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Plain Talk About Child Immunizations, 5th Edition (2002)

Plain Talk About Child Immunizations booklet cover
Thank you for your interest in learning more about immunizations. As parents we are asked to make many important decisions concerning our children. Some of the most difficult decisions can be about their health care. To have your child immunized is one of these decisions. This booklet accomplishes several goals:
  • provide more information about immunizations and the diseases they prevent, much in the same way you look for information on car seats, bicycle helmets, and age-appropriate toys;
  • balance the benefits and risks of immunization and assist you in making an informed decision;
  • clarify inaccuracies or misinformation about immunizations and vaccine-preventable diseases.

Download Plain Talk About Child Immunizations (PDF, 253 Kb)
A supplement to "Plain Talk" (PDF, 78 KB). The supplement has updates to "Plain Talk" (5th Edition, 2002), as of July 2004.
Recommended Childhood and Adolescent Immunization Schedule

"Plain Talk About Childhood Immunizations", 5th Edition, is also available for free for Washington State residents in hard copy booklet format. Call WithinReach at 1-800-322-2588 (voice) or TTY Relay: 1-800-833-6388 for a copy.

Check with your doctor, nurse or clinic if you have questions or concerns about immunizations. If you need help finding health care for your child, call WithinReach at the above number. Services are available in many languages.