are wild and their habitat sensitive we can learn to minimize our impact to that living museum. Tread Lightly is not a set of rules or regulations. Rather, it is first and foremost an attitude and an ethic. Tread Lightly is about respecting and caring for wild lands, doing your part to protect our natural/cultural resources.  Below, are the five principles that make up this important ethic.


Travel Responsibly

• Stay on designated trails and waterways open to your type of use (boat, personal watercraft, on foot, or bicycle).
• There is no off-road vehicle or motorcycle use allowed within Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area.
• Crescent Bay Lake is closed to all motorized craft.
• The Kettle River is closed to personal watercraft.
• Observe no wake zones, which are marked with buoys.
• Drinking and driving do not mix. Please designate a sober driver.


Respect The Environment And The Rights Of Others

• Respect and be considerate of other users so that all can enjoy a quality experience.
• In a personal watercraft, be cautious around canoes, kayaks,  boats, and swimmers.
• Motorized craft always yield the right of way to non-motorized vessels.
• Sound travels farther on water. Slow down when operating motorized craft near people.
• Respect wildlife. Be sensitive to their life sustaining needs by keeping your distance.
• Comply with signage.Always obtain permission to cross private land.


Educate Yourself, Plan and Prepare Before You Go

• Obtain a map at visitor/information centers, campgrounds, boat launches or by mail.
• Know proper use and care of your watercraft. Keep it in good working condition.
• Know Lake Roosevelt National Roosevelt Area regulations/fees for boating, camping, campfires, hunting, and fishing.
• Check weather forecast before going out on the lake. Get off the lake if a thunderstorm is near.
• Think safety first:  wear life jackets, drink plenty of water, carry adequate fuel , and a fire extinguisher.


Avoid Sensitive Areas           

• The Shrub-Steppe ecosystem found in the southern half of Lake Roosevelt NRA is very unique. Much of the ground is a living “biological soil crust” that is very fragile. This soil is composed of cyano-bacteria, lichens, mosses, algae and fungi. These dark knobby-looking crusts help stabilize and bind soil materials which helps prevent both wind and water erosion. The crust is a nitrogen fixer, thus aids in plant growth. Once these soil crusts are busted by foot or vehicle traffic, they take a very long time to recover. Please Don’t Bust the Crust!
• It is important to slow down in shallow waters and near shorelines because these areas are habitat to an abundance of plant and animal life.
• Our shorelines are prime breeding and feeding areas for fish, birds, and other wildlife. Be aware of seasonal breeding and nesting areas, and do not disturb these sites.
•  The lake bank and vegetation can be easily damaged or eroded. Do not climb up steep embankments which can cause severe erosion.
• Always launch watercraft at a designated boat ramp. Backing a vehicle on a riverbank or lake shore can damage the area and leads to erosion.


Do Your Part

• Take out everything you bring in. Do not burn garbage; cans do not burn and plastics emit toxic fumes.  Challenge yourself to leave the area cleaner than you found it!
• Wildfires can start by unattended campfires. Campfires are permitted in National Park Service metal fire rings only. Please be sure your campfire is completely out. Beach fires are not permitted from May 2 to October 31. Please observe any “Fire Ban” postings for your safety and to protect the park and its neighbors.
• Properly dispose of human waste by using floating toilets, outhouses, or sanitation products that use bags that state they are approved for landfill disposal. Concessionaires have approved sanitation products for sale.
• Do not dig a hole for disposing of human waste. This is illegal at Lake Roosevelt NRA.
• Before leaving the boat launch, make sure to remove all plant material from your watercraft and dispose of plants in a garbage container. Also, be sure remove weeds from boots and tires. This will help prevent invasive plant species from spreading from lake to lake and throughout the park and it’s neighbors. 


Remember by practicing the

Tread Lightly! principles

T  ravel responsibly

R  espect the rights of others

ducate yourself

void sensitive areas

D  o your part

you not only protect the outdoors,
but you protect recreation opportunities for future generations.

The mock orange grows prolifically at Fort Spokane and has a fragrant blossom similar to the orange blossom.  

Did You Know?
Fort Spokane (1880 - 1898) was established in part to protect the rights of local Native American tribes from newly arrived settlers who wanted to settle, poach, or illegally mine on the Spokane and Colville Reservations.

Last Updated: July 21, 2008 at 17:02 EST