Reinactment at Manassas National Battlefield Park

Established in 1940, Manassas National Battlefield Park memorializes those soldiers who lost their lives in the First and Second Battles of Manassas during the Civil War. The park provides an opportunity to study these military activities as well as the social history of this community. Archeological excavations revealed a diversity of cultures and social classes who lived here before and after the Civil War. In particular, archeology uncovered information about enslaved and free African-Americans who were a part of this community.

The tour begins with an introduction to African-American Archeology that has been done at Manassas National Battlefield Park. The second section, showcases two African-American archeological sites, the Robinson House and the Nash Site. Historical background and current archeological excavations have been outlined for each site. The final section, Finding Identity Through Material Culture, looks at different ways that African-American families at the Robinson and Nash sites used mass produced items and African religious practices to maintain their cultural identities and survive in a world dominated by white members of the community. Manassas National Battlefield Park

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Last Updated: Sept 14, 1998