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  • Biodiesel Conference Blog

    See what's happening at the National Biodiesel Conference…

    2017 Biodiesel Conference Wrap Up

    We still have a few more posts to add here on the blog, but the 14th National Biodiesel Conference is officially history.

    Donnell Rehagen has attended the majority of those conference as COO for the National Biodiesel Board, but it was his first as CEO, and he was very pleased with this year’s event and excited about the industry moving forward.

    Listen to my wrap up interview with Donnell here: Interview with Donnell Rehagen, NBB CEO

    2017 National Biodiesel Conference photo album

    Meet the New NBB Chairman

    Kent Engelbrecht of ADM was elected chairman of the National Biodiesel Board in November, marking the first time that company has moved into the leadership position for the organization.

    “We’ve been involved in biodiesel since 2006,” said Engelbrecht. “We’ve got four plants in North America producing a lot of biodiesel, and that uses a lot of soybean oil, and that comes from a lot of soybeans.”

    Engelbrecht pleased with this year’s conference is excited about the future for the biodiesel industry moving forward with increased production and use. Interview with Kent Engelbrecht, NBB chairman

    2017 National Biodiesel Conference photo album

    John Deere Showcases Best Selling Local Tractor

    Speaking of green, we welcomed some John Deere green to the Biodiesel Vehicle Showcase this year. Representing the company was Chuck Studer, Director of Industry Relations.

    Chuck talked to us about John Deere’s vast diesel equipment product line, and long-standing involvement with biodiesel. John Deere was one of the first original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) to get involved with biodiesel, approving B5 biodiesel blends for use in its engines in 2001. It was also one of the first off-highway equipment manufacturers to factory fill biodiesel blends in North America. Since then, John Deere has continued to conduct biodiesel research and perform lab and field tests using biodiesel fuel, and now supports up to B20 or higher biodiesel blends in its equipment.

    At the event Studor featured the best-selling garden tractor in the San Diego area, John Deere’s 5045E, approved for use with B20 biodiesel blends.

    New Chevrolet Silverado Models for 2017

    During the Biodiesel Vehicle Showcase Brad Beauchamp, General Motors, introduced 2017 Chevrolet Silverado HD, with a redesigned Duramax 6.6L V-8 turbo diesel boasting more horsepower and torque than ever before at 445 HP and 910 lb-ft torque.

    The vehicle is fully approved for use with B20 biodiesel blends. GM is bringing an industry-leading lineup of 20 different diesel models to market in 2017-2018. Lean more about GM’s longstanding commitment to diesel powertrains and biodiesel in the video below.

    #NBB17 Spotlight on Washington Session

    The room was packed for the ever-popular Spotlight on Washington session at the 2017 National Biodiesel Conference, which was more popular than ever this year with the advent of a new presidential administration.

    Back by popular demand for the session were former Sen. Byron Dorgan and former Cong. Kenny Hulshof, and they were joined by other DC insiders Jim Massie, Timothy Urban, and Tom Hance. All offered their opinions and insights into what to expect from President Trump, generally along the lines of Dorgan’s first comments. “I don’t know,” he said when asked by NBB’s Anne Steckel about the election and where we go from here. “My head’s still kind of exploding.”

    Listen to the whole conversation here: #NBB17 Washington Spotlight session

    2017 National Biodiesel Conference photo album

    Illinois B20 Club Wins Partnership Award

    The Illinois Soybean Association Checkoff Program and the state’s American Lung Association received the Eye on Biodiesel Industry Partnership Award this year for the very successful B20 Club program.

    This program is focused on raising the profile of exemplary fleets that use B20 in any type of diesel engine. Members range from municipalities to school buses to over-the-road trucking companies. Sharing their success stories with other fleet managers and decision makers has had a significant impact on those who have been hesitant to use B20 for reasons ranging from economics to engine warranty questions. The B20 Club showcases real stories of how, when, and why members began using B20, what their experiences have been since the switch, and provides peer support for fleet managers and other decision makers who are considering B20 for their own fleets.

    Accepting the award were Illinois Soybean Association board member and farmer Jeff Lynn and John DeRosa, director of the American Lung Association in Illinois. Industry Partnership Award

    The B20 Club was also the subject of a panel at the conference, where Sarah Mark with the City of Moline told her story of how they switched to biodiesel. Listen to an interview here with her and Jeff Lynn. Interview with Sarah Mark, City of Moline and Jeff Lynn, IL Soybean Assn.

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    Hostage Negotiator Keynotes #NBB17

    Chris Voss is founder and CEO of the Black Swan Group and author of “Never Split The Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It.” He has used his many years of experience in international crisis and high-stakes negotiations to develop a unique program and team that applies these globally proven techniques to the business world. He was also the keynote speaker at the National Biodiesel Conference this year.

    After his address, Voss was asked what he thought about biodiesel’s role in energy security for the nation. “It’s the United States not being held hostage by international interests,” he said. “It makes us more secure by having a stronger economy that’s not vulnerable internationally by foreign oil producers.” Chris Voss comment

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    Iowa Governor Branstad Honored at #NBB17

    Iowa Governor Terry Branstad received the Eye on Biodiesel National Energy Leadership Award, which the governor accepted via video recording at the National Biodiesel Conference & Expo in San Diego. The state of Iowa is a national leader in clean energy production and is the number one biodiesel producing state in the country, thanks in large part to strong leadership within the state.

    “The Iowa biodiesel story is one that I am very proud to tell,” said Branstad, who added that he will be heading to the inauguration of Donald Trump this week. “I’m very optimistic that he will be a strong advocate for renewable fuels as president of this great country.”

    Listen to Branstad’s comments accepting the award. Gov. Branstad, Energy Leadership Award

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    DC Clean Cities Leader Receives Influence Award

    Ronald “Ron” Flowers is the Executive Director of the Greater Washington, D.C. Region Clean Cities Coalition, and the winner of this year’s Eye on Biodiesel Influence Award.

    Ron has worked closely with the National Biodiesel Board as well as the National Biodiesel Foundation, resulting in the use of thousands of gallons of B20 blends. His knowledge of fuels and fleets was instrumental in transforming the nation’s capital region from a community of biodiesel naysayers to biodiesel believers. He has been instrumental in the DC Government, Smithsonian Institution, American University and many others switching to biodiesel. With Ron at their side, many of these fleet staff not only switched their own fleets but became champions of biodiesel who mentor their peers to join them in reducing America’s dependence on foreign oil and improving air quality with biodiesel.

    Listen to Ron’s comments accepting the award. Ron Flowers, Influence Award

    2017 National Biodiesel Conference photo album

    New York City Councilman Honored as Climate Leader

    New York City passed a measure in 2016 introduced by City Council Member Costa Constantinides that makes the Big Apple a big leader in the use of biodiesel for heating oil.

    The bill created fuel standard that grows the amount of biodiesel in heating oil in the City from the current two percent level to five percent October 1, 2017. The blend level then moves to 10 percent in 2025, 15 percent in 2030, and 20 percent in 2034. It is estimated that the increase from a two percent biodiesel blend to a five percent blend in the city will reduce the emissions equivalent to taking 45,000 cars off the road with the increase to 20 percent the equivalent of removing more than a quarter of a million cars.

    For his strong support of biodiesel, Constantinides received the 2017 “Eye on Biodiesel” Climate Leader Award.

    Listen to his comments to the general session and to the media in these audio files:
    Costa award comments
    Costa media comments

    2017 National Biodiesel Conference photo album

    Record Number of #Biodiesel Vehicles Available

    U.S. auto manufacturers have introduced a record number of new biodiesel capable diesel vehicle options, several of which were on display at the 2017 National Biodiesel Conference Vehicle Showcase, presented by NBB and General Motors Fleet.

    One of GM’s flagship models, the 2017 Chevrolet Silverado HD pickup with a 6.6L Duramax® turbo diesel engine, is on proud display in the vehicle showcase, while Ford Motor Company is also showcasing one of its new 2017 B20 capable pickups and Nissan is displaying the Titan XD powered by a Cummins® 5.0L V8 turbo diesel engine.

    The showcase also features the John Deere 5045E with a PowerTech® turbocharged diesel engine approved for use with B20 biodiesel blends. John Deere was one of the first original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) to get involved with biodiesel, approving B5 biodiesel blends for use in its engines in 2001.

    “NBB and the U.S. biodiesel industry remain committed to working closely with our partners in the auto and engine manufacturing community to ensure that the high quality biodiesel fuel of today and tomorrow will continue to provide OEMs, fleets, and consumers with a reliable, fit-for-purpose fuel that keeps pace with the nation’s increasing demands for cleaner, more efficient, and sustainable modes of transportation,” said NBB Senior Technical Advisor Steve Howell.

    Also on display is a commercial truck that runs on B100, thanks to Optimus Technologies which has begun to manufacture biodiesel conversion systems that enable vehicles to run up to B100—even in the coldest climates.

    Listen to the entire vehicle showcase here and learn more: Biodiesel Vehicle Showcase

    2017 National Biodiesel Conference photo album

    NBB DC Report

    Uncertainty and change are nothing new for the biodiesel industry, so the new administration is just one more challenge to overcome.

    “While the transition to any new administration brings both challenges and opportunities, this new president comes with greater uncertainty than most,” said National Biodiesel Board (NBB) Vice President of Federal Affairs Anne Steckel. “Regardless, our past success is a good indicator for how we will achieve our goals in 2017.”

    Steckel says successes in 2016 included a favorable increase in volume obligations under the RFS, while a major goal for the coming year is working toward getting a producers tax credit approved by Congress.

    Listen to Steckel’s comments at the general session here: NBB DC Update

    2017 National Biodiesel Conference photo album

    GM Announces 20 for B20 in Diesel Vehicle Lineup

    General Motors is fueling America’s future with biodiesel by expanding its B20-capable lineup to include new cars, crossovers and trucks.

    John Schwegman, Director of Commercial Product and Medium Duty Product for General Motors, delivered the welcome news to an enthusiastic crowd at the 2017 National Biodiesel Conference & Expo in San Diego.

    “Diesel propulsion deserves wider consideration by fleet managers across the country,” Schwegman said. “With biodiesel production and retail distribution expanding, and so many proven benefits, we believe more fleets will embrace the technology as part of their sustainability plans. If our diesel customers fueled exclusively with biodiesel, we estimate that consumption of petroleum-based fuels would be reduced by hundreds of million gallons annually.”

    Listen to Schwegman’s announcement here: GM announcement at #NBB17

    Learn more about the new GM diesel options.

    2017 National Biodiesel Conference photo album

    New NBB CEO and Chairman Kick Off #NBB17

    National Biodiesel Board CEO Donnell Rehagen and Chairman Kent Engelbrecht of ADM kicked off the 2017 National Biodiesel Conference in San Diego Tuesday with a look at how biodiesel has continued to triumph over the years despite being an underdog.

    “NBB was created by a visionary and insightful group of soybean organizations in 1992, before biodiesel even existed in the United States,” said Rehagen, who was just named CEO of the organization in October 2016. “Think about that…a trade association was created for a product that didn’t exist.”

    Rehagen noted that the biodiesel industry is preparing for the new administration. “Like so many others we are eager to see what the coming months and the Trump Administration will mean for renewable energy, for tax reform and for the RFS,” he said. NBB will be redoubling its efforts in DC this year by hiring a second lobbyist and a Director of Advocacy whose job will be to increase member company outreach on Capitol Hill.

    Engelbrecht, who was elected NBB chairman in November, says they are very optimistic about the future. “We all know the hard fights will continue. But we also understand and appreciate the history and the strengths that the industry and NBB share,” he said. “We are tried and proven underdogs.”

    Listen to their comments here: Rehagen and Engelbrecht, general session

    Listen to Rehagen’s press conference here: NBB CEO Donnell Rehagen meets the press

    2017 National Biodiesel Conference photo album

    Fueling Biodiesel’s Future in San Diego

    Biodiesel enthusiasts are converging in San Diego this week for shows and announcements at the industry’s largest gathering of producers, distributors and fans.

    The 14th Annual National Biodiesel Conference & Expo officially kicks off this morning with an overview of the industry at the conference’s General Session, which is followed by numerous breakout sessions where experts will present on the latest trends in the industry. Local fans will be particularly interested in the discussion in the session, “California’s Thriving Low Carbon Markets.”

    “The General Session is one event attendees won’t want to miss,” said Donnell Rehagen, CEO of the National Biodiesel Board, which produces the annual conference. “Not only will they get presentations on what’s been accomplished and what’s expected ahead, we are looking forward to a very special announcement from General Motors that will be exciting news for biodiesel fans everywhere.

    Attendees will also enjoy the Biodiesel Vehicle Showcase that kicks off Tuesday in the Expo Hall. There they will find the latest biodiesel-capable vehicles, technologies and special announcements on what to expect in the future.

    Watch for the latest from the National Biodiesel Conference here.

    2017 National Biodiesel Conference photo album

    Next Gen Scientists Share Biodiesel Research

    Students who are part of the Next Generation Scientists for Biodiesel had the opportunity to share their research during the recent National Biodiesel Conference and Expo. The students all have one thing in common – their passion for the biodiesel industry.

    nbb-16-thomas-kwanI spoke with several of these budding biodiesel leaders during the poster session. Thomas Kwan is a PhD candidate at Yale and is part of the Center for Green Chemistry & Green Engineering. While doing his undergraduate he looked at emissions from diesel fuel, particularly locomotives. He then leveraged this interest into looking not at the tailpipe, but the fuels themselves for emission reductions.

    Thomas’s research is framed around an integrated biorefinery with algae as the foundation. In other words, the “plant” accepts some biomass and then produces biodiesel and other biobased products. Enabling technologies for the idea of an integrated biorefinery. Used micro algae that has high content for biodiesel lipids as well as other compounds, in particular, astaxanthin, a powerful antioxident. IN the case of algae, the bioproduct is not yet approved for human consumption but Thomas hopes this research will help change that. Ultimately, they looked at how to tweak the biorefinery to get more lipids for biodiesel, or to get more astaxanthin. To learn more, listen to my interview with Thomas Kwan here: Interview with Thomas Kwan


    Clemson University Biosystems Engineering students Eric Monroe and William O’Connell, present their biodiesel research during the poster session.

    William O’Connell is a senior at Clemson University in Biosystems Engineering. He became interested in biodiesel while doing his undergraduate research, and then attended the conference last year. He’s back and this year presented his research during the poster session.

    The focus on the project is to reanalyze the school’s current process of collecting used cooking oil and converting it to biodiesel. William said they are looking to see if there is a more efficient way to produce the biofuel. What they have discovered is using interesterification is more efficient. To learn more, listen to my interview with William O’Connell here: Interview with William O'Connell

    nbb-16-james-davisJames Davis is in his fourth year of his PhD at the University of Nevada, Reno. He has a keen interest in fatty acids of seed crops such as canola or camelina sativa. He explained that his research is focused on altering the lipid profile of camelina sativa.

    The idea is to apply a cutting edge gene editing technology to knock out certain genes. Essentially, his goal is two-fold. One, to alter the fingerprint of the lipid profile and they are also trying to eradicate erucic acid, a semi-negative toxic lipid that is bad for livestock making camelina seed meal restricted for use in feeding livestock. James notes that if they can get rid of some of the negative profile, they can create a more high-value byproduct. To learn more, listen to my interview with James Davis here: Interview with William O'Connell

    2016 National Biodiesel Conference Photo Album

    Young Women Leading the Way in Biodiesel Research

    There is a growing number of women who are forging paths and leading the way in innovative biodiesel research. Two such women are Megan Hums, a student at Drexel University, and Jennifer Greenstein, a student at North Carolina State University. They are both members of the Next Generation Scientists for Biodiesel program and they both presented posters during this year’s National Biodiesel Conference & Expo. I spent some time with both young women to learn about how they became interested in biodiesel/bioenergy. These are some amazing young ladies!

    nbb16-greensteinJennifer Greenstein used to work in bioethanol and she says biofuels is something she can really get behind. As such, she headed to North Carolina State University to pursue her PhD and while there began working for Piedmont Biofuels, a biodiesel producer. (She will be graduating soon. Contact her here.)

    For her research, Jennifer is working on developing lipases, which are a catalyst to make biodiesel. She is looking at an improved production system for making the lipases and immobilizing them. So in other words, she is looking for a way to express the lipases on the surface of the bacteria rather than intracellularly. The cool thing is that the process she is looking at will use an enzyme to replace chemicals in the production process. To learn more about her research, listen to my interview with Jennifer Greenstein here: Interview with Jennifer Greenstein

    nbb16-megan-humsAfter Megan graduated with her undergrad degree she said she felt she still had more to learn. With her interest in sustainability and biofuels she found a project at Drexel University (She’s in her fifth year of her PhD program and graduating soon. Contact her here.) that interested her using waste greases for biodiesel production. She has been involved with this project and it was the focus on her poster.

    Megan is looking at the environmental impact of using low quality greases, or kitchen waste greases, which have gone down the sink, to produce biodiesel using nonconventional biodiesel conversion. She then takes the whole process and applies environmental impacts to it through a lifecycle assessment and tries to figure out the footprint of production. To learn more, listen to my interview with Megan Hums here: Interview with Megan Hums

    2016 National Biodiesel Conference Photo Album

    Next Gen Scientists Discuss Value of #NBB16

    James Anderson discusses his research with an attendee during #NBB16.

    James Anderson discusses his research with an attendee during #NBB16.

    It’s never too early to encourage the next generation of biodiesel and bioproduct scientists and this is just what NBB is doing through its Next Generation Scientists for Biodiesel program. Several members of the group attended this year’s conference and presented posters, attended educational sessions and networked, networked, networked.

    James Anderson, from University of Illinois, serves as co-chair for the group and he presented his research looking at fatty acid profiles and studying divergent plants. His goal was to identify not the fastest growing soybean plant or the plant with the best resistance, but the plant with the best profile. The idea is that they would identify soybeans that would be even better suited to biodiesel production. He and his team checked their results against some USDA studies and found positive results.

    James is finishing up his project soon and will be awarded his PhD and will soon be looking for a job…hint, hint. He can be reached via email to discuss both his research and future opportunities.

    Listen to my interview with James Anderson here: Interview with Co-Chair James Anderson

    Jesse Mayer and James Anderson, Co-Chairs of the Next Generation Scientists for Biodiesel.

    Jesse Mayer and James Anderson, Co-Chairs of the Next Generation Scientists for Biodiesel.

    Jesse Mayer, from the University of Nevada, Reno, is also a co-chair of Next Generation Scientists for Biodiesel. Originally planning on going to medical, he switched gears when the only lab he could find work in was a plant lab. Well, he got hooked. He said he loves the field and the sustainability aspect of it.

    He became involved in the group two years ago through his professor. He encourages everyone to join. “It’s really great opportunity to understand all the different aspects of biofuels. Like the students here you’ve got a lot of different fields…. So finding a student organization like NBB, joining them, and getting an idea of what those other aspects are, talking to people in the industry, really helps diversify you as a student and really helps going on to grad school or into the workforce.”

    Jesse is also graduating soon and if the networking I saw him doing at the conference is any indication, he won’t be on the market long. You can reach him here.

    Listen to my interview with Jesse Mayer here: Interview with Co-Chair Jesse Mayer

    2016 National Biodiesel Conference Photo Album

    Policy Panel at #NBB16

    nbb-16-panelBack by popular demand, the 2016 National Biodiesel Conference once again featured a panel of former Congressional representatives to talk about renewable fuels policy and in this election year, presidential politics as well.

    The panel featured former Republican Congressman Bob Inglis of South Carolina, who spoke at the first general session this week; former Democratic Senator Byron Dorgan of North Dakota, and former Republican Congressman Kenny Hulshof of Missouri.

    All of the panelists expressed grave concerns about candidates’ abilities to run this country. “I think my party will either choose well or choose its destruction,” said Inglis.

    As a Democrat, Dorgan said he was worried about both political parties. “All this (the campaign) is very clever and funny but this is really serious business, we’re talking about the future of this country,” he said.

    Hulshof said he was personally supporting John Kasich for president, but definitely was not so much for Trump. “I’m sure there are a lot of Trump supporters here – and that’s great …. for you.”

    When it came to policy issues for biodiesel, all of the panelists expressed their support for the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) and for a producers tax credit.

    Listen to the panel here: Biodiesel Policy Panel

    2016 National Biodiesel Conference Photo Album

    Addressing #Biodiesel Distribution Challenges

    Paul Nazzaro is no stranger to the biodiesel industry and has been a huge champion for the advanced biofuel in the Northeast for nearly two decades. During the 2016 National Biodiesel Conference & Expo in Tampa, Florida, Nazzaro participated in several panel discussions focused on how to get more biodiesel into the Northeast as each year, more legislation is passed to curb emissions and ultimately promote renewable energy. BioHeat in particular is really gaining ground.

    Paul NazzaroYet distribution challenges need be overcome in order to get more biodiesel products into the northeast. Nazzaro said in an interview after the panel discussion that compared to other areas of the country, there are very few terminals where the fuel can be blended and distributed. When asked who is responsible for paying to get more terminals, such as the biodiesel industry or the petroleum industry, Nazzaro said ultimately the cost will fall on consumers. But if they keep asking for biodiesel products, he stressed, suppliers will listen and down the road, biodiesel is not only more environmentally friendly, it will cost consumers less.

    Nazzaro is working with a team to help overcome distribution and supply challenges to help ensure that the biodiesel industry can deliver what they promise: high value, advanced, renewable bioproducts.

    To learn more listen to my interview with Paul Nazzaro: Interview with Paul Nazzaro

    2016 National Biodiesel Conference Photo Album