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AASHTO Miscellaneous Training Links
CFR OAR and ORS Transportation Related Sites
Consultant Portal The Oregon Map Uniform Act
FHWA Oregon Maps
Interstate Highway System Oregon Turns 150 in 2009!
IRWA State Transportation Web Sites
American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials
AASHTO Subcommittee on Right of Way and Utilities

AASHTO is a nonprofit, nonpartisan association representing highway and  transportation departments in the 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico.

It represents all five transportation modes: air, highways, public transportation, rail and water. Its primary goal is to foster the development, operation and maintenance of an integrated national transportation system.
The members of the Subcommittee are comprised of the chief Right of Way officer and the chief Utilities officer of the Departments of Transportation of all 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico.
The Subcommittee's mission is to assist member organizations in improving the efficiency and quality of Right of Way and Utilities practices necessary to provide transportation facilities for the public.

Code of Federal Regulations
The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) is the codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register by the executive departments and agencies of the Federal Government. It is divided into 50 titles that represent broad areas subject to Federal regulation. Each volume of the CFR is updated once each calendar year and is issued on a quarterly basis.

Consultant Portal
Link to the Consulant Portal page
This page is designed for consultants directly involved in the delivery of transportation projects. Click here to be directed to the ODOT Consultant Portal link.

Federal Highway Administration
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) is a major agency of the U.S. Department of
Transportation (DOT).  As a cabinet-level organization of the Executive Branch of the U.S. Government, the DOT is led by a presidential appointee-the Secretary of Transportation.  The top-level official at FHWA is the Administrator, who reports directly to the Secretary of Transportation.  FHWA is headquartered in Washington, DC, with field offices in every State, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.
FHWA is charged with the broad responsibility of ensuring that America’s roads and highways continue to be the safest and most technologically up-to-date. Although State, local, and tribal governments own most of the Nation’s highways, FHWA provides financial and technical support to them for constructing, improving, and preserving America’s highway system. 
FHWA Real Estate Exchange website allows people with common interests, goals or expertise to share their experiences and knowledge, collaborate on work, identify and exchange best practices and advance the state-of-the-art in their field.

Interstate Highway System
Celebrating 50 years in 2006!
The year 2006 marked the 50th anniversary of the federal law that brought America its interstate highway system. On June 29, 1956 President Dwight Eisenhower signed the Federal Aid Highway Act of 1956 into law, beginning one of the biggest engineering projects ever undertaken.
Click here for more information on the history of the interstate highway system.

International Right of Way Association
Since its inception as a not-for-profit association in 1934, the International Right of Way Association (IRWA) has united the efforts of its members toward individual development, improved service to employers and the public, and advancement in the body of knowledge related to the professional tasks of its members.
IRWA is a single corporation, with approximately 100 entities that manage and deliver the Association's quality services. It is the only professional association that is the pre-eminent source of right of way educational and professional services worldwide. The IRWA comprises a dynamic global community of nearly 10,000 dedicated right of way professionals. The continued success of the IRWA is a result of its quality services and programs, kind and supportive staff, and its dedication to the advancement of right of way work as a fully recognized profession.

Miscellaneous Links
Request Copies of Right of Way files

Oregon Adminstrative Rules and Oregon Revised Statutes (Law)

Oregon Administrative Rules - Division 35
Oregon Administrative Rules - Division 57
Oregon Revised Statutes  

The Oregon Map
36 Counties, 9 Regions, One State, One Map, One Taxlot Base GIS for Public and Private use
The 1999 Oregon Legislature provided funding for ORMAP (the Oregon Map) through a document-recording fee collected by the counties. This money is put into the ORMAP fund, separate from the state General Fund, to be used only for the development of the Oregon Map.
The ORMAP project will develop a statewide property tax parcel base map that is digital, publicly accessible, and continually maintained. This move from paper to computer-based mapping will help and improve the administration of the property tax system. In addition, it will allow public and private organizations to support a wide variety of GIS (geographic information system) applications. In addition to the maps themselves you will find information about our program, the funding for counties, contact information, meeting schedules, links to county websites, help in using this site, and steps to take if you want further access to the data.
You may also find more detailed information through the Counties Assessor's Offices or visit the County Web Sites.

Oregon Maps
Click on this link and you will be directed to a variety of Oregon and ODOT maps.

Oregon Turns 150 in 2009!
Celebrate Oregon's 150th birthday in 2009
Oregon will celebrate its 150th birthday in the year 2009. Planning for this big event has already begun. Check out the Oregon 150 Web site. You can share your thoughts and ideas with the planning team, sign up to receive e-mail updates, and learn how you can get involved. Click on the "OR150" logo to find out what is planned in 2009!

State Transportation Web Sites
State Transportation Web Sites  (This is a link to the individual state's DOT web site.)

Search DOT Web Sites  (Search the websites of the Departments of Transportation from the fifty United States and the District of Columbia.)

Training Links
Click on this link to technical and engineering training resources, workshops and conferences.

Transportation Related Sites
National Transportation Library
Transportation and Highway Related Web Sites

Uniform Act
In a changing America, government programs designed to benefit the public as a whole often result in acquisition of private property, and sometimes in the displacement of people from their homes, businesses or farms.
On January 2, 1971, Public Law 91-646, the "Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970," (Uniform Act) was signed into law. The Uniform Act, provides important protections and assistance for people affected by Federally funded projects. This law was enacted by Congress to ensure that people whose real property is acquired, or who move as a result of projects receiving Federal funds, will be treated fairly and equitably and will receive assistance in moving from the property they occupy.
Lead Agency
The Surface Transportation and Uniform Relocation Assistance Act of 1987, designated the U. S. Department of Transportation as the Federal Lead Agency for the Uniform Act. Duties include the development, issuance, and maintenance of the government-wide regulation, providing assistance to other Federal agencies, and reporting to Congress. This responsibility has been delegated to the FHWA and is carried out by the Office of Real Estate Services.

Page updated: April 25, 2008

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