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Depending on your perspective, one of the most interesting/crazy/dangerous/scary/exciting positions an officer can have with the Oregon State Police is that of a Certified Hazardous Device Technician.  But, there is no argument that is one of the most highly skilled.
Safety first is this unit´s motto.  With the untimely death of Sergeant Richard Schuening, the reality of how dangerous there job is really hit home.  As one member of the Pendleton Squad put it, "When we make a mistake, we don´t get a second chance to get it right."
Bomb Truck
OSP´s Bomb Squad is comprised of three teams; Salem, Central Point
and Pendleton.  Each team is fully equipped with demolition kits,
Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) kits, portable X-ray systems,
bomb suits, disrupters and robots. 

Page updated: October 12, 2007

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