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The National Register of Historic Places
What Can be Listed?
Wienecke, Emil and Ottilie, House
Emil and Ottilie Wienecke House, Bend
The National Park Service in Washington DC establishes the guidelines for listing resources in the National Register of Historic Places. In order to be listed in the National Register, a district, site, building, structure, or object  must be 50 years of age or older. Eligible properties must also have "integrity," or closely resemble their historic appearance. Integrity includes location, design, setting, materials, workmanship, feeling, and association. Most importantly, a resource must be significant, or physically connected with an important part of the past. The National Park Service identifies four areas of significance, which are called Criterion. Significance may include a connection with an historic event or trend, Criterion A; a notable historic person, Criterion B; an example of notable architecture or engineering, distinctive construction, or work of a master, Criterion C; or the potential to yield scientific information, such as an archaeological site, Criterion D.
The requirements for National Register lisiting are fully explained by the National Park Service in National Register Bulletin #15, "How to Apply the National Register Criteria for Evaluation." The publication also includes important information reguarding listing properties owned by religious organizations, moved properties, birthplaces or graves, cemeteries, reconstructed properties, commemorative properties, and properties that are less than 50 years old.

More Information
National Register Fact Sheet - Oregon SHPO document that describes what the National Register is and how to list a property.
National Register Benefits and Responsibilities Web Page - Oregon SHPO web page that describes the various programs available to property owners with National Register-listed properties and applicable land-use laws.
National Register Bulletin #15, "How to Apply the National Register Criteria for Evaluation" - National Park Service publication that explains in detail under what circumstances a property will or will not be eligible or the National Register of Historic Places.

Who Can List a Property?
Lone Fir Cemetery, Portland
Lone Fir Cemetery, Portland
Anyone can nominate a property to the National Register of Historic Places. However, private property cannot be listed without the consent of the owner(s). In the case of a historic district, a majority of property owners must object in order to stop a listing. Owner consent is not required to list public property, but we urge anyone who is interested in listing a public property to work closely and collaboratively with the public entity that owns the property.

What is the Process?
Cottage Grove Armory, Cottage Grove
Cottage Grove Armory, Cottage Grove
Nominating a property to the National Register is a public process that can take up to one year from first inquiry for a single property. Historic districts take much longer. Although there are no fees associated with nominating a property, advocates will need to provide archival-quality photographs and research materials at their own cost.
Nominations are accepted three times a year in March, July, and November. Nominations are first reviewed for completeness by office staff. Advocates then have approximately 30 days to correct any noted deficiencies and return the draft. Drafts that meet the minimum standards are then provided to local landmarks commissions for review 60 days before the nomination is considered by the State Advisory Committee on Historic Preservation (SACHP). The SACHP meets three times a year in February, June, and October. Property owners, nomination preparers, and local elected officials are notified of the pending nomination by mail 60 days before the hearing. Nominations approved by the SACHP are forwarded to the Keeper of the National Register within 90 days of the hearing date. Once received, notification of approval or denial by the Keeper is returned at the end of 45 days.

More Information
National Register Process - The entire National Register process in Oregon in an Adobe PDF graphic.
SACHP Web Page  - Oregon SHPO web page with more information about the SACHP, its role, and upcoming meetings.
National Register Consultants  - Document maintained by the Oregon SHPO that lists private consultants able to write National Register nominations. 

Completing the Nomination Form
Hotel Warshauer-Geiser Grand Hotel, Baker City
Hotel Warshauer-Geiser Grand Hotel, Baker City
Nomination preparers should plan on spending 100 to 150 hours to research and write a National Register nomination for a single property and up to a year to complete the listing process. Nominations for historic districts take much more time to prepare and up to two to three years to complete the process.
Documentation for the National Register differs depending on the type of property nominated. For more information, forms, and useful aids for preparing nominations see the appropriate page below:

Property Types Eligible for National Register Listing
The following SHPO webpages describe how to list each of these property types.
Single Properties - A single residence, business, or industry with associated outbuildings.
Historic Districts - A neighborhood, or complex of related buildings such as a farmstead.
Multiple Property Documentation - Individual resources related by a common history.

Page updated: August 27, 2008

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