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HEDS, the Human Exposure Database System, is a web-enabled repository of human exposure studies. The information available through HEDS is organized by study. Information for each study will include data sets, data set metadata, documents, and metadata. Studies will be added to HEDS over time. The current contents of HEDS can be found by clicking the HEDS Studies link on the HEDS Home Page navigation bar.

The first group of human exposure studies to be included in HEDS are three pilot studies from the National Human Exposure Assessment Survey (NHEXAS). NHEXAS is a federal interagency research effort coordinated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Office of Research and Development (ORD). Phase I consists of demonstration/scoping studies using probability-based sampling designs. The NHEXAS Phase I Questionnaires were organized into six modules for simplicity in administration (to minimize respondent burden and maximize participation rates at each step) and collection of information that can be temporally related to the exposure, concentration and/or biological measurements. The following questionnaire data were collected in NHEXAS: Descriptive, Baseline, Technician Walk Through, Follow-up, Time and Activity Diary, and Dietary Diary (and follow-up).

The Arizona Study was conducted across the state of Arizona and included personal exposure, residential concentration, and biomarker measurements of metals, pesticides, and VOCs. The Maryland Study was conducted in four counties and the city of Baltimore in Maryland, and included personal exposure, residential concentration, and biomarker measurements of metals, PAHs, and pesticides measured over 6 time periods within a year. The Region 5 Study was conducted in EPA's Region 5 (Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, and Minnesota), and included personal exposure, residential concentration, and biomarker measurements of metals and VOCs.

Studies in HEDS
      NHEXAS Region 5 Study (available October 2001)
      NHEXAS Maryland Study (available February 2002)
      NHEXAS Arizona Study (available April 2002)

Check this page to find out about new studies and/or major updates to studies currently in HEDS.

Office of Research & Development | National Exposure Research Laboratory
Send questions or comments to Carry Croghan,
Webmaster at Croghan.Carry@epa.gov

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