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 Norhtern Global Change Research Program Logo
 United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service. USDA logo which links to the department's national site. Forest Service logo which links to the agency's national site.

Publications & Products

GIS Data Layers

Insect Outbreak Data:

Use policy. These digital maps of historical forest insect outbreaks are provided freely for the use of researchers. In the event that the maps themselves or maps derived from them or analytical results using the maps are used in published works, we ask two things:

First, please acknowledge use of the maps through citation of our original publication containing them: D.W. Williams & R.A. Birdsey. 2003. Historical patterns of spruce budworm defoliation and bark beetle outbreaks in North American conifer forests: an atlas and description of digital maps. USDA Forest Service, Northeastern Research Station, General Technical Report NE-308, 33 pp. Note that this publication is available on the Northeastern Research Station web site:
(This make take a while)

Second, please send us reprints of any publications resulting from use of the maps. Contact Dr. David Williams with reprints and questions at USDA APHIS, Pest Survey, Detection & Exclusion Laboratory, Building 1398, Otis ANGB, MA 02542; 508-563-9303.

All files are Arc Info Grid/Interchange Files. There are 3 sets of Data:

Data Files (*.zip)
Preview Image
(grid data only)
Download:Eastern Spruce Budworm (Esbw) Defoliation in Eastern North America 1945-1988 (~5km res.):
Esbw 44 Files (941 KB)
Download:Mountain Pine Beetle (Mpb) Outbreaks in Washington Oregon, Idaho, and Montana 1980-1995 (~2km res.):
Mpb 16 Files (318 KB)
Download:Western Spruce Budworm (Wsbw) Defoliation in Washington Oregon, Idaho, and Montana 1977-1993 (~5km res.):
Wsbw 17 Files (155 KB)