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Award Abstract #0552785
Chemistry and Life: A Chemistry/Zoology REU site

Division of Chemistry
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Initial Amendment Date: March 8, 2006
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Latest Amendment Date: February 26, 2008
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Award Number: 0552785
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Award Instrument: Continuing grant
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Program Manager: Wilfredo Colon
CHE Division of Chemistry
MPS Directorate for Mathematical & Physical Sciences
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Start Date: March 15, 2006
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Expires: February 28, 2009 (Estimated)
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Awarded Amount to Date: $221463
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Investigator(s): Randolph Duran duran@chem.ufl.edu (Principal Investigator)
David Evans (Co-Principal Investigator)
Michael Miyamoto (Co-Principal Investigator)
Michael Scott (Co-Principal Investigator)
David Julian (Co-Principal Investigator)
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Sponsor: University of Florida
GAINESVILLE, FL 32611 352/392-3516
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Field Application(s):
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Program Reference Code(s): SMET,9250,9178,7582
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Program Element Code(s): 1986,1978


This award by the Chemistry Division supports a Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) site at the University of Florida for the summers of 2006-2008. The program director is Randy Duran who is assisted by co-PI David Evans. Ten students each year will do research in biology and chemistry interpreted in the broadest possible sense. Participants in this REU Site typically spend 10-12 weeks during the summer conducting research on an independent project in a chemistry-related area with a goal of achieving enough progress to merit co-authorship on a scientific publication. Each fall, the students return to Florida to participate in a poster session with students from the US/France and National High Magnetic Field Laboratory REU sites. These interactions serve as a capstone experience for participants, providing them the opportunity to disseminate their research results to a broader peer audience in preparation for possible presentations at the spring national ACS meeting. Recruiting efforts for this program focus on students from throughout the United States with backgrounds in chemistry, biology, zoology, engineering, biochemistry, or physics.


(Showing: 1 - 8 of 8).

Andersson M, Keizer HM, Zhu C, Fine D, Dodabalapur A, Duran RS.  "Detection of Single Ion Channel Activity on a Chip using Tethered Bilayer Membranes,"  Langmuir,  v.23(6),  2007,  p. 2924-2927.

Andersson M, Madgavkar A, Stjerndahl M, Wu Y, Tan W, Duran R, Niehren S, Mustafa K, Arvidson K, Wennerberg, A.  "Using optical tweezers for measuring the interaction forces between human bone cells and implant surfaces: System design and force calibration.,"  Review of Scientific Instruments,  v.78(7),  2007,  p. 074302/1.

Butler RS, Myers AK, Bellarmine P, Abboud KA, Castellano RK.  "Highly fluorescent donor-acceptor purines,"  Journal of Materials Chemistry,  v.17(19),  2007,  p. 1863.

Dorvel BR, Keizer HM, Fine D, Vuorinen J, Dodabalapur A, Duran RS.  "The Formation of Tethered Bilayer Lipid Membranes on Microelectrode Arrays,"  Langmuir,  v.23930,  2007,  p. 7344.

Duran R, Keizer HM, Dorvel BR, Andersson M, Fine D, Price RB, Long JR, Dodabalapur A, Koper I, Knoll W, Anderson PAV.  "Functional Ion Channels in Tethered Bilayer Membranes: Implications for Biosensors,"  ChemBioChem,  v.8(11),  2007,  p. 1246.

Joncheray TJ, Bernard SA, Matmour R, Lepoittevin B, El-Khouri, RJ, Taton DG, Gnanou Y, Duran RS.  "Polystyrene-b-Poly(tert-butyl acrylate) and Polystyrene-b-Poly(acrylic acid) Dendrimer-Like Copolymers: Two-Dimensional Self-Assembly at the Air-Water Interface,"  Langmuir,  v.23(5),  2007,  p. 2531.

Joncheray TJ, Denoncourt KM, Meier MAR, Schubert US, Duran RS.  "Two-dimensional self-assembly of linear poly(ethylene oxide)-b-poly(epsilon-caprolactone) copolymers at the air water interface,"  Langmuir,  v.23(5),  2007,  p. 2423.

Joncheray TJ, Denoncourt KM, Meier MAR, Schubert US, Duran RS.  "A convenient gHMQC-Based NMR Assay for Investigating Ammonia Channeling in Gluatamine-Dependent Amidotransferases: Studies of Escherichia coli Asparagine Synthetase B,"  Biochemistry,  v.46(16),  2007,  p. 4840.

(Showing: 1 - 8 of 8).


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