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Influenza vaccine recommendations for the 2008-2009 flu season

A law passed in 2006 in Washington requires that children under 3 years and pregnant women must be given only thimerosal-free vaccine. More information about this law. Single-dose prefilled syringes are thimerosal-free and are available in the dosage for children age 6 months through 35 months and for children three years and older and adults at Public health clinics and some other providers in King County.

Why is influenza ("flu") vaccine important?

Influenza is a very contagious illness that strikes millions of Americans each year, with pneumonia as the most common complication in high-risk groups. Influenza, unlike the common cold, has a swift onset of severe symptoms beginning with two to seven days of fever, headache, muscle aches, extreme fatigue, runny nose and sore throat, and a cough that is often severe and may last seven days or more. For more information about influenza, go to the Families Fighting Flu website.

For updated information about influenza disease in King County throughout the flu season, call the Communicable Disease Hotline at 206-296-4949 or visit our Flu Activity website.

Flu vaccine supply

Public Health - Seattle and King County has begun receiving shipments of influenza vaccine and will continue to receive shipments into November. Because over 150 million doses of flu vaccine are projected to be available for the 2008-09 influenza season, all persons who would like to be protected from influenza should be able to get influenza vaccine.

When and where can you get vaccinated against the flu?

  1. Find a flu shot clinic (including dates and times) near you

  2. Ask your own health care provider for flu vaccine.

  3. Public Health - Seattle & King County clinics will give influenza vaccine by appointment beginning October 1, 2008. Influenza vaccine is usually given from October through January, as long as vaccine supplies are available. People should get flu vaccine even after influenza activity has started in the community. See Public Health's immunization clinic locations.

  4. Many other providers will be giving flu vaccine during the 2008-09 flu season. For specific locations, dates and times for flu vaccine clinics available near you, contact these providers directly.
Additional providers
Providers who can schedule a flu vaccine clinic at your workplace

Two flu vaccines are available this year

  1. The traditional injectable flu vaccine which contains inactivated (killed) virus, is licensed for anyone age six months and older. Some patients experience soreness at the injection site lasting less than two days, but serious side effects from this vaccine are extremely rare. This vaccine may come in a multiple-dose vial or in single-dose vials or prefilled syringes. Single-dose vials or prefilled syringes are thimerosal-free and are available in the dosage for children age 6 through 35 months and for age three years and older.

  2. A live attenuated (weakened) virus vaccine (LAIV or "FluMist") that is sprayed into the nose (intranasal) is licensed for healthy people aged 2 through 49 years. A small amount of vaccine is sprayed into each nostril, instead of getting an injection. Intranasal vaccine will be available at Public Health clinics and at some clinics outside Public Health.

    LAIV is a good option for flu protection for people aged 2 through 49 years who are healthy and not pregnant, including health care workers and household contacts or caregivers of people in high-risk groups. LAIV may also be considered for persons providing essential community services and persons living in dormitories or under other crowded conditions to prevent outbreaks

    FluMist should not be given to people who are pregnant or who have chronic medical conditions. Ask your health care provider or visit

Both the injectable and intranasal flu vaccine formulations for 2008-09 include protection against A/Brisbane/59/2007 (H1N1), A/Brisbane/10/2007 (H3N2), and B/Florida/4/2006 strains.


The fee for flu vaccine for children aged 6 months through 18 years at Public Health - Seattle & King County clinics is $15.00. The fee for adults aged 19 years and older is $30.00 for the flu "shot" and $34.00 for the intranasal flu vaccine. Pneumococcal vaccine is $43.00. All of these vaccines are available on a sliding scale based on income. Costs vary for flu and pneumococcal vaccines through other providers. Flu and pneumococcal vaccines are covered by Medicare Part B. If you have Medicare coverage and belong to a managed care plan or HMO, you should go to your regular health care provider to receive your vaccine.

The federal and state funded Vaccines for Children program subsidizes the cost of children's vaccine at most health care clinics. This program includes funding for flu vaccine for all children ages 6 months through 18 years of age. Families may want to check with their clinic or physician about this program.

Who should get flu vaccine?

Anyone aged 6 months and older who wants to reduce their risk of influenza may receive influenza vaccine, as long as they do not have allergies to vaccine components or other contraindications. Also, people who have a risk of complications if they get influenza disease, and adults and children who live, work, or may come in contact with people at high risk should also receive influenza vaccine. These groups specifically include:

  • All children 6 months through 18 years of age
  • All persons 50 years of age and older
  • Women who will be pregnant during the influenza season
  • Adults and children with chronic medical conditions such as heart disease, (except hypertension) lung disease (including asthma), kidney disease, liver disease or diabetes
  • Adults and children with weakened immune systems due to HIV/AIDS or other diseases affecting the immune system, long term treatment with drugs such as steroids or cancer treatment with x-rays or drugs
  • Adults and children who have any condition (e.g., cognitive dysfunction, spinal cord injuries, seizure disorders or neurological disorders that can compromise respiratory function or the handling of respiratory secretions or increase risk of aspiration
  • Residents of nursing homes and other chronic-care facilities that house persons of any age who have chronic medical conditions

In addition, to prevent transmission to persons identified above, flu vaccine is also recommended for:

  • Healthy household contacts (including children) and caregivers of children aged 0--59 months and persons at high risk for severe complications from influenza
  • Health care workers

Important reminder:

Persons at high risk for influenza-related complications may also need immunization against pneumococcal pneumonia. This vaccine is given only once in a lifetime for most people, with a one-time revaccination recommended for people with certain medical conditions. For information about the pneumococcal vaccine, go to

This is also a good time to check your immunization record for the date of your last tetanus-diphtheria (or Td) booster. Tdap, a vaccine that provides protection against pertussis (whooping cough) in addition to providing protection against tetanus and diphtheria, was licensed in September, 2005. Tdap is available for anyone 11-64 years old who has not had a Td booster in at least 2 years. This can be given during the same visit in which you receive flu vaccine. For information about the Tdap vaccine, go to

Get Flu Season e-mail updates

As a subscriber, you will get an email alerting you of significant updates posted to this website.

see also
Influenza ("flu") fact sheet

King County weekly surveillance update

Flu info for Health Care Providers
Information including latest news, links, recommendations, facts.

Vaccines for Children
Vaccines for Children (VFC) was established in 1993 to remove the barriers of cost and access to attaining childhood immunizations.

Stop Germs, Stay Healthy!
Learn about respiratory etiquette, watch public service announcements, play the "Catch That Cough!" game and get free posters.

Communicable disease fact sheets