CAREWARE archives -- February 2006

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CAREWARE archives – February 2006

Table of contents:

  1. 2nd Annual Regional Native American Capacity Building Summit for HIV Services

  2. 3.6 problem

  3. 4.1 Problems

  4. Annual Review rollover and other items

  5. Annual Tab in CW

  6. backing up

  7. CADR

  8. CADR question

  9. CAREWARE Digest - 17 Feb 2006 to 20 Feb 2006 (#2006-34)

  10. CAREWare Email down

  11. CAREWare upgrades and Sign On Issues

  12. change logs

  13. changing settings

  14. Client death dates and updating the CADR

  15. Clinical Encounter Preprints

  16. Counseling and Testing custom report in CAREWare 4.1

  17. Custom Reports

  18. Custom Reports only for Specific Labs

  19. CW Help Desk availability

  20. Death dates not converted

  21. Help Desk and Mardi Gras

  22. Help Desk Email

  23. Hospital/ER Visits

  24. I stand corrected

  25. Lab Reports in CAREWare 4.1

  26. Missing Data Report

  27. paps

  28. Patients on ART

  29. Please add the following person

  30. Relations report

  31. server not found

  32. Services labeled Default after conversion

  33. services question

  34. Updating Client tier if 2.17 is installed

  35. URN Algorithm

  36. users and passwords
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