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Superfund Regional Public Liaison

The Superfund Regional Public Liaison (RPL) serves as a neutral third party to work with non-EPA and EPA parties in developing a consensus or workable agreement to resolve problems in the cleanup of hazardous wastes. The RPL is available to ALL parties while permitting all normal processes and procedures to operate without interference. Initially, callers are interviewed to determine if resolution has been sought thru routine activities and processes. If not, the caller will be referred to the appropriate staff member. If the caller has participated in the normal processes or procedures and has not received their response/action or the requested data, the RPL will assist the caller. This involvement by the RPL may be at any point in the Superfund or information gathering process. Enforcement activities will not be subject to RPL intervention. Once a case has been referred to the Department of Justice, or has entered settlement negotiations, it is extremely unlikely that the RPL will intervene.

An RPL's power is to investigate and recommend. The RPL can propose methods for correcting any errors or systemic problems that may be identified by the investigation. If the RPL cannot work with the parties and develop an agreeable solution, the recourse is to transmit findings and recommendations to Agency officials. While the RPL is independent, he/she lacks authority to impose a solution on any party.

The RPL should be viewed as a non-threatening, non-legal tool to resolve issues and expedite settlements. It is the RPL's goal to find enough common ground with the parties to develop a workable agreement. There is a strong likelihood that no one will get exactly what they want, but will move toward a resolution that all parties can support. The RPL is available to anyone; however the RPL is not a tool to be used in forum shopping or as a means of avoiding the established system. Rather, the RPL will work to assist in areas where the system has not met expectations.

The Region 4 Superfund Regional Public Liaison, L. Monty Bates, is available to assist you. If you would like to discuss a problem or ask a question, please call me at 1-800-435-9234 or (404) 562-8354, fax me at (404) 562-9988, or email: bates.lloyd@epa.gov

For information about the contents of this page please contact Brenda Gaillard

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