NPS Director's Order 12: Conservation Planning, Environmental Impact Analysis and Decision Making
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Disclaimer Information
Glacier National Park, MTAppendix 2 — Categorical Exclusion Form
Project______________________________________________________ Date __________________
Describe the project, including location (reference the attached Environmental Screening Form (ESF), if appropriate):



Describe the category used to exclude action from further NEPA analysis and indicate the number of the category (see section 3.4):



Describe any public or agency involvement effort conducted (reference the attached ESF):



On the basis of the environmental impact information in the statutory compliance file, with which I am familiar, I am categorically excluding the described project from further NEPA analysis. No exceptional circumstances (i.e., all boxes in the ESF are marked “no”) or conditions in section 3.6 apply, and the action is fully described in section 3.4.

Park Superintendent or Designee

NPS Contact Person
Phone Number

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