Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)

Information for the general public

SARS fact sheet
SARS information in other languages through the CDC
How to protect yourself from SARS and prevent the spread of respiratory infections including SARS
Avian Influenza (Bird Flu)
External links

Information for King County health care providers

Clinical advisories and news
CDC SARS information for clinicians/health care settings
SARS case definition (PDF format)
SARS screening and reporting for health care providers
SARS screening forms
Discharging a patient with suspect SARS-CoV from the inpatient or outpatient setting
Infection control and recommendations for universal respiratory etiquette
Isolation and quarantine
Laboratory diagnosis
Links to external SARS websites

SARS case counts

SARS in King County
SARS in Washington State
SARS in the U.S.
SARS worldwide