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Melbourne, FL
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ReflectivityHi-res reflectivityMoisture convHi-res sfc windCAPE / windCAPE / CINHelicity

Sfc temp/windFreezing levelPrecip waterSfc RH/windSfc dwpt/windSteering windsMDPI

250mb wind500mb vorticity500mb temp700mb RH850mb tempPrecipitation


Note: The valid date/time is indicated at the bottom of the graphic in the following format yymmdd/hh00Vvvv; where yy = year (e.g. 06=2006), mm = month (e.g. 10 = October), dd = day (e.g. 05 = the 5th), hh = UTC hour (subtract 4 hours for EDT or subtract 5 hours for EST) (e.g. 2000 = 1600 EDT/400 PM local time or 1500 EST/300 PM local time), and Vvvv is the hour projection of the model (e.g. V024 = the 24th hour of the particular model run and V000 = the initial condition, or 00 hour, of the model run.

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National Weather Service
Melbourne Weather Forecast Office
421 Croton Road
Melbourne, FL 32935
Web Master's E-mail:
Date modified: January 25, 2007


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