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NOAA's Historic Coast & Geodetic Survey (C&GS) Collection
Catalog of Images

1900 thumbnail picture
Leveling through the snow. Level party of Ira Rubottom
Columbia River Basin 1945
1901 thumbnail picture
First order level observations in Brazil. Special training mission of Joseph Lushene
Brazil 1946
1902 thumbnail picture
Zeiss level instrument at the Instituto Geographico Militar. Special training mission of Joseph Lushene
Montevideo, Uruguay 1946
1903 thumbnail picture
Leveling upper mark with accuracy only to cms. Special training mission of Joseph Lushene
Brazil 1946
1904 thumbnail picture
Level party crossing bayous near Dugdemona River. Level party of R. C. Darling
Louisiana 1950
1905 thumbnail picture
Not the best bridge, but it will work. Level party crossing bayous near Dugdemona River. Level party of R. C. Darling
Louisiana 1950
1906 thumbnail picture
C. F. Ellingwood recording during leveling of White House. Level party of Howard Rappleye
Washington, D. C. 1950
1907 thumbnail picture
E. J. Parkin observing levels at White House, South Portico. Level party of Howard Rappleye
Washington, D. C. 1950
1908 thumbnail picture
Leveling operations on Anacapa Island. Carrying elevation from bench mark up vertical cliff. Note steel tape. Level party of Lorne G. Taylor
Anacapa Island, California 1951
1909 thumbnail picture
Leveling operations on Anacapa Island. Carrying elevation from bench mark up vertical cliff. Note steel tape and lighthouse in background. Level party of Lorne G. Taylor
Anacapa Island, California 1951
1910 thumbnail picture
Leveling operations at the White House. Level party of Howard Rappleye
Washington, D. C. 1952
1911 thumbnail picture
Teaching Liberians precise leveling techniques. Party of George Morris
Liberia, Africa 1953
1912 thumbnail picture
Mechanized level crew moving up. Level party of Emerson E. Jones
1913 thumbnail picture
Rodman in the Louisiana mud.
1914 thumbnail picture
Ferdinand Hassler directing movement of the Great Theodolite on Fire Island. Angle measurements at the end points of the Fire Island Base Line. Probably sketched by Assistant John Farley
Fire Island, New York 1836
1915 thumbnail picture
Packing to the top - Bill Scaife leading the way up. Triangulation party of William M. Scaife. Upper Cook Inlet to Fairbanks
Interior Alaska 1923
1916 thumbnail picture
Packing to the top - sheer fortitude kept him going. Triangulation party of William M. Scaife. Upper Cook Inlet to Fairbanks
Interior Alaska 1924
1917 thumbnail picture
On Northwestern Glacier. Off of WILDCAT. Combined operations party of Paul A. Smith
Nuka Bay area, Kenai Peninsula 1927
1918 thumbnail picture
Climbing to a station. Off of WILDCAT. Combined operations party of Paul A. Smith
Nuka Bay area, Kenai Peninsula 1928
1919 thumbnail picture
Climbing to a station - the level of difficulty has increased. Off of WILDCAT. Combined operations party of Paul A. Smith
Nuka Bay area, Kenai Peninsula 1928
1920 thumbnail picture
Back packing party preparing to leave the ship. On their way to shore in a skiff. Photo sheet No. 1 of sequence
Southeast Alaska 1928
1921 thumbnail picture
Underway and resting enroute. Off of EXPLORER. Photo sheet No. 2 of sequence
Southeast Alaska 1928
1922 thumbnail picture
Stopping for lunch and a rest enroute. Off of EXPLORER. Photo sheet No. 3 of sequence
Southeast Alaska 1928
1923 thumbnail picture
At the top. Off of EXPLORER. Photo sheet No. 4 of sequence
Southeast Alaska 1928
1924 thumbnail picture
Survey crew going to Station Rail. Off of WESTDAHL
White Pass area, Southeast Alaska 1936
1925 thumbnail picture
Mountain climbing (stumbling?) in the White Pass area. Off of WESTDAHL
White Pass area, Southeast Alaska 1936
1926 thumbnail picture
William Musseter setting steel bars to facilitate climbing for observing party. Reconnaissance party of William Musseter
Monitor Mesa, Utah 1936
1927 thumbnail picture
Station Emery near Muddy River. Triangulation party of Frank G. Johnson
Near Emery, Utah 1938
1928 thumbnail picture
Carrying lumber up rift in cliffs at east end of Amlia Island. Note boat at beach - shore party shows as barely visible specks at top of photo . Party off of PIONEER
Amlia Island, Aleutian Islands, Alaska 1941
1929 thumbnail picture
Shoran navigation gear being brought ashore at Nushagak Bay. Party off of PATHFINDER
Nushagak Bay, Alaska 1950
1930 thumbnail picture
Shoran navigation gear being brought ashore at Nushagak Bay. Party off of PATHFINDER
Nushagak Bay, Alaska 1950
1931 thumbnail picture
Rest stop while climbing to station at Ragged Point.
1932 thumbnail picture
Hauling Shoran gear up Cape Mountain.
Cape Mountain, Cape Prince of Wales 1951
1933 thumbnail picture
Transporting survey gear on snowsled with tramway. Party of Lorne G. Taylor
Mount Rose, Nevada 1951
1934 thumbnail picture
Hauling gear on a whale bone sled.
Bering Sea, Alaska 1954
1935 thumbnail picture
Hauling gear on a whale bone sled. Party off of PATHFINDER
Bering Sea, Alaska 1954
1936 thumbnail picture
At the end of truck travel on the Olympic Peninsula. Reconnaissance party of John A. Webb
Olympic Peninsula, Washington 1954
1937 thumbnail picture
In climbing Gallatin Peak the horses took some bad rolls. Triangulation party of William M. Scaife
Gallatin Peak, Montana 1922
1938 thumbnail picture
Traveling in style in the Big Bend. Triangulation party of Wilbur M. Porter
East of El Paso, Texas 1935
1939 thumbnail picture
"Mut is down". Enroute to Scotch Cap Lighthouse. First horses in the Aleutians. Party off of DISCOVERER
Seal Cape, Unimak Island, Aleutian Islands, Alaska 1937
1940 thumbnail picture
Landing feed for the horses at Middle Point. South coast of Unimak Island. Party off of DISCOVERER
Middle Point, Unimak Island, Alaska 1937
1941 thumbnail picture
Horses packed with theodolite, tripod, and triangulation equipment. 5 miles west of Cape Lutke. Party off of DISCOVERER
Unimak Island, Aleutian Islands, Alaska 1937
1942 thumbnail picture
A little blacksmith work on Unimak Island. Party off of DISCOVERER
Unimak Island, Aleutian Islands, Alaska 1937
1943 thumbnail picture
H. C. Applequist and Mutt - riding the range on Unimak Island. Party off the GUIDE
North coast of Unimak Island, Aleutian Islands 1940
1944 thumbnail picture
Francis X. Popper riding the range on Unimak Island. Party off the GUIDE
North coast of Unimak Island, Aleutian Islands 1940
1945 thumbnail picture
Base camp at Mt. Como. Triangulation party of J. C. Sammons
Mt. Como, Nevada 1940
1946 thumbnail picture
Start of the trail at the end of the road. Heading into the Salmon River Canyon. Reconnaissance party of Oscar Risvold
Above Riggins, Idaho 1945
1947 thumbnail picture
Swimming the horses across the Salmon River. Reconnaissance party of Oscar Risvold
Salmon River Canyon, Idaho 1945
1948 thumbnail picture
Along the trail in Salmon River Canyon. Reconnaissance party of Oscar Risvold
Salmon River Canyon, Idaho 1945
1949 thumbnail picture
Not a good place for claustrophobia. Along the trail in Salmon River Canyon. Reconnaissance party of Oscar Risvold
Salmon River Canyon, Idaho 1945

PAGES - 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | 57 | 58 | 59 | 60 | 61 | 62 | 63 | 64 | 65 | 66 | 67 |

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Last Updated:
April 23, 2007