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Youth HIV Prevention Project

What is the Youth HIV Prevention Project?

The Youth HIV Prevention Project is a joint venture between Public Health – Seattle & King County and local South King County high school students. One out of four of new HIV infections occurs each year among youth under 21 years of age. However, there are few HIV resources specifically for youth, and fewer still that allow teens to speak directly to one another. Thanks to a grant from the National Library of Medicine, Public Health – Seattle & King County and partners have been able to fill some of this need. The youth that participated in this project, Alysha, Sarah, Randy, Justin and Chinbo, are working to make a difference in the lives of other teens – sharing information about preventing HIV and the importance of taking care of yourself if you do become infected.

Sarah says, In addition to participating in rigorous training and writing and designing this site, several of these students also created a peer HIV education program at their school, and provided trainings to their fellow students about HIV and other STDs. They are truly a remarkable group, as this web site illustrates.

Who are the Youth HIV Prevention Project members?
HIV/AIDS 101: Questions and answers
How to protect yourself: Common questions about condoms
Getting tested

The Sarah and Randy slideshow