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Location: New England Plant, Soil and Water Research Laboratory

2006 Annual Report

1.What major problem or issue is being resolved and how are you resolving it (summarize project aims and objectives)? How serious is the problem? Why does it matter?
Organic agricultural production is increasing rapidly across the U.S., now totaling more than $10 billion annually. The rapid expansion of organic dairy production in the Northeast U.S. illustrates this trend. However, little information is available to help organic farmers make nutrient and manure management decisions, although differences in production practices, feed and nutrient imports impact availability, utilization, and cycling of manure nutrients on these farms. Research will be conducted to.
1)develop predictions of nutrient availability in manures from organic and conventional dairy farms in the Northeast, including the development and improvement of analytical methods for predicting nutrient availability, and.
2)develop and transfer production and management practices that improve the efficiency of manure nutrient utilization and farm profitability on organic dairy farms, minimizing environmentally harmful nutrient flows. Predictions of nutrient availability will be developed through identification of phosphorus-containing compounds and measurement of available nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) in soil after addition of a wide range of organic dairy manures. Agronomic field experiments and whole farm nutrient budgets will be used to improve crop nutrient utilization and farm profitability. Knowledge gained from these studies will be transferred to growers through multiple avenues. The research and technology transfer endeavors proposed in this project are expected to improve agricultural viability and rural economic vitality in the Northeast.

Research in this project contributes to the Nutrient Management Component of the Manure and Byproduct Utilization National Program (NP 206) by quantifying nutrients in animal manure, evaluating nutrient availability in specific soil-crop-climate systems, and developing management practices to effectively use manure in the whole farm enterprise. Specifically, it contributes to Focus Area 3 (Management Tools for Indexing and Evaluating Nutrient Fate and Transport), Products 3 (Quick tests for determining manure nutrients), 4 (Refined process-based model for organic nutrient management at multiple scales); and to Focus Area 4 (Farming Systems and Practices for Managing Manure in an Efficient and Balanced Fashion), Product 1b (Best management practices for manure nutrients that are specific to livestock and crop producers’ goals).

2.List by year the currently approved milestones (indicators of research progress)
FY2006: Objective 1: Collection and preliminary analysis of manure samples from organic and conventional dairy farms Development of model (reference) P samples Complete manure P availability aerobic incubation Conduct meta-analysis of cross-location aerobic incubations on manure N availability Objective 2: Collection and analysis of whole-farm nutrient budget data from commercial organic dairy farms Field experiments on manure nutrient utilization and loss Collection of economic data on production practices

FY2007: Objective 1: Complete sequential fractionation/enzymatic hydrolysis of manure and soil samples Identify P-containing compounds in manures Complete manure N availability aerobic incubation Conduct meta-analysis of cross-location aerobic incubations on manure N availability Conduct meta-analysis of cross-location field validations on manure N availability Objective 2: Collection and analysis of whole-farm nutrient budget data from commercial organic dairy farms Field experiments on manure nutrient utilization and loss Collection of economic data on production practices

FY2008: Objective 1: Complete sequential fractionation/enzymatic hydrolysis of manure and soil samples Identify P-containing compounds in manures Complete manure nutrient uptake greenhouse experiment Conduct meta-analysis of cross-location field validations on manure N availability Objective 2: Field experiments on manure nutrient utilization and loss Analysis and publication of field experimental results Collection of economic data on production practices Development of predictive model of N and P availability from organic dairy manures Transfer of research information

FY2009: Objective 1: Identify P-containing compounds in manures Conduct regression analyses of manure composition and nutrient availability experiments Objective 2: Analysis and publication of field experimental results Development of predictive model of N and P availability from organic dairy manures Transfer of research information

FY2010: Objective 1: Conduct regression analyses of manure composition and nutrient availability experiments Objective 2: Transfer of research information

4a.List the single most significant research accomplishment during FY 2006.
The Role of Phosphorus-Metal Complexes in Manure P Availability Evaluated: Phosphorus (P) from animal manure can significantly reduce surface water quality. Phytic acid (IP6) has long been recognized as the predominant organic P form in soil and animal manure, but little is known about how IP6 reacts with metals in soil and how this affects P bioavailability. Eight metal phytate compounds were synthesized and investigated using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). This information was used to identify phytates and their metal complexes. The IP6-metal complexes could also be distinguished from their metal-phosphate counterparts using FT-IR. This type of analysis allows investigation of metal-phosphorus interactions at the molecular level that will lead to refined prediction of bioavailable P from manure and soil. This accomplishment contributes to meeting the Nutrient Management component of NP 206 (Manure and Byproduct Utilization); Problem Area 3 (Management tools for indexing and evaluating nutrient fate and transport).

4b.List other significant research accomplishment(s), if any.
Phosphorus Fractions in Poultry Litter Evaluated: Increased knowledge of the chemistry of poultry litter P is needed to optimize recycling and minimize adverse environmental effects associated with land application of manure. Phosphorus from 23 poultry litters was characterized via sequential fractionation and subsequent enzymatic hydrolysis. The majority of P was isolated from the water- and hydrochloric acid-soluble fractions. Much of the water-soluble P (78%) and bicarbonate-soluble P (66%) was inorganic phosphate. In the hydroxide and acid fractions, most of the P was in organic forms. Quantifying labile P forms by this approach may advance our ability to predict the amount of P that will be hydrolyzed to bioavailable forms. This research contributes to the Nutrient Management component of National Program 206, Problem Area 3 (Management tools for indexing and evaluating nutrient fate and transport).

Environmental Conditions Influence Dairy Manure P Availability: Quantifying phosphorus (P) species in animal manures that are insoluble and reducible is an important issue in environmental P chemistry. We removed the soluble P from dairy manure and poultry litter, and then incubated the residual material with a reducing agent to specifically identify insoluble, reducible P fractions. More than 50% of dairy manure P was in available forms, and in organic forms associated with iron or other metals. No reducible P was found in the dairy manure. In contrast, poultry litter contained a mixture of reducible forms of inorganic and organic P. A sandy loam soil contained only iron-associated inorganic P. These data indicate that changes in the chemical and biological environment, such as anaerobic conditions and enzymatic activity, can influence P transformations and bioavailability. This research contributes to the Nutrient Management component of National Program 206, Problem Area 3 (Management tools for indexing and evaluating nutrient fate and transport). Estimating Available Phosphorus from Animal Manure: Organic growers rely on manure and other organic sources for meeting their crops’ nutrient needs. However, it is unclear how these organic sources compare with conventional fertilizers for supplying either the quantity or timing of plant-available phosphorus (P). Eleven different manures were compared with inorganic P fertilizer for their availability in both a sandy loam and a silt loam soil. Soil P was sequentially extracted in water, sodium bicarbonate, sodium hydroxide, and hydrolchloric acid. We found that a single application of manure impacted soil bioavailable P in a manner similar to fertilizer. This means growers converting from conventional to organic practices may estimate manure bioavailable P to meet their short-term P needs. This research contributes to the Nutrient Management component of National Program 206, Problem Area 3 (Management tools for indexing and evaluating nutrient fate and transport).

4c.List significant activities that support special target populations.
Accomplishments in 4A and 4B will benefit the approximately 11,000 small livestock farms in the New England Region (1997 Census of Agriculture).

4d.Progress report.
Phosphorus-containing compounds in dairy manure have not been characterized like those in poultry litter. Seven metal-phytate compounds have been synthesized as model metal-organic phosphate compounds. Element analysis indicates that compounds with Ca, Mg, Cu, Mn, and Al are obtained near stoichiometrically (± 10%). The compounds containing Fe(III) are 25-28% higher in metal content, indicating some Fe hydroxide was present in the two compounds. Corresponding metal inorganic phosphates (controls) have also been prepared under the same conditions. These reference compounds will be used to help identify P-containing compounds in dairy manures. [NP 206, Nutrient Management component; Problem Area 3 (Management tools for indexing and evaluating nutrient fate and transport)].

Characterizing available P forms in animal manure remains challenging because these compounds are susceptible to hydrolysis. Dairy manure P was separated into soluble and residual components; about 75% of the total manure P was characterized, while the remaining recalcitrant P was not identified. The organic P was subsequently fractionated using phosphatase enzymes. Water soluble P was predominantly inorganic phosphate, while residual P was a mixture of labile, hydrolyzable and non-hydrolyzable compounds. Quantifying labile P forms by this approach may advance our ability to predict the amount of P that will be hydrolyzed to bioavailable forms. [NP 206, Nutrient Management component; Problem Area 3 (Management tools for indexing and evaluating nutrient fate and transport)].

The majority of N transformations in the soil are biologically mediated processes. Physical and chemical processes related to soil type also affect the rate of N transformations such as nitrification and ammonia volatilization. Nitrification rates vary depending on nitrifier species and the ability of different species to scavenge ammonium. Our research was designed to determine the effect of soil type on ammonium transformations and availability to nitrifiers. Soils collected across a variety of ecoregions and soil types were amended with dairy manure and then incubated for 30 days. Subsamples were removed at five time intervals for analyses of nitrification potentials and community structure of ß-ammonia oxidizers via terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism. Separating out the effect of microbial community structure and soil type on N transformations will improve our understanding of nutrient cycling, as well as bridge the gap between soil chemistry and microbiology.

The availability of manure N on organic farms may be reduced because feed rations on organic farms typically have higher fiber concentrations. In order to assess manure N availability from organic farms, manure samples have been collected from approximately one-half of the organic dairy farms in Maine (31 farms), and additional samples will be collected during the Fall of 2006. The concentrations of inorganic and organic N, other nutrients, fibrous carbon, and metals have been measured and will be compared to a subset of manure samples from conventional dairy farms. This information will help develop N availability recommendations for organic dairy farms. [NP 206, Nutrient Management component; Problem Area 4 (Farming systems and practices for efficient and balanced manure nutrient management)].

Many current manure N management recommendations focus on the efficient use of manure N in the production of corn as silage or grain. There is a specific need to expand the scope of manure N and P recommendations to include both cool season small grain crops like barley and wheat, which are increasingly being grown on organic dairy farms. Field experiments were established in 2006 comparing solid manure applied before planting to manure applied to barley at the tillering stage. Biweekly measurements of soil and plant N are conducted to assess the synchrony between manure N availability and plant demand. A rainfall simulator was also used to compare runoff of bioavailable P for different management practices. Additional manure management options will be evaluated using liquid manure and Fall seeded small grain crops. This research will significantly increase our ability to manage N and P on organic dairy farms. [NP 206, Nutrient Management component; Problem Area 4 (Farming systems and practices for efficient and balanced manure nutrient management)].

The economic benefits of different nutrient management strategies at the farm level vary with crop yield, as lower yields necessitate either feeding additional off-farm supplements or reduced milk output. Six cooperating farmers that are members of the Maine Organic Milk Producers are recording relevant economic information (input usage and cost, labor, machinery, crop yield and quality) during the growing season in a spreadsheet developed by USDA-ARS-NEPSWL. This information will subsequently be used to estimate economic performance and risk associated with different nutrient and cropping strategies. This information will be valuable to these and other organic dairy farmers in the development of efficient nutrient and cropping systems. [NP 206, Nutrient Management component; Problem Area 4 (Farming systems and practices for efficient and balanced manure nutrient management)].

Subordinate Project:

This report serves to document research conducted under a reimbursable agreement between USDA-ARS and the University of Maine associated (Project 1915-12630-001-03R, Reducing Off-Farm Grain Inputs on Northeast Organic Dairy Farms). Northern New England is a leader in the certification of organic dairy farms; 20% of the dairy farms in Maine are currently certified as organic. Feed is the single largest expense for these farmers. This dependence on imported feed also complicates nutrient management, making it a challenge to balance fertility needs with available manure. The USDA Organic Research and Education Initiative (OREI) provided $827,000 for a project entitled “Reducing Off-Farm Grain Inputs on Northeast Organic Dairy Farms” (FY2005-2009), for research and outreach conducted cooperatively by the University of Maine, University of New Hampshire, Maine Organic Milk Producers, and USDA-ARS New England Plant, Soil and Water Laboratory. The goal of this project is to maximize on-farm production of energy and protein. In 2006, a cropping systems experiment was initiated in Orono (Maine) to evaluate production systems that include grain and silage production options appropriate for Northeast organic dairy farms. USDA-ARS is coordinating nutrient cycling evaluations in these experiments, and collecting additional information to formulate economic comparisons between different production systems. Cooperating organic dairy farms in Maine are also evaluating grain production, processing and feeding options as part of this project. USDA-ARS is also conducting an intensive evaluation of nutrient distribution at the field and landscape scales on the organic dairy farm being developed at the University of New Hampshire. Research information from this project will be transferred directly to organic dairy farmers in New England, and will help them develop economically viable production systems.

This report serves to document research conducted under a reimbursable agreement between USDA-ARS and the University of Maine (Project 1915-12630-001-04R; Expanding Grain Production and Use on Organic Dairy Farms in Maine and Vermont). Information comparing the yield and quality of different grain crops using organic production practices in New England is lacking. The USDA Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program provided $143,000 (FY2006-2009) to fund a project entitled “Expanding Grain Production and Use on Organic Dairy Farms in Maine and Vermont,” for research and outreach conducted cooperatively by the University of Maine, University of Vermont, and USDA-ARS New England Plant, Soil and Water Laboratory. Replicated comparisons of different grain species were established at two locations in Maine and one in Vermont in 2006, to compare forage and grain yield and quality of Spring-seeded grain crops. Additional large plots are located on three cooperating farms in each state. Additional similar experiments are planned comparing Fall-seeded grains, and also to assess different production practices like planting date. The information from these experiments will help growers select well-adapted grain crops and implement crop production practices to optimize crop yield and quality.

5.Describe the major accomplishments to date and their predicted or actual impact.
Efficient and environmentally sound use of manure nutrients in crop production requires fundamental knowledge of the chemical and biological nature of those compounds and how they change once added to soil. We have developed several methods for identifying and evaluating the bioavailabilty of phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) from a range of manures. This has included development of sequential fractionation and enzymatic hydrolysis techniques for determining bioavailable P, quantifying the roles of carbon in controlling N availability from raw and composted manure, and most recently, applying Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) to understand P-metal complexes and how this affects P availability. These methods are now being employed by numerous scientists for evaluating nutrient availability from manure, soil organic matter, and other organic sources. This research is expected to facilitate environmentally sound utilization of manure nutrients through its contribution to the Nutrient Management Component of NP206, Problem Area 3: Management tools for indexing and evaluating nutrient fate and transport.

6.What science and/or technologies have been transferred and to whom? When is the science and/or technology likely to become available to the end-user (industry, farmer, other scientists)? What are the constraints, if known, to the adoption and durability of the technology products?
Research information on manure N and P availability, potential environmental loss of manure and soil nutrients, and the beneficial effects of organic amendments on soil quality have been transferred to end-users, including organic dairy farmers, farm advisors, agency personnel, and other scientists and educators. This information, delivered at educational events and field days, is broadly applicable to dairy and livestock farms in the Northeast U.S., and has direct implications for the rapidly growing organic dairy sectors in Maine and New England.

7.List your most important publications in the popular press and presentations to organizations and articles written about your work. (NOTE: List your peer reviewed publications below).
Invited presentation at Maine Nutrient Management Certification Training, “Mineralization of On-Farm Materials” (December 8, 2005; Albion ME).

Invited presentation at New England Vegetable and Fruit Conference, “Balancing Soil Health and Nutrient Accumulation from Long-term Organic Amendments” (December 11-12, 2005; Manchester NH).

Invited presentation at Ontario Certified Crop Advisor Conference, “Efficient Nutrient Use in Manure-Amended Cropping Systems” (January 11-12, 2006; Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada).

Invited field tour presentations to USDA Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) Administrative Council and Professional Development Committee, “Measuring Meaningful Soil Carbon Pools” and “Evaluating Nutrient Management and Variety Options for Organic Dairy Systems” (July 19, 2006; Newport ME).

Review Publications
He, Z., Fortuna, A., Senwo, Z.N., Tazison, I.A., Honeycutt, C.W., Griffin, T.S. 2006. Hydrochloric acid fractions in Hedley sequential fractionation of soil and animal manure may contain both inorganic and organic phosphates. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 70:893-899

He, Z., Honeycutt, C.W., Zhang, T., Bertsch, P.M. 2006. Preparation and initial characterization of metal phytate compounds. Journal of Environmental Quality. 35:1319-1328.

He, Z., Senwo, Z.N., Mankolo, R.N., Honeycutt, C.W. 2006. Distribution of phosphorus species in poultry litter characterized by sequential fractionation coupled with phosphatase hydrolysis. International Journal of Food, Agriculture, and the Environment. v. 4:304-312.

He, Z., Toor, G.S., Honeycutt, C.W., Sims, J.T. 2006. An enzymatic hydrolysis approach for characterizing labile phosphorus forms in dairy manure under mild assay conditions. Bioresource Technology. 97:1660-1668.

Honeycutt, C.W., Griffin, T.S., Wienhold, B.J., Eghball, B., Albrecht, S.L., Powell, J.M., Woodbury, B.L., Sistani, K.R., Hubbard, R.K., Torbert III, H.A., Eigenberg, R.A., Wright, R.J., Jawson, M.D., He, Z. 2005. Protocols for nationally coordinated laboratory and field research on manure nitrogen mineralization. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 36: 2807-2822.

Larkin, R.P., Honeycutt, C.W., Griffin, T.S. 2005. Effect of swine and dairy manure amendments on microbial communities in three soils as influenced by environmental conditions. Biology and Fertility of Soils. December 2005. 42: 1-11.

Piper, A., Erich, M.S., Porter, G.A., Griffin, T.S. 2006. Root growth and manure effects on soluble C and P in soils. Plant and Soil Journal. 283:353-366.

Erich, M.S., Griffin, T.S., Porter, G.A., Mallory, E.B. 2005. The effect of phosphorus loading on degree of phosphorus saturation and phosphorus fractions in soils from a long term cropping systems study. American Society of Agronomy Abstracts. ON CD

Griffin, T.S., Porter, G., Erich, S., Mallory, E. 2005. Balancing soil health and nutrient accumulation from long-term organic amendments. New England Vegetable and Fruit Conference Proceedings. p. 170-172.

Griffin, T.S., Hutchinson, M. 2005. Changes in C and N mineralization with compost maturity. American Society of Agronomy Abstracts. ON CD

Griffin, T.S., Honeycutt, C.W., Albrecht, S.L., Hubbard, R.K., Powell, J.M., Sistani, K.R., Torbert III, H.A., Wienhold, B.J., Woodbury, B.L. 2005. Standardizing aerobic incubation methods: is it possible?. American Society of Agronomy Abstracts. ON CD

He, Z., Cade-Menun, B.J., Toor, G.S., Honeycutt, C.W., Sims, J. 2005. Comparison of P forms in animal manure identified by enzymatic hydrolysis and solution P-31 nmr. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts. ON CD

He, Z., Fortuna, A., Honeycutt, C.W., Griffin, T.S., Senwo, Z.N., Tazisong, I.A. 2005. Exploring organic phosphates in sequentially-extracted hydrochloric acid fractions of soil and animal manure. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts. ON CD

He, Z., Honeycutt, C.W., Zhang, T., Bertsch, P.M. 2005. Synthesis and initial characterization of metal-phytate compounds. Bouyoucos Conference Proceedings. Aug 2005; pg 34-35

He, Z., Honeycutt, C.W., Senwo, Z.N., Tazisong, I.A. 2005. Impacts of long-term poultry litter application on soil phosphorus. International Conference on Plant Nutrition. Sept 2005; pg 910-911

He, Z., Honeycutt, C.W., Griffin, T.S., Fortuna, A. 2006. Temporal change of soil phosphorus fractions observed by field microplot cylinder experiments. World Congress of Soil Science. July 9-15, 2006 Abstracts. p. 538.

Hutchinson, M., Griffin, T.S. 2005. Changes in plant growth and n uptake with compost maturity. American Society of Agronomy Abstracts. ON CD

Tazisong, I.A., He, Z., Senwo, Z.N., Zhang, D. 2006. Impacts of long-term land application of poultry litter on metal status in soil. World Congress of Soil Science. July 9-15, 2006 Abstracts page 433.

He, Z., Dao, T.H., Honeycutt, C.W. 2006. Insoluble fe-related inorganic and organic phosphates in animal manure and soil. Soil Science. 171:117-126


Project Team
Griffin, Timothy - Tim
He, Zhongqi
Honeycutt, C Wayne - Wayne
Halloran, John
Project Annual Reports
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Last Modified: 11/07/2008
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