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Seattle & King County
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Publications from the HIV/AIDS Program

General topics (in order from most recent at top of list)

Strategic and Operational Plan for HIV Prevention in King County (PDF)
The HIV/AIDS Program for Public Health – Seattle & King County has been a leader in working to reduce the impact of HIV and AIDS in our community through prevention and treatment services. Far too many have suffered from HIV/AIDS epidemic across the world and in our community, but with the help of many community partners we have been effective in reducing its local impact.

Now That You Know Guide
Now That You Know is a new booklet for people who have recently learned that they have HIV. It contains basic information and tools including community and web based resources to assist people in assessing their immediate needs for living with HIV. To order print copies, please contact the HIV/STD Hotline at: 206-205-7837.

A compendium guide to crystal meth among gay and bisexual men (PDF)

Proyecto Conociendonos ("Getting To Know Us")
Assessing the HIV Prevention and Counseling/Testing Needs of the Latino Population in King County

2005 Care Services Prioritization and Allocation Plan (PDF)

African Immigrant Project (PDF)
Many people have been worried about the HIV/AIDS prevention and care needs among the growing African immigrant population, potentially numbering over 20,000 in our urban region of Washington State.

Seattle RARE Project: Rapid Assessment, Response and Evaluation
In Seattle-King County, as in the U.S. as a whole, epidemiological data indicate that HIV and AIDS are disproportionately affecting African Americans and foreign-born Black immigrants.

HIV Care Services Comprehensive Needs Assessment
The comprehensive needs assessment provides a “snapshot” of community services, priorities, and gaps as identified by consumers and providers in 2005.

Dr. Bob's Alert
A series of articles written by Dr. Bob Wood, Director of HIV/AIDS Control for Public Health - Seattle & King County.

Efficacy of condoms in preventing STDs
Epidemiology reports
HIV Background Booklet for Educators (PDF)
New articles list - bibliographies of current HIV/AIDS literature
Positive Living -- A Practical Guide for People with HIV (PDF)
Questions and answers about HIV and AIDS
Trail to Treatment (PDF)

Other publications