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NOAA's Historic Coast & Geodetic Survey (C&GS) Collection
Catalog of Images

1300 thumbnail picture
B-17 used for aerial photography. This was the last operational B-17- dubbed "Old Rotten Wings" by aircraft crew. Flown by Coast Guard crew with C&GS navigator and cameraman
Nome, Alaska 1948
1301 thumbnail picture
Photographer Byron Hale dressed in flight gear. Oxygen mask in use as operating at 24,000 feet. Temperatures commonly approached -30 Celsius in camera compartment
Alaska 1949?
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Photographer Byron Hale with a roll of nine lens camera film.
1303 thumbnail picture
The cratered face of Semispochnoi, Aleutian Islands, Alaska. Semispochnoi just west of Longitude 180. In Russian Semispochnoi means "The Island of Seven Volcanoes"
Rat Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska 1949?
1304 thumbnail picture
One of the hazards of heavy aircraft on remote airstrips. The B-17 was a little too heavy for this airstrip
Missoula, Montana June 9, 1951
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One of the hazards of heavy aircraft on remote airstrips. The B-17 was a little too heavy for this airstrip
Missoula, Montana June 9, 1951
1306 thumbnail picture
Aerial view of Turnagain Arms, Alaska after 1963 Good Friday Earthquake. NOAA photo aircraft often help evaluate disaster damage
Anchorage, Alaska April 1963
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NOAA photo crews help ground-truth disaster damage at Turnagain Arm. Damage caused by 1963 Good Friday Earthquake
Anchorage, Alaska April 1963
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Tsunami damage at Kodiak. Fishing boats washed into town
Kodiak, Alaska April 1963
1309 thumbnail picture
NOAA aerial photography of damage caused by Hurricane Camille. Camille was one of the most powerful hurricanes to ever strike the United States
Gulfport, Mississippi August 1969
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NOAA photo crews help ground-truth disaster damage following Hurricane Camille. 20-foot storm surge left many vessels high and dry
Biloxi, Mississippi August 1969
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NOAA aerial photography of damage caused by Hurricane Celia. Airport hangar destroyed and aircraft strewn about
Corpus Christi, Texas August 1970
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The shrimp fleet blown aground. Damage in the wake of Hurricane Celia
Aransas Pass, Texas August 1970
1313 thumbnail picture
Air photo mission and Launch 1255 engaged in Boston Harbor Current Study.
Boston, Massachusetts October 1971
1314 thumbnail picture
BC-8 aerial mapping camera. Used in the 1960's and 1970's
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Modern aerial photographic equipment mounted in NOAA jet aircraft.
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NOAA jet outfitted for photogrammetric missions.
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Portion of photo panel to control aerial photography. These panels served to locate control points in aerial photographs
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Photo panel installation north of Tuxedni Bay. These panels served to locate control points in aerial photographs
Tuxedni Bay area, Cook Inlet, Alaska 1970
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Placing photo panel for aerial photography. These panels served to locate control points in aerial photographs
Atlantic Coast of United States 1980?
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Helicopter view of photo panel in Kalgin Island area. These panels served to locate control points in aerial photographs
Prince William Sound, Alaska 1965
1321 thumbnail picture
Photogrammetrist compiling chart from aerial photographs.
Norfolk, Virginia 1980?
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Photogrammetric compilation equipment.
Norfolk, Virginia 1980?
1323 thumbnail picture
Rectifying camera used to make one negative from composite nine-lens photographs .
Washington, D.C.
1324 thumbnail picture
Zeiss stereoplanigraph Model C-50. A first order bridging and compilation instrument.
Washington, D.C. 1955
1325 thumbnail picture
Photogrammetry - chart compilation office.
Norfolk, Virginia 1980?
1326 thumbnail picture
Photogrammetry - chart compilation office.
Norfolk, Virginia 1980?
1327 thumbnail picture
Photogrammetry - field data verification office.
Norfolk, Virginia 1980?
1328 thumbnail picture
Aerial photograph of Lake Union, Seattle. NOAA ship base in lower center of photograph.
Seattle, Washington
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T-Sheet with editorial comments constructed from aerial photography. Field work in vicinity of NOAA Seattle ship base on Lake Union.
Seattle, Washington
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Field checking aerial photographs. Identifying rocks, looking for man-made changes since photography, etc.
1331 thumbnail picture
View from sea of Santa Barbara and mountains to north. Sketch by William B. McMurtrie accompanying Survey H-289.
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View of Point Conception looking to southeast. Sketch by William B. McMurtrie accompanying Survey H-289.
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View of San Pedro Harbor with ACTIVE and EWING. Original sketch by William B. McMurtrie accompanying Survey H-289.
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Survey H-289 with all views included on survey sheet. Sketches by William B. McMurtrie accompanying Survey H-289.
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Survey H-290 from Point Conception to San Francisco. Sketch by William B. McMurtrie accompanying Survey H-290.
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View of Point Arguello. Sketch by William B. McMurtrie accompanying Survey H-290.
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View of Point Conception. Sketch by William B. McMurtrie accompanying Survey H-290.
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View of Cuyler's Harbor with ACTIVE at anchor. Sketch by William B. McMurtrie accompanying Survey H-309.
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Views of Cuyler's Harbor. Sketch accompanying Survey H-2211.
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The Coast Survey Plate by James McNeill Whistler. This plate was a practice copper plate engraving by Whistler.
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Whistler's Anacapa Island engraving from a William B. McMurtrie sketch. The seagulls were added to give life to an otherwise sterile landscape.
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South Farallon Islands as sketched by Army Captain William P. Trowbridge. Trowbridge was the West Coast tides party chief. He later worked for the Coast Survey in a civilian capacity
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Coast Survey engraving of the Hudson River near West Point.
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Sketch from Harper's copied from Coast Survey chart of the West Coast.
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Chart of the United States West Coast from San Francisco to San Diego.
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Section of West Coast chart centered on Monterey Bay.
1347 thumbnail picture
Portland Harbor, Maine. Topographic survey Assistant Alexander Wadsworth Longfellow, 1854-1858. Literally thousands of individual houses were delineated on this survey. Assistant Longfellow was the brother of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Topographic Survey T-735
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South shore of Cape Ann by Henry L. Whiting. Topographic survey by Henry L. Whiting, 1850. Topographic Survey T-304
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Map of Salem Harbor including the city and islands. Topographic survey by Assistant Henry L. Whiting, 1849-1850. Topographic survey T-303

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Last Updated:
April 23, 2007