Ecological Services in the Caribbean
Oficina de Servicios Ecológicos del Caribe -- Southeast Region
Map of the Southeast Region Map of Kentucky Map of the Caribbean and Navassa Map of North Carolina Map of Tennessee Map of South Carolina Map of Arkansas Map of Louisiana Map of Mississippi Map of Alabama Map of Georgia Map of Florida

Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program in the Carribbean / Programa de Compañeros para la Vida Silvestre en el Caribe

Partners Logo. Credit: USFWS

Partners Logo. Credit: USFWS

We partner with landowners, municipalities, schools, and other organizations to restore habitats on private lands. Established in 1992, the program has provided technical assistance and matching federal funds to more than 90 projects to restore stream banks, uplands, wetlands, and other habitats used by wildlife in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Projects are designed to benefit fish and wildlife while meeting the needs and desires of private landowners.

We Offer Technical Assistance:

  • Field biologists provide input to help design restoration projects.

We Offer Economic Assistance:

  • The program is incentive-based and non-regulatory. Funding is available to restore, improve and protect fish and wildlife habitat on private lands. Environmental education projects are also funded.

Milestone accomplishments of our program include:

  • Restored 621 acres of wetlands
  • Restored 2011 acres of uplands
  • Restored 12 miles of riparian areas
  • Signed 90 agreements

For more information about the Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program:

Before. Credit: USFWS
Before. Credit: USFWS
After. Credit: USFWS
After. Credit: USFWS
Partners Factsheet
Partners Factsheet (Spanish)
(pdf)(1,188 KB)


Last updated: October 2, 2008