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NOAA's Historic Coast & Geodetic Survey (C&GS) Collection
Catalog of Images

1850 thumbnail picture
Leveling up Mount Whitney. Level party of John Brittain
Mount Whitney, California June, 1928
1851 thumbnail picture
Leveling up Mount Whitney. Level party of John Brittain
Mount Whitney, California June, 1928
1852 thumbnail picture
Level party at the top of Mount Whitney. Level party of John Brittain
Mount Whitney, California June, 1928
1853 thumbnail picture
Level party trying to stay warm in Washington. Level party of Charles Pierce
Washington state 1931
1854 thumbnail picture
Using dynamite to excavate a bench mark hole. Note dirt flying out of hole. Level party of H. J. Oliver
Northern California 1932
1855 thumbnail picture
First C&GS logo T-shirt. Level party of H. J. Oliver
Ukiah, California 1932
1856 thumbnail picture
Driving pin for steady rod support. Level party of Al Thorson
1857 thumbnail picture
Checking the computations at the end of the day.
Palm Beach, Florida
1858 thumbnail picture
Speeder and trailer. Motor velocipede leveling. Level party of Ernst Stohsner
1859 thumbnail picture
Levels lunch. Trying to stay warm on a cold day. Level party of Charles Pierce
Washington state 1931
1860 thumbnail picture
Setting bench marks in Utah. Level party of H. J. Oliver
Utah 1934
1861 thumbnail picture
Bench mark truck showing mounting of water barrel. Setting bench marks in Utah. Level party of H. J. Oliver
Utah 1934
1862 thumbnail picture
Observing party truck showing mounting of rod box. Level party of H. J. Oliver
Utah 1934
1863 thumbnail picture
Leveling in Mississippi. Rodman in depression requiring low instrument setup. Level party of H. J. Oliver
Mississippi 1935
1864 thumbnail picture
Determining sea level - just kidding! Rodman at bench mark covered by floodwaters. Mississippi River flood of 1935
Mississippi 1935
1865 thumbnail picture
The Basic Bench Mark at Pensacola. Level party of H. J. Oliver
Pensacola, Florida 1935
1866 thumbnail picture
Desert Shadows. Leveling across a dry lake bed
Western United States 1935?
1867 thumbnail picture
The travails of a bench mark setter. Level party of William Gibson
Southeast United States 1935
1868 thumbnail picture
Another episode in the life of a bench mark setter. Problems digging a hole. Level party of William Gibson
Southeast United States 1935
1869 thumbnail picture
Level work along a new highway route. Level party of William Gibson
Tennessee/ North Carolina 1935
1870 thumbnail picture
Fording a river during level work for a new highway route. Level party of William Gibson
Tennessee/ North Carolina 1935
1871 thumbnail picture
Leveling over the Tennessee River Bridge. Level party of William Gibson
Decatur, Alabama 1935
1872 thumbnail picture
The party that made 329 setups in 7 hours and 55 minutes. Working in area of extreme grades. Level party of H. J. Oliver
Western United States 1934
1873 thumbnail picture
Leveling on a cold winter's day. Level party of William Gibson
North Carolina? 1935
1874 thumbnail picture
Carrying the fire bucket for cold fingers and frozen fountain pens. Level party of William Gibson
North Carolina 1935
1875 thumbnail picture
A seven observing party level party with its trucks and equipment. Level party of William Gibson
Tennessee 1935
1876 thumbnail picture
Observing in the Boundary Waters area of Minnesota. Level party of J. D. Thurmond
Northeast Minnesota 1935
1877 thumbnail picture
Leveling along the Loon River. Level party of J. D. Thurmond
Northeast Minnesota 1935
1878 thumbnail picture
Rodman driving footpin for rod while submerged. Level party of J. D. Thurmond
Northeast Minnesota 1935
1879 thumbnail picture
Leveling along the trail to Prairie Portage. Level party of J. D. Thurmond
Northeast Minnesota 1935
1880 thumbnail picture
Level party at Whisky Pass, 12,800 feet. Level party of Gilbert R. Fish
Whisky Pass, Colorado 1935
1881 thumbnail picture
Level party at Whisky Pass, 12,800 feet. Level party of Gilbert R. Fish
Whisky Pass, Colorado 1935
1882 thumbnail picture
Level party at Whisky Pass. Level party of Gilbert R. Fish
Whisky Pass, Colorado 1935
1883 thumbnail picture
Level party in New York City. Level party of Charles D. Meaney
New York City 1937
1884 thumbnail picture
Extent of 1st and 2nd order level net as of July 1, 1936. W.P.A. computation party of Ralph Pfau
United States 1938
1885 thumbnail picture
Leveling - river crossing on the lower Mississippi River. Level party of Karl Jeffers
Louisiana 1939
1886 thumbnail picture
Leveling - river crossing on the lower Mississippi River. Level party of Karl Jeffers
Louisiana 1939
1887 thumbnail picture
Leveling on the "low line" at Hoover Dam. Level party of Emmett Sheridan
Hoover Dam area, Nevada 1941
1888 thumbnail picture
Leveling at Mormon Mesa, Lake Meade area. Level party of Emmett Sheridan
Upper Lake Meade area, Nevada 1941
1889 thumbnail picture
Leveling on the "low line" at Hoover Dam. Note Hoover Dam in background. Level party of Emmett Sheridan
Hoover Dam area, Nevada 1941
1890 thumbnail picture
Leveling - scene of Colorado River crossing near Overton. Level party of Emmett Sheridan
Upper Lake Meade, Nevada 1941
1891 thumbnail picture
Rodman holding rod steady for observations. Bench mark as seen from highway. Level party of Gilbert C. Mast
Glenn Highway, Alaska 1944
1892 thumbnail picture
Level unit traveling along Glenn Highway. Level party of Gilbert C. Mast
Glenn Highway, Alaska 1944
1893 thumbnail picture
Level observations along the Salmon River. Note rod just to right of umbrella. Level party of Ira Rubottom
Salmon River, Idaho 1945
1894 thumbnail picture
Fording river during the course of the day's leveling. Level party of Ira Rubottom
Salmon River, Idaho 1945
1895 thumbnail picture
A typical instrument position during Salmon River leveling. Level party of Ira Rubottom
Salmon River, Idaho 1945
1896 thumbnail picture
A typical rod position during Salmon River leveling. Level party of Ira Rubottom
Salmon River, Idaho 1945
1897 thumbnail picture
Instrument man signaling rodman to move to left. Level party of Ira Rubottom
Salmon River, Idaho 1945
1898 thumbnail picture
Bench mark setters transportation during Salmon River leveling. Level party of Ira Rubottom
Salmon River, Idaho 1945
1899 thumbnail picture
Leveling through the snow. Level party of Ira Rubottom
Columbia River Basin 1945

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Last Updated:
April 23, 2007