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NOAA's Historic Coast & Geodetic Survey (C&GS) Collection
Catalog of Images

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Clearing lines-of-sight at triangulation station. The large notch was cut and a a cross cut saw was used to make this large pine fall forward. L to R Winnie Pierce and Floyd Risvold working the saw.
California, Big Sur area 1932
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Roy Bixby and the building party pack train. Probably in Palo Colorado Canyon, southernmost stand of redwood trees in California.
California, Big Sur area 1932
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Lieutenants Charles Pierce and William Tucker setting up at Station Algers in the Big Sur area of the California coast.
California, Monterey 1932
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Lieutenant William R. Tucker at Monterey.
1932 June 26
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The setup at Station Mount Manuel. Lieutenants Pierce and Tucker waiting for the fog to lift so they could conduct observations.
California, Big Sur area
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On the way up to Station Mount Manuel with fog filling the valley below.
California, Big Sur area
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The Big Sur coastline. Rocky beaches and mountains coming straight down to the ocean.
California, Big Sur area
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Lieutenant Charles Pierce coming down from triangulation Station Brazil.
California, Big Sur area
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A prison labor camp. Convicts from Folsom Prison were used to build Highway 1 between Pfeiffer, Big Sur, and San Simeon. The camps were fenced in and under guard. There was a north and south camp. We had our camp inside the enclosures.
California, Big Sur area
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California Coast Highway 1 under construction. This is one of the great construction projects accomplished during the Depression years.
California, Big Sur area
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A Coast Surveyor packing down the under construction California Coast Highway 1.
California, Big Sur area
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The pilot shovel breaking trail for the larger equipment to follow along California Highway 1.
California, Big Sur area
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Bixby Canyon Bridge under construction on California Coast Highway 1. After completion, this bridge is now one of the most beautiful bridges in the United States.
California, Big Sur area
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Station Molera south of Point Sur. Lieutenant Charles Pierce is trying in vain to set up an observation tent in order to protect the instrument from the wind. The next day the party erected a windbreak. The wind was very strong at Point Sur and blowing so hard it was almost impossible to stand up. Many days the wind is like this in this area.
California, Big Sur area
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Point Sur is connected to the mainland by a sandy beach. As seen from the vicinity of Station Molera.
California, Big Sur area
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Another view of Point Sur.
California, Big Sur area
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Floyd Risvold dressed up in Cowboy Roy Bixby's hat and wool chaps. This was at the survey party's first camp at Big Sur.
California, Big Sur area
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The wind break erected at Station Molera to allow finishing the observing tent.
California, Big Sur area
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Dining on the saddle below triangulation station Pico Blanco. L to R Silk Hat Harry, Lieutenant Charles Pierce, Cowboy Roy, and Lieutenant William Tucker.
California, Big Sur area 1932
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Lieutenants Charles Pierce and William Tucker at Station Pico Blanco.
California, Big Sur area 1932
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Lieutenants Charles Pierce and William Tucker on the way to Pico Blanco.
California, Big Sur area 1932
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Cowboy Roy, the wrangler, holding an umbrella to shade the instrument for Lieutenant Charles Pierce at Station Pico Blanco. Pierce observing, Tucker recording angle observations. Mule taking it easy.
California, Big Sur area 1932
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Triangulation station Pico Blanco seen in the distance. It was a 6 1/2 hour climb to the station.
California, Big Sur area 1932
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Floyd Risvold at Station Pico Blanco.
California, Big Sur area 1932
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On the way down from Station Pico Blanco. Cowboy Roy leading the mule carrying the theodolite.
California, Big Sur area 1932
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Lieutenant William Tucker and a pack mule at Station Pico Blanco.
California, Big Sur area 1932
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Packing into a station in the Santa Lucia Mountains south of Monterey. Cowboy Bixby leading the mule with Lieutenant Charles Peirce following.
California, Big Sur area
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The objective - a triangulation station is located on this high peak in the Santa Lucia Mountains.
California, Big Sur area
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Lieutenants Charles Pierce and William Tucker checking the results of triangulation observations.
California, Big Sur area
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Triangulation station on a rock south of Monterey.
California, Big Sur area
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Lieutenant Charles Pierce recording on a guano covered rock off the Big Sur coastline. The netting covering his head is to keep off the flies that covered the rock.
California, Big Sur area
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Lieutenant William Tucker observing at an offshore triangulation station south of Monterey.
California, Big Sur area
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A triangulation station just south of Hearst Castle.
California, San Simeon
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A view of Hearst Castle.
San Simeon, California
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Lieutenant Charles and Marion Pierce at an observing platform in southern California shortly after they were married.
San Simeon, California
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Observing stand and platform in use during triangulation operations. Lieutenant Charles Pierce is observing, George Blair recording, and Floyd Risvold reading the "B" mike.
California coastline
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Building a wooden triangulation observing platform. The instrument stand is built first.
San Simeon, California
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An instrument stand with observer's platform built around the instrument stand and signal placed for visibility from other triangulation stations.
California coastline
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The observer's platform is being built around the instrument stand.
California coastline
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The instrument stand being placed over the mark.
California coastline
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Jack Bachtel leading a mule down from a triangulation station in the Santa Lucia Mountains south of Monterey. This was the first station ever observed by Floyd Risvold.
California, Santa Lucia Mountains
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Lieutenant Charles Pierce getting his bearings on the way to a triangulation station in the Santa Lucia Mountains.
California, Santa Lucia Mountains
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George Blair setting up for triangulation observations somewhere on the Big Sur coastline.
California coastline
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Departing from station on Morro Rock in Morro Bay. Taking the boat for a walk to get back to shore at low tide.
California, Morro Bay
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Lieutenant Charles Pierce, chief of party, proceeding to triangulation station on top of Morro Rock. At high tide it was only a foot or two deep.
California, Morro Bay
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An offshore triangulation station location. The white is bird guano.
California coastline
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Jack Bachtel waiting for the boat to pick him up from an offshore triangulation station.
California coastline
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In southern California there were many stations on offshore rocks. An observing party is leaving a station with Lieutenant Charles Pierce in the boat and Ensign William Tucker waiting to jump on board.
California coastline
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Floyd Risvold and Lieutenant William Tucker packing into a station south of Monterey.
California, Santa Lucia Mountains
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Station on the sand dunes on the southern California coast.
California, Southern

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Last Updated:
April 23, 2007