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NOAA's Historic Coast & Geodetic Survey (C&GS) Collection
Catalog of Images

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Coast and Geodetic Survey office building.
Washington, D.C.
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Autographic sounding machine record from the U.S. Lake Survey. In: "An Autographic Sounding Machine" by M. Meigs, 1922. The Military Engineer, Volume XIV, No. 76, p. 199-201.
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Autographic sounding machine apparatus mounted on U.S. Lake Survey catamaran. In: "An Autographic Sounding Machine" by M. Meigs, 1922. The Military Engineer, Volume XIV, No. 76, p. 199-201.
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Preparing survey boat for launching.
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Engineer Casey Green monitoring fueling operations at Dutch Harbor.
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Engineer Casey Green monitoring fueling operations at Dutch Harbor.
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Launch approaching ship for pickup.
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Third Assistant Engineer Tom Garten on left talking to "Spud", an oiler on the PATHFINDER.
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Eating shrimp in the engine room in front of the Bailey Board.
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Laurel Savage on left and Third Assistant Engineer Tom Garten on right eating shrimp caught off pier at Adak.
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Young PATHFINDER swabbie striking a jaunty pose.
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PATHFINDER's cook seeing if he can catch dinner.
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PATHFINDER's cook with dinner for at least a few crew members.
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HMMM!!! This doesn't look to safe by today's standards. Hope that guy can swim.
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A beautiful mountain peak somewhere in the Aleutians.
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A nameless waterfall somewhere in the Aleutian Islands.
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Survey launch approaching the PATHFINDER for pickup.
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A survey launch off the PATHFINDER.
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A large octopus getting ready for the cookpot on the PATHFINDER.
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NPOESS patch showing polar orbiting satellite and DOD, DOC, NASA partnership.
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Hunt for the ALLIGATOR patch commemorating the search for the United States Navy's first submarine, lost off Cape Hatteras during a storm in 1863. NOAA's Office of Marine Sanctuaries' Maritime Heritage Program partnered with the Navy and took part in a 2004 search for this long-lost national maritime heritage treasure.
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Patch commemorating NOAA's North Carolina National Estuarine Research Reserve.

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Last Updated:
April 23, 2007