Contact Us

Public Health
Seattle & King County
401 5th Ave., Suite 1300
Seattle, WA 98104

Phone: 206-296-4600
TTY Relay: 711

Toll-free: 800-325-6165

Click here to email us

Public Records Requests

Instructions to submit a Public Records Request

Information for septic system owners

A well-managed system works well and lasts a long time. A system that doesn't work or "fails" is an immediate health risk. As the owner of a septic system, you are its "Operation and Maintenance Manager."

Septic education and care
Buying, selling or transferring properties with septic systems
As-builts (a 'map' of your septic system)
Permits, Applications, Forms and Codes
Lists of septic professionals
Questions and comments
How to get free brochures
Complete list of Wastewater Program fees