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NOAA's Historic Coast & Geodetic Survey (C&GS) Collection
Catalog of Images

3300 thumbnail picture
Appears to be Texas Tower #4 south of Woods Hole. This tower was lost on January 15, 1961, during a storm with a loss of 28 lives. Ship was probably using tower as a fixed point to calibrate electronic navigation system.
New York Bight
3301 thumbnail picture
Hydrographic signal on the shores of the reservoir of Grand Coulee Dam. Used as signal for navigation by three-point sextant fix.
Grand Coulee Dam, Columbia River, Washington 1948
3302 thumbnail picture
VAM-2 Magnetometer installed in Navy R5D aircraft. L to R, , Mr. Robert Seaton of Navy Hydrographic Office, and L. Hurwitz, LCDR David Whipp, R. Gebhardt, Joel Campbell, and J. Bottum, all of the USC&GS.
1955 July

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Last Updated:
April 23, 2007