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Table of Contents

Welcome to CAMEO

CAMEO in brief
Who uses CAMEO?
CAMEO's three components
CAMEO supports EPCRA planning work
CAMEO and terrorism
CAMEO Chemicals: An online version of CAMEO
Getting training and staying informed
CAMEO website
CAMEO News Service
Three other programs for CAMEO users
Tier2 Submit

Getting Started

CAMEO's components
CAMEO's modules in brief
Basic CAMEO module operations
Home and navigation
The Toolbar
List and Record views
Searching and browsing
Using the Show Related command
Editing records
Things to ignore

Working with Chemical Records

The Chemical Library
Searching for a Chemical Record
Making a basic search for a chemical record
Making an advanced search for a chemical record
Understanding the information in the Chemical Library
Predicting potential chemical reactivity
How CAMEO predicts mixture reactivity
Making a reactivity prediction
Significant reactive hazards of some chemicals

Working with Facility Records

Where facility information is kept
Tier II information and CAMEO
Manually entering data from print Tier II forms into CAMEO
Importing a Tier2 Submit data file
Accessing information about a facility
Making a basic search for a facility record
Making an advanced search for a facility record
Understanding the information in facility records
Making and printing reports on facilities
Making a report for a single facility
Making and printing a report for multiple facilities
Making and printing a set of mailing labels
Creating and editing facility records
Keeping track of the chemicals in a facility's inventory
Manually creating a Chemicals in Inventory record
Items in Chemicals in Inventory record
Adding contact information for a facility
Adding records for incidents at a facility
Using Screening & Scenarios to assess hazards
Choosing between screening and scenarios calculations
Before estimating a threat zone
Estimating a screening zone
Making scenarios calculations
Plotting a threat zone on a map
Working with threat zones on maps
Choosing a stability class
What are the differences between Screening & Scenarios, ALOHA, and RMP endpoint distances?

Working With Other CAMEO Components

Special Locations
Adding and editing special location records
Adding and editing site plans
Mapping a special location
Adding contact information for special locations
Checking for special locations within a threat zone
Adding and editing Contacts records
Adding and editing Resources records
Adding contact information for resource suppliers
Adding and editing Routes records
Mapping a route
Keeping track of chemicals transported along a route
Investigating hazards along a route
Tracking incidents on a route
A source of historical incident data
Adding and editing Incidents records
Adding Reporter/Discharger contact information
Mapping an incident
Map objects and links
Using links
Linking map objects to CAMEO records
Deleting a map link

Importing and Exporting Data

Avoiding trouble
Possible data transfers
Difficult or impossible data transfers
Zipped merge files: CAMEO's standard file format
How CAMEO assigns and uses record IDs
Importing data from Tier2 Submit
Things to know before importing Tier II data
Importing a Tier2 Submit data file
Transferring data between different copies of CAMEO
Exporting data from all CAMEO modules
Exporting data from all records in a CAMEO module
Exporting data from a subset of the records in a module
Exporting data from a single CAMEO record
Transferring map links and map objects
Transferring site plans
Importing data from another copy of CAMEO
Strategies for avoiding duplicate records
Exporting data to other programs

Managing Your CAMEO System

A CAMEO management plan
Why make a CAMEO management plan?
Elements of a good CAMEO management plan
The CAMEO system manager
Preparing a plan for entering and updating data
Program security
Password protection
Implementing a CAMEO backup program
Installing and running CAMEO on a network
Ensure security first
Possible configurations
Installing the runtime version on a network
Using FileMaker Pro to host runtime files
Using FileMaker Server
Managing multiple users
Using CAMEO if you already have FileMaker

Reference Information

CAMEO's menus
Making a basic search
Searching State Fields
Making an advanced search
Saving searches
Append searches and subset searches
Sorting records in CAMEO modules
Sorting records by a single criterion
Unsorting records
Sorting a subset of records in a module
Sorting by multiple criteria
Some example sorts
Overview of legislation
CAA 112(r)

The Reactive Groups

Glossary of Terms

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