Public Health - Seattle & King County provides services and community information in multiple languages both online and at our Public Health Centers. This section of our website is an index of all the materials available in each of these languages. Selected languages are based on local demographics in King County and level of frequency of those requesting medical interpreters in our clinics.

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The ability to use fonts that successfully appear on one's screen without the need to download special fonts is based on universally-formatted fonts included in most computer setups called Unicode fonts. Not all foreign language fonts have a Unicode-compatible font and requires a specially formatted font to be installed on your computer. Due to distributor licensing requirements, Public Health - Seattle & King County cannot provide any special foreign language fonts as a separate download if you are unable to view the characters. If you are having difficulty getting the characters to appear onscreen, contact us and we will assist you directly.

Materials organized by language

Languages are listed below in image and text format to compare. If they match, you have the appropriate compatible fonts already installed on your computer. If the text next to the image appears in boxes like ትግርኛ, then you do not have a compatible font installed however materials available in Adobe PDF format usually do not require special fonts installed and you should be able to view them regardless of whether you have the right font installed.

Language name in English
(press link for materials)
In native script (image) In native script (typewritten)
Amharic Amharic language አማርኛ
Arabic language

al arabiya /  العربية

Cambodian / Khmer Khmer language Exμr
Chinese (traditional)** Chinese language 中文
French French language français
Japanese Japanese language
日本語/ Nihongo
Korean Korean language 한국어
Laotian Laotian language ພາສາລາວ
Oromo Oromiffa Same alphabet as English
Punjabi Punjabi language ਪੰਜਾਬੀ
Russian Russian language Русский
Samoan Samoan Same alphabet as English
Serbo-Croatian Serbo-Croatian language cрпскохрватски језик srpskohrvatski jezik
Somali af Soomaali Same alphabet as English
Spanish Spanish language español
Swahili Kiswahili Same alphabet as English
Tagalog (Filipino) Tagalog (Filipino) Same alphabet as English
Tigrigna Tigrigna language ትግርኛ
Ukrainian Ukrainian language Українська
Vietnamese Vietnamese language Tiếng Việt

*Please note that Arabic language is traditionally formatted flush right and read from right to left. If you print any publications that are more than one page in Arabic, it should be printed and ordered in the same format as we have them published and bound on on the right side of the cover.

**Chinese-Traditional is most commonly used in our translations instead of Chinese-Simplified.

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