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  Armament Research, Development and Engineering Center - Providing America Advanced Armaments For Peace and War
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ARDEC Locations Map

Location One  US Army ARDEC, Picatinny Arsenal, NJ
Headquartered at Picatinny, N.J., the Armament Research, Development and Engineering Center (ARDEC) is the Army's principal researcher, developer and sustainer of current and future armament and munitions systems. ARDEC plays a key part in Army Transformation with its involvement in the development of the Soldier and Future Combat Systems and continued efforts in the development of advanced weapons that exploit technologies like high-power microwaves, high-energy lasers and nano-technology.
Location Two  Benét Lab, Watervliet Arsenal, NY
Benét Laboratories performs technology, design, development, engineering and production & field support for large caliber armament systems, to include:
  • Cannon, mortars and recoilless rifles
  • Tank gun mounts and recoil mechanisms
  • Munition handling systems
  • Tank turret components
Location Three  Firing Tables & Ballistics Team, Aberdeen, MD
Engineering team located at Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD is responsible for the development of aiming data and ballistic fire control information and software (NATO Armaments Ballistics Kernel) for all unguided and certain guided combat weapons in the U.S. Army inventory, select tri-service systems, and select foreign military sales cases. This includes small caliber infantry systems, mortars, tank fired munitions, artillery, missiles, and rockets. NATO and multinational standardization agreements are developed for interior and exterior ballistic simulation models, ballistic algorithms, firing table elements, and fire control methodology. FTaB is the primary source for interchangeability of fire control information for U.S. forces regarding NATO ammunition.
Location Four  Fuze Division, Adelphi, MD
Engineering team located at Adelphi, MD, facilitate design, development, implemention, and fielding of safe, reliable, and affordable armament fuzing.
Location Five  Production and Field Support Team, Rock Island, IL
Engineering team located at Rock Island executes and manages life cycle engineering processes required for the items in production to include field support and demilitarization of ammunition, weapons fire control and associated items.