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Wild birds and avian flu

What kind of wild birds get avian flu?

Avian flu viruses have been found in many bird species, but are most common in shorebirds such as sandpipers and plovers and waterfowl such as ducks, swans, and geese. Influenza virus has been found in wild birds throughout the year, but waterfowl is the only group where it occurs year round. Birds that become infected with avian influenza viruses often show no symptoms or have only mild illnesses, but certain strains such as highly pathogenic H5N1 can cause serious disease and death.

Are migratory birds spreading avian flu from country to country?

Migratory birds' role in spreading avian flu virus is not clear. It is known that the highly pathogenic strain of H5N1 (the form capable of causing serious illness and death) is being identified in an increasing number of wild birds. The pattern and timing of several outbreaks in domestic poultry have not coincided with periods of major migratory movements or migratory routes. However, there are also reports of wild bird deaths associated with outbreaks of H5N1 avian flu in domestic poultry. It is not known if wild birds were the source of the virus or if they acquired the virus from poultry.

What is being done to find out if there is highly pathogenic avian influenza in wild birds in Washington State or elsewhere in the U.S.?

Migrating birds may spread highly pathogenic avian flu to our region so the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife is conducting surveillance on wild birds for an early warning if it does come. Intensive surveillance is also being done in other areas along the Pacific Flyway including Alaska and parts of Canada.

For more on how wild birds are being monitored for avian flu, see the following websites:

Can I catch avian flu from a wild bird?

If the highly pathogenic form of H5N1 avian flu does come to our area it would be very unlikely, but not impossible, to catch avian flu from a wild bird. People most at risk would be those who handle sick or dead birds or hunters who process bird carcasses.

Even in the absence of avian flu, birds have other diseases that humans can catch so if you need to handle a wild bird, follow the advice for hunters (see next question).

Is there a special risk to hunters?

The risk of catching avian flu to wild bird hunters is low, but the risk is higher than to a person who does not hunt. The following prevention tips apply whether or not avian flu is found in the area because other diseases can be transmitted by handling wild game birds. These tips come from the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife.

  • Do not harvest or handle wild birds that are obviously sick or found dead.
  • Wear rubber gloves while cleaning game or cleaning bird feeders.
  • Do not eat, drink or smoke while cleaning game.
  • Wash hands with soap and water or alcohol wipes immediately after handling game or cleaning bird feeders.
  • Wash tools and work surfaces used to clean game birds with soap and water, then disinfect with a 10 percent solution of chlorine bleach.
  • Separate raw meat, and anything it touches, from cooked or ready-to-eat foods to avoid contamination.
  • Cook game birds thoroughly. The meat should reach an internal temperature of 165º F.

In places that have avian flu outbreaks, should wild birds be killed to stop the disease from spreading?

No. Experts at the World Health Organization, Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, and World Organization for Animal Health all emphasize that culling wild bird populations is highly unlikely to stop the spread of the disease, and would only divert resources away from more important disease control measures.

Is it safe to swim in a lake or pond that is used by ducks and wildlife?

Studies have shown that avian flu virus can survive in fresh water. While little is known about the likelihood of the avian flu virus surviving under natural conditions, the risk to people is thought to be very low because the virus would be extremely diluted in a pond or lake.

Will Public Health close lakes to swimmers if highly pathogenic avian flu is found in birds in this area?

We do not know at this time if this will be an appropriate action.

How long can the avian flu virus survive in the environment?

In general, avian flu viruses can survive for fairly long periods at low temperatures. Higher temperatures or drying kills the virus sooner. Studies have shown that the H5N1 avian influenza virus can survive in bird feces for at least 35 days at 39°F and at least six days at 97°F. The virus has also been shown to survive on surfaces for several weeks at room temperatures.

Should I stop feeding birds at the bird feeder?

Public Health does not recommend feeding wild birds in urban or suburban settings in general because bird feeders frequently attract rats or other rodents. If you do choose to feed the birds, be aware that you must regularly clean up bird droppings and spilled food, and clean bird feeders to prevent birds from spreading diseases to each other.

To protect your own health from diseases such as salmonella carried by birds, always wear rubber gloves when you touch bird droppings or clean feeders. At least once a month, submerse bird feeders in solution of 1 part bleach with 10 parts cool water for 3 minutes, rinse, and allow to air dry.

Never handle obviously sick birds and always wear rubber gloves or pick up dead birds using a shovel. With the shovel, double bag the bird in plastic and dispose in the garbage. Public Health is tracking bird deaths in King County to watch for both West Nile virus and avian flu. You are asked to report dead birds to Public Health at 206-205-4394 or the online Dead Bird Tracking Form.

I have neighbors who feed wild birds. Is this a risk for avian flu and can Public Health stop them?

Bird feeding is not a risk for avian flu spread at this time and there are no regulations that would stop someone from feeding birds based on a concern about avian flu or other bird diseases. We do educate people to feed birds selectively using feeders that do not spill seeds because bird feeders often attract rats and other rodents. If rats are a problem on a property, we advise that bird feeders be removed. Visit Public Health’s rodent pages to learn more.