NRS - RWU 4104

Last modified 08/28/2008

Publications since 1995

James E. Smith  

Smith, James E., Heath, Linda S. 2008. Carbon stocks and stock changes in U.S. forests, and Appendix C. P. 65-80, C-1-C-7 In: U.S. Department of Agriculture. U.S. Agriculture and Forestry Greenhouse Gas Inventory: 1990-2005. Technical Bulletin No. 1921. Washington, DC: 65-80.AbstractView Publication 574kb PDF

Woodall, C.W.; Heath, L.S.; Smith, J.E. 2008. National inventories of down and dead woody material forest carbon stocks in the United States: Challenges and opportunities. Forest Ecology and Management. 256: 221-228. Abstract

Woodbury, P. B.; Heath, L. S.; Smith. 2007. Effects of land use change on soil carbon cycling in the conterminous United States from 1900 to 2050. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 21: GB3006, doi:10.1029/2007GB002950. Abstract

Woodbury, Peter B.; Smith, James E.; Heath, Linda S. 2007. Carbon sequestration in the U.S. forest sector from 1990 to 2010. Forest Ecology and Management 241:14-27. Abstract

Smith, James E.; Heath, Linda S.; Skog, Kenneth E.; Birdsey, Richard A. 2006. Methods for Calculating Forest Ecosystem and Harvested Carbon with Standard Estimates for Forest Types of the United States. Forest Service, Northeastern Research Station, General Technical Report NE-343. 216 p. Abstract View Publication 1.5 mb PDF

Woodbury, Peter B.; Heath, Linda S.; Smith, James E. 2006. Land Use Change Effects on Forest Carbon Cycling Throughout the Southern United States. Journal of Environmental Quality. 35: 1348-1363. Abstract View Publication 965 kb PDF

Proctor, Patrick; Heath, Linda S.; Van Deusen, Paul; Gove, Jeffrey H; Smith, James E. 2005. COLE: A web-based tool for interfacing with forest inventory data. In: McRoberts, Ronald E. and others, eds. Proceedings of FIA Symposium, North Central GTR. NC-252. St. Paul, MN; U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, North Central Research Station: 167-172. Abstract View Publication 505 kb PDF

Heath, Linda S. and James E. Smith. 2004. Criterion 5, Indicator 26: Total forest ecosystem biomass and carbon pool, and if appropriate, by forest type, age class and successional change. 14 p. In: Darr, David R., coord. Data report: A supplement to the national report on sustainable forests—2003. FS-766A. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture. (8 June). View Publication 276 kb PDF

Heath, Linda S. and James E. Smith. 2004. Criterion 5, Indicator 27: Contribution of forest ecosystems to the total global carbon budget, including absorption and release of carbon. 7 p. In: Darr, David R., coord. Data report: A supplement to the national report on sustainable forests—2003. FS-766A. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture. (8 June). View Publication 153 kb PDF

Mickler, Robert A.; Smith, James E.; Heath, Linda S. 2004. Forest Carbon Trends in the Southern United State. In: Rauscher, H. Michael; Johnsen, Kurt, eds. Southern forest science: past, present, and future. Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-75. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service: 383-394 Abstract View Publication 1200 kb PDF

Skog, Kenneth E.; Pingoud, Kim; Smith, James E. 2004. A method countries can use to estimate changes in carbon stored in harvested wood products and the uncertainty of such estimates. Environmental Management, 33, Supplement 1: S65-S73. Abstract View Publication 372 kb PDF

Smith, James, E.; Heath, Linda S. 2004. Carbon Stocks and Projections on Public Forestlands in the United States, 1952–2040. Environmental Management. Vol. 33, No. 4. DOI: 10.1007/s00267-003-9101-x, 433-442. Abstract View Publication 236 kb PDF

Smith, James E.; Heath, Linda S.; Woodbury, Peter B. 2004. How to estimate forest carbon for large areas from inventory data. Journal of Forestry. 102(5), 25-31 Abstract View Publication 944 kb PDF

Smith, James E.; Woodbury, Peter B.; Heath, Linda S. 2004. Forest carbon sequestration and products storage, and Appendix C-1. In: U.S. Agriculture and Forestry Greenhouse Gas Inventory: 1990-2001. Tech. Bull. 197. Washington DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture: 80-93, C-1, References. Abstract View Publication 1.8 Mb PDF

Smith, J.E.; Heath, L.S.; Jenkins, J.C. 2003. Forest Tree Volume-to-Biomass Models and Estimates for Live and Standing Dead Trees of U.S. Forests. Gen. Tech. Rep., USDA Forest Service, Northeastern Research Station, Newtown Square, PA. Abstract View Publication 9.2 Mb PDF

Heath, Linda S.; Smith, James E.; Birdsey, Richard A. 2002. Carbon Trends in the U.S. Forestlands: A Context for the Role of Soils in Forest Carbon Sequestration. The Potential of U.S. Forest Soils to Sequester Carbon and Mitigate the Greenhouse Effect. CRC Press. Chapter 3, pp 35-45. Abstract

Smith, James E.; Heath, Linda S., 2002, A model of forest floor carbon mass for United States forest types. Research Paper NE-722. Newtown Square, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Research Station, Newtown Square PA. 37 p. Abstract View Publication 504 kb PDF

Smith, James E.; Heath, Linda S. 2001. Identifying influences on model uncertainty: an application using a forest carbon budget model. Environmental Management 27(2): 253-267. View Publication 198 kb PDF

Heath, L.S.; Smith, J.E. 2000. An assessment of uncertainty in forest carbon budget projections. Environmental Science & Policy 3: 73-82. Abstract

Heath, L.S.; Smith, J.E. 2000. Soil carbon accounting and assumptions for Forestry and Forest-related Land Use Changes. P. 89-101. In: Joyce LA and R. Birdsey, eds. The Impact of Climate Change on America's Forests, USDA Forest Service, General Technical Report RMRS-GTR-59. 134 p. View Publication 490 kb PDF

Smith, James E.; Heath, Linda S. 2000. Considerations for interpreting probabilistic estimates of uncertainty of forest carbon. P. 102-111. In: Joyce LA and R. Birdsey, eds. The Impact of Climate Change on America's Forests, USDA Forest Service, General Technical Report RMRS-GTR-59. 134 p. View Publication 576 kb PDF

Smith, J.; Heath, L.S. 1998. Multidisciplinary views in modeling response to climate change: A workshop summary. USDA Forest Service, Northeastern Research Station, General Technical Report NE-251. 18 p. Abstract

Smith, J.E.; Woodbury, P.B.; Weinstein, D.A.; Laurence, J.A. 1998. Integrating Research on Climate Change Effects on Loblolly Pine: A Probabilistic Regional Modeling Approach. In: Mickler, R, Fox, S, (eds.) The Productivity and Sustainability of Southern Forest Ecosystems in a Changing Environment. New York: Springer-Verlag. Ecological Studies 128: 429-451.

Woodbury, P.B.; Smith, J.E.; Weinstein, D.A.; Laurence, J.A. 1998. Assessing potential climate change effects on loblolly pine growth: A probabilistic regional modeling approach. Forest Ecology & Management 107(1-3): 99-116.
