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Department Releases International Religious Freedom Report
Secretary Rice (Sept. 19): "Today, I have transmitted to Congress the 10th Annual Report on International Religious Freedom. ...Religious freedom is at the core of our nation, now as always. We are a country founded on the belief that all men and women are created equal, that as equals we enjoy certain universal and inalienable rights, and that among these are the right to live without oppression, to worship as we wish, and to think and speak and assemble without retribution." Full Text l Briefing by Amb. Hanford
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Secretary Rice delivers remarks to the German Marshall Fund in Washington, DC. Sept. 18, 2008.  ©AP ImagesU.S. Department of StateRussia's Future Is in Russia's Hands
Secretary Rice (Sept. 18): "Whether Russia’s leaders overcome their nostalgia for another time, and reconcile themselves to the sources of power and the exercise of power in the 21st century – still remains to be seen. The decision is clearly Russia’s – and Russia’s alone. And we must all hope, for the good of the Russian people, and for the sake of us all, that Russia’s leaders make better and right choices." Full Text
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U.S. Department of State Daily Press Briefing by Department Spokesman Sean McCormack.U.S. Department of StateIran: Security Council Action
Spokesman McCormack (Sept. 19): "The action in the Security Council is just one part of an overall strategy to try to present a different set of choices to the Iranian regime and to, again, try to get them to make a different set of calculations in terms of cost benefits. ...judging from some of the public debate we have seen in Iran, there are some who have started making a different calculation in terms of the costs and the benefits of what they’re doing." Full Text
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Secretary Rice (right) and Colombian Foreign Minister Jaime Bermudez after signing ceremony, Sept. 18, 2008. ©AP Images.U.S. Department of StateU.S., Colombia Sign Biofuels Agreement
Secretary Rice (Sept. 18): "Today, we are signing an important agreement between the United States and Colombia, an agreement that allows us to move forward on collaboration on energy by working together on biofuels. Cooperation in this area is a priority for the United States as we create advanced technologies to meet our global needs. And in order to do so, of course, we must rally our creativity and our entrepreneurship." Full Text
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western lowland gorilla mother and baby. ©AP ImagesU.S. Department of StateWestern Lowland Gorillas: A Success for the Congo Basin Forest Partnership
Under Secretary Dobriansky (Sept. 15): "The positive results in the Congo...demonstrate the value and benefit...from continued support of what has been an experience of proliferating successes. Working together with our friends in the Republic of Congo, we improve not only the welfare of the western lowland gorillas, but also our own capacities for fruitfully effecting positive change on multiple levels." Full Text
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State Department Spokesman Sean McCormack and Deputy Assistant Secretary for Near Eastern Affairs Kent Patton discuss democracy in the Middle East during a policy podcasts interview. [State Department photo]U.S. Department of StatePolicy Podcast: Democracy in the Middle EastU.S. Department of State
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A cable car appears over the clouds as it makes its way to top of mountain near courses for World Alpine Ski Championships in Are, Sweden, Feb. 11, 2007.  ©AP PhotoSweden is a highly industrialized country. Agriculture, once accounting for nearly all of Sweden's economy, now employs less than 2% of the labor force. Extensive forests, rich iron ore deposits, and hydroelectric power are the natural resources which, through the application of technology and efficient organization, have enabled Sweden to become a leading producing and exporting nation. More

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 Ask the Ambassador: Mongolia
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The U.S. Ambassador to Mongolia, Mark C. Minton, will discuss U.S.-Mongolian bilateral relations.

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