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Put a Salmon on Your Plate!
How Can I Put a Salmon on My Plate?
Why Should I Support the Salmon License Plate Program?
Read Recent News Releases
Help Promote Salmon Plate Sales
How Do Salmon License Plates Help Oregon's Salmon and Watersheds?
State Parks Projects Funded by Salmon Plates
Watershed Improvements Funded by Salmon Plates
How Can I Put a Salmon on My Plate?
Oregon License Plate - Salmon Design When you buy a new or used vehicle, tell the salesperson you want a salmon license plate, or when registering your vehicle ask the DMV for a salmon plate. You may also choose to replace your exisiting plates at anytime, or you may request a salmon license plate when you renew. For more information about how to purchase a salmon plate, visit the Oregon DMV Website.
Select a salmon plate when you purchase a vehicle.  You pay $30 on top of other registration fees plus a one-time $5 plate fee. (If you now have a salmon plate, transfer it to your new
vehicle-$6 fee.)
- OR –
Switch to a salmon plate when you renew your plate.  Pay $30 extra plus a one-time $10 plate and replacement fee.
- OR –
Don’t wait—switch now!  Pay $30 extra plus a one-time $15 plate and replacement fee.
- AND –
Consider the salmon plate for your personal plate—the design nicely highlights your personal message.

Why Should I Support the Salmon License Plate Program?
Putting a salmon on your plate is a great way to become a partner in the Oregon Plan for Salmon and Watersheds. When you pay an additional $30 for your two-year passenger car license plate, $15 is granted by the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board directly to projects that address road-related impacts to salmon and trout streams. The remaining $15 goes to the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department to promote the Oregon Plan and support fish habitat restoration in state parks.
Since the beginning of the salmon license plate program in 1997, OWEB and OPRD have each invested more than $2.5 million.

Read Recent News Releases
Salmon license plate funds replace seven culverts blocking fish passage
Projects underway to open up crucial fish habitat in Umpqua River basin

New culvert brings "surprising" number of fish to stream
Revenues from salmon license plates contribute $62,700  

New culvert restores fish passage immediately
Culvert replaced on Coal Bank Creek, tributary of Lobster Creek near Alsea

Salmon license plate funds open 16 miles of streams to fish
OWEB allocates $219,400 for three road-related projects
Fish will return to 16 miles of streams and erosion will be reduced on 7.5 miles of road as a result of three projects restoring fish habitat and improving water quality with grant funding from more than $219,000 in salmon license plate revenues. ...more...

Salmon Plate information easier to find on Web
Salmon license plate information now faster, easier to find on Web

Salmon plate sales register gain
Sales of salmon license plates increased slightly during the past fiscal year providing $648,000 for water quality and stream improvements along roadsides and in state parks to support healthy salmon populations. ...more...  

Salmon plate funds open 24.5 miles of streams
OWEB allocates $350,000 in plate receipts
Fish will return to nearly 25 miles of streams as a result of six projects restoring fish habitat and improving water quality in watersheds throughout Oregon with grant funding from more than $350,000 in salmon license plate revenue.  ...more...

Help Promote Salmon Plate Sales
Help promote plate sales
Individuals and organizations can help spread the word about the benefits of salmon plates.
We have an eye-catching brochure describing how to buy salmon license plates
and the many reasons to do so.  Consider distributing copies where you work or to organizations where you are a member.
View the brochure.
A coloring page with a plate replica and maze show kids how to save water, keep water clean and give fish a home. Suitable for elementary school aged children.
View the coloring page.

You can order quantities by contacting:
             Maribeth Mattson
            (503) 986-0202
Newsletter editors
We have ready-made ads of varying sizes for inserting into publications in both .tiff and .psd formats [here].
Newsletter articles of different lengths are available for placement in your publication. Check for updated articles periodically [here].

Feel free to use these graphic images of the salmon plate, designed by Otter Rock artist and commercial fisherman Herb Goblirsch, in your publication. Click on the thumbnails below to download the full-size images in .tiff format:

(1.17 mb)

(2.12 mb)
If you have other ideas or questions regarding plate promotions, contact:
Monte Turner
Oregon Plan Communications Coordinator
(503) 986-0195

How Do Salmon License Plates Help Oregon's Salmon and Watersheds?
Since creation of the salmon license plate, the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department has received more than $2.5 million in revenue from plate sales. And, although the legislation that created the salmon plate does not require the department to earmark the money for salmon restoration, OPRD is investing tens of thousands of dollars each year in park projects in each management area to improve salmon habitat.
The projects range from efforts to restore salmon-friendly stream flows to increasing public awareness of what is being done, and what needs to be done, to improve salmon runs.
Your salmon plate purchases also provide funds used in the OWEB grant program to support projects that remedy road-related impacts to salmon and other fish and wildlife in waterways.
Funds Dedication     Salmon plate funds granted by OWEB are reserved for road-related improvements addressing specific impacts to native Oregon fish [ORS 805.256(1)(a)].  Past projects have included road improvements to reduce sediment in nearby waterways, replacement of fish-blocking culverts, and bridge construction to allow fish passage.
Project Selection     All OWEB grant applications are reviewed by regional committees.  As road-related projects are approved, OWEB grants salmon license plate funds for the projects.  Priority is given to projects sponsored by private landowners and local governments where sufficient funding is not currently available.

State Parks Projects Funded by Salmon Plates
project list provides information about specific state park projects in each area of the state that will be completed during the 2005-2007 budget period using salmon license plate funds.
summary provides an overview of state park projects completed or under way that are funded by salmon license plate purchases.

Watershed Improvements Funded by Salmon Plates
Since the salmon license plate program was created in 1997, funds from purchases have supported a wide variety of road-related projects to improve water quality, fish habitat and fish passage in nearly every region of Oregon.  The map below provides project summaries of projects in specific watershed basins.

Malheurowyhee Lakes Basin Klamath Rouge South Coast South Coast Umpqua Powder Grande Ronde Deschutes Willamette North Coast Hood Umatilla Lower Columbia Lower Columbia

Click on your basin to read about local projects made possible by your salmon license plate purchases and the OWEB grant program.

Page updated: July 29, 2007

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